Home > Parker(34)

Author: Linzi Basset

“You’re right. I’ll make sure they’re all aware of the theme for the ball and games planned. Is that it?” Alexa asked, inching to the edge of the chair.

“For now.” Stone gestured to Ace. “Please give feedback on your progress to Ace. I’d like him to oversee the event.”

Ace smiled at Stone. “Thanks, cuz. It’ll be my pleasure.”

“How about a fill up on some lattes, Alexa?”

“Already on its way,” she snipped at Shane with her nose tilted like she was insulted that he’d even had to ask.

“Please ask Danton to join us. He’s in the operation’s hub at the moment.” Stone smiled at Alexa.

She nodded and left after a brief glare at Shane who had been watching her throughout the discussion. His taunting chuckle accompanied her as she left.

They chatted about the upcoming event until Danton arrived along with Alexa carrying the lattes and biscotti.

“She might be a snip but she’s a damn good PA,” Shane said in appreciation as he bit into the chocolate almond biscotti once she exited the room.

“Right, back to work.” Stone got up and stretched lazily. “Thanks for joining us, Danton.”

“Of course,” Danton gruffed as he leaned over and picked out two biscotti. “You always have the best snacks here.”

After the chuckles and affirmation around the table died, Stone looked at Parker. “Any further information on David Yale?”

“Yeah, we verified the information I alluded to at our meeting with President Grayson.” Parker tapped open a folder on his tablet and flicked it to the monitor against the wall. “For all intents and purposes, Yale had been presenting a supporting front to the President and his Constituents.”

“Meaning it’s all a front?” Ace sat forward as he studied the photos of a gray-haired male in the presence of a variety of foreigners. “From appearances and memory, I’d say the vast majority of his companions are from Russia, China, and it looks like Syrians?”

“You'd be correct,” Zeke interjected. “The intel we gathered as far back as 2010 indicates that Yale had business dealings with Russian, Chinese, Syrian, and Belarus affiliates through his banking institutions.”

“All countries who are allies of Russia. Is it a legitimate business or is it a major cover up for money laundering?” Kane frowned as he opened the folder Parker slid toward him. As the financial guru of the group, he was the best one with insight into money matters.

“We can’t find anything concrete and up till now, there has never been any charges or suspicions raised against him or any of the financial institutions he owns.” Parker pulled the onscreen photos and flicked more to appear on the monitor.

“Because there was none or because he’s the best friend of the President of the United States?” Hawk said caustically.

“Your guess is as good as mine. Until we have more information on those individuals, we can only assume it’s been legitimate business dealing.” Parker pointed at the screen. “However, these photos indicate that Yale has been colluding on much higher levels lately. These pictures are as recent as eight months. The man with him is Sergei Ivanon, the Director of Russian Foreign Intelligence.”

“Fucking hell,” Hawk muttered. “Ivanon used to be a Russian spy before he took the position. What the devil would someone like Yale have to do with a man like that? He’s a straight-out emotionless monster.”

“Which is why we dug deeper into Yale’s life,” Zeke interjected and flicked a couple of dockets onto the screen. “These are current bank statements from foreign banks under ten assumed names.”

“Let me guess. All of them lead back to David Yale,” Danton squinted at the screen. “Fuck, I need to have my eyes tested. I can’t see shit.”

“Old age, old timer,” Ace taunted him and passed on the folder Parker slid across the table.

“Shut your mouth, pup,” Danton grunted as he paged through the dockets. “Sweet Jesus. There are billions in these accounts, not to mention the movement of money in either direction on a monthly basis.” He glanced at Kane. “What do you make of this?”

“At a guess, I’d say those accounts have been set up to finance something major. The deposits vary but the expensed amounts don’t and they’re on the same dates every two weeks.” Kane studied the statements with a deep frown. “Would you be able to dig deeper into this and find out where it came from and who the recipients are of the payments, Zeke?”

“Parker is already working on it but getting information isn’t easy. It’s going to take us a couple of days if not a week or two to get through their firewalls.” Zeke’s fingers ratted on the desk. “One thing we can say without a doubt, is that Yale isn’t who the President believes him to be.”

“What about his disappearance? Have you picked up anything on his U.S. bank accounts that could indicate he’s in hiding and not been abducted like everyone believes?” Shane sipped his latte as he studied the intel on the monitor.

“Locally, nothing but there have been several withdrawals from South African and Caymans bank accounts via ATMs in and around Toronto in Canada.” Parker typed a command on his tablet and flicked the result on the screen. “That beach house is actually a farmhouse in Cherry Valley on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Before his wife’s death, it was registered in her name. Later, I found documentation indicating he’d sold the farm and all the holiday homes the family had owned. Based on records, he did.”

“But clever Mr. Yale didn’t actually sell the farms or all the homes; five of them were transferred to five different owners. All associated with assumed names of those foreign bank accounts,” Zeke interjected.

“And this specific home is registered under the name Levi Griffith.” Parker pointed at the screen.

“LG, hmm. Isn’t that what his oldest son used to be called? If memory serves, he used to be a pro-football player,” Danton said.

“You’d be correct. His full names were Leon Levi Griffith Yale. The other four homes were registered to names relating to each of his three other children and wife.” Parker folded his arms across his chest. “The withdrawals in Toronto lead us to believe that he’s taken residence in that beach house.”

“Residence? Without telling his best friend that he’s going to disappear for a while? I’d rather say he’s hiding out there and in cahoots with Sergei Ivanon, planning something detrimental to the President.” Hawk speculated aloud.

“Either that or he’s hiding from him,” Parker said dryly.

“What about the organization you mentioned, Parker? Could he be involved with that?” Stone began to pace.

“That has been our suspicion from the get-go but we’re still looking into it.” Parker shook his head. “They’re fucking clever and obviously have expert programmers working for them. We’re struggling to find a breakthrough.”

“Experts like your little Dancer perhaps?” Kane said in a low voice.

Parker considered the accusation before he responded. “At first, it was something I considered but since I hacked into her system without her knowing and have been monitoring every keystroke she made over the past five weeks, no. Ava is definitely not involved with that organization.”

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