Home > Darius(6)

Author: E. Broom






Darius was led back into the library where he saw his brothers sitting down laughing with the Regents.


Beck saw him first, "So did you accept the Kingship?"


"Is that even a word?" Guy asked his brother.


Darius shook his head at his brothers and sighed, "It would seem like I did, at least I don't remember saying yes or no."


"Well if you didn’t say no, then you did" Guy supplied helpfully.


Darius rolled his eyes, "I’m to meet the High King again tomorrow so he can tell me more of my role." He looked to the Regents, "and he said I should talk to you guys as well as his inner circle."


"You should," Regent Summers said, "and if you have any idea of who you want for your inner circle, you should invite them here to stay as well, so they can learn their new duties."


Darius flopped down into the nearest chair and sighed, Regent Washington walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Darius, you are not alone in this.” He said. Darius looked up at him, “We all want this to work, we have your back.”


“I know,” he said, “the High King told me you would all help me, it is just all a little overwhelming.”


“A little?” Guy asked, “I imagine it will be very overwhelming very soon.”


Darius snorted, and chuckles were heard around the room. Beck slapped the back of his head, “What the hell bro?” he said rubbing it.


“That’s really not helping Darius is it?” Tobeck said to him.


“What? I’m just saying that, he has only had a little info, there is much more to learn.” Guy pointed out. “It’s bound to be more overwhelming before it gets better.”


Beck went to say something, but stopped when Regent Holland said, “You are quite right Guyler, but it’s probably not wise to point that fact out at this juncture.”


Guy looked over to his oldest brother and noticing the look of stress on his face. “Sorry bro.”


Darius smiled at him, “No probs, I have a feeling it’s going to get worse before it gets better.”


There was silence for a moment before Regent Salmon said, “We’ve invited the High Kings inner circle to dinner this evening so that you can meet them. They have all made themselves available for as long as you need them.”


“With so many people helping you,” Guy said, “What could possible go wrong?”


Beck groaned and for the second time in ten minutes hit his younger brother on the back of the head.


“Stop hitting me,” Guy said, rubbing the same spot as before.


“You just had to put that out there didn’t you?” Beck said, in disgust,


“What?” Guy asked, confused.


Darius just shook his head, there were going to be problems no matter what his little brother said.


“So,” Said Beck turning to Darius and ignoring Guy, “Did the High King say why he chose you to be the next High King? He must have realised choosing a Travellian was a mad idea.”


“Yeah, he said that he searched different paranormal groups until he found me. He watched me for a while to see what kind of man I was.”


“He sent somebody to spy on you?” Guy asked, shocked.


“No, he looked himself via his scrying mirror, which I have to tell you is the biggest scrying mirror I have ever seen, and then when he was sure about me, he decided to come and visit me.”


“He what?” Regent Salmon asked, sounding shocked.


Darius looked at the Regents, it seemed they didn’t know that bit.


“Yes,” he said, “He along with his Major Domo come to Westerly not long ago. They came to my house one evening. I fed them and offered them a place to stay for the night.” He looked at the Regents. “I didn’t know who he was at the time, we chatted and I lead him to the spare room, so he could sleep. When I got up the next morning they had both gone. There was a note on the table thanking me for my hospitality and some money for room and board.”


“That was the money you donated to charity?” Beck queried.


Darius nodded, “I didn’t need it, they did.” He said quickly bushing over that bit. “The High King told me that meeting me just confirmed what he thought about me. He said he spoke to all of you,” Darius said looking at the Regents, “Then he spoke to the seers and the Oracle and so here I am, now apparently heir to the Paranormal Kingdom.” He paused, “I still think it was a mistake to pick me.”


“The High King vary rarely makes mistakes in something this important.” Regent Holland said. Still confident that the High King had chosen well.


Darius looked at his brothers. “Oh and by the way,” he said, with a shit eating grin at his brothers, “you are both now Princes as well. Congratulations,”






Frank Wilks was standing talking with his sons Henry and Tudor. They were talking about Darius and watching the progression of a man walking from group to group talking to people. He didn’t seem to stay with one group for very long, a few minutes at most and then moved onto the next group. Now it seemed that he was on his way to talk to them.


They stopped talking when the man joined them and stared at him. He was around six feet two, of a medium build, with long blond hair which stopped at his waist. He was dressed in black dress pants and a button down shirt, and carried a messenger bag slung over his shoulder, signalling that he was a wizard.


Chadden wasn’t used to feeling nervous, but he suddenly was. He remembered his teachings, that shifters could smell nerves and fear, dragons even more so, so locked those feeling down as far as he could. He wouldn’t do to show weakness.


“Hello,” he said.


The group nodded to him but didn’t say anything.


“What do you think about a Travellian sitting on the throne?” he asked them, coming straight to the point.


“Ah, I thought it was you, the voice of descent earlier.” Frank said to him.


“Chadden Jenkins,” he introduced himself.


“I’m Frank Wilks, these are my sons Tudor and Henry,” he said, nodding at his sons.


“Well?” he demanded, “Don’t you care, that a Travellian, had become heir and will soon be sitting on the throne?”


“Not really,” Frank said.


Chadden wasn’t expecting that answer, but he had been hearing this a lot from the others he had spoken to. He had yet to find anyone that was as angry as he was. Now he was confused. “Why not?” he asked.

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