Home > Parker(44)

Author: Linzi Basset

“This is so unfair,” she mumbled under her breath.

“If you stayed in your room and did what I told you to, you wouldn’t be in this position, now would you?” he said in a dry tone with his attention on running a diagnostic on the second framework before he dismantled it.

“I’ll go finish now.”

“Too late. Now, be a good girl and be quiet.”

For someone who was used to being alone with only her own voice as company, it was relatively difficult to do that. Something that became impossible the longer she watched them work. She was duly impressed with Parker’s work ethic as he systematically locked down one system after the other. At the same time, she was slightly irked that he didn’t have to ask her one question through it all. She’d always believed her system had the highest and best level of security. That no one would be able to crack it remotely and even less in here. Now more than ever, she realized that she’d completely underestimated his skill and level of intelligence. He made her feel like a startup hacker.

“My arms are getting sore,” she said softly as attempts to wiggle them for relief had proven fruitless. They were stretched too much for any give. “And my calves are cramping.” Neither complaints were a ruse. She was truly in pain. Not to mention the urgent need to pee but she refused to embarrass herself in front of Danton to voice that out loud.

“Ah, poor baby,” Parker cooed as he walked toward her. “Let me see if I can help.”

“Yes, by untying me,” she lilted in a pleading voice.

“Not until we’re done.” His smile stumped her expectation of empathy. She groaned as his fingers ran with expertise over her muscles to gently massage away the knots and cramps. “Better?”

“A little,” she admitted grudgingly as she pressed her thighs together in a desperate attempt to control her bladder. The copious amounts of sodas and water she’d consumed on the way from the airfield suddenly came back to laugh at her. “Can you please come closer?” she whispered with a quick glance at Danton who wasn’t paying any attention to them but she still couldn’t bring herself to speak of her need.

Parker’s eyebrow crawled higher. Her libido did a flurry of quicksteps which only managed to exacerbate her need to relieve herself. “Please, I need to ask you something.”

He leaned down. For a moment, Ava soaked in his mighty presence, overwhelmed at the reaction every nerve ending had whenever he stood this close to her.

“I … er,” she cleared her throat and whispered urgently in his ear, “I need to pee.”

“Hmm, we’re trying to get this wrapped up before the end of the day, love. Hold it for a while longer, would you?”

“No!” she spat in a panic as he moved away. She stared at him beseechingly. Her face popped red as his eyes moved to her crossed legs. “I need to go!”

“You are truly a hindrance, Ava, which is exactly the reason I didn’t want you here,” Parker said.

“Well, excuse me for being a human being with normal needs,” she snapped back, just as irritated that she had to beg to go to the freaking toilet.

Ava cringed as his eyes darkened. The flash of danger was a sure sign that she’d just challenged the devilish Dom in him.

“Very well.” He untied the belt from the rack and took off toward her bedroom, leaving her to run to keep up with his long strides. He stopped in front of the toilet, smirking as she held out her hands. “No.”

Again, just one word and with it came a world of promise. In that moment, she realized his intent and she tried to back away. His hold on her bound wrists kept her in place.

“What’s the matter, Ava? I thought you had an urgent need to pee?”

“I do but I prefer to do it myself and … alone.”

“I suppose you do, but then again, one doesn’t always get what one wants, correct?”

Ava shrieked as he unceremoniously unzipped her jeans and with two tugs pulled them down to her ankles. Her white lace panties followed suit. Her face exploded with heat as he lifted the toilet lid and pressed her down to sit.

“Keep your legs spread and get to it, Ava. You have two minutes. If you don’t pee, you’ll keep it in until we’re done.”

She glared at him but he didn’t budge. He held her hands aloft as he took a step back, allowing him a perfect view of her exposed girlie parts. She was tempted to close her legs but the glint in his eyes warned her it would be detrimental to certain parts of her body.

“I can’t pee with you watching me like that!”

“You better, because as they say in the movies, time's ticking.”

Ava did her best to ignore his big ass body but those hot eyes waiting for her to pee was an entirely different story. She tried but with him a step away, she couldn’t urinate.

“I’ve heard it helps if one opens a tap when you have difficulty peeing.”

Ava’s eyes widened as he unzipped his cock and stepped closer. “I’ve got the next best thing, seeing as I suddenly have an equal need to relieve myself.

“You’re not seriously going to … you’re not … oh, my god,” Ava wailed as he did just that. He peed, aiming the strong golden stream with acute accuracy to splash against her clit. She jerked and her gaze dropped to watch. Heat sparked to life and rushed through her veins. It was inconceivable that in a blink of an eye, she was on the verge of a climax. Her bladder relaxed without a conscious thought from her. She shuddered as she was all too conscious that they were urinating … together. The fact that it triggered an unexpected climax to ripple through her completely discombobulated her. Something that was this private, this intimate should never be shared, and to climax in the wake of it … it was unheard of. Ava clenched her hands and lowered her chin as she struggled to ride the wave of pleasure that seemed never ending. Her pussy spasmed long after Parker had zipped his cock back up.

Ava tried to push his hand out of the way as he attempted to dry her with toilet paper. "Stop that! I can do it myself." He ignored her and adroitly continued. "I can't believe you just did that." She sounded petulant at best, perhaps because she was so shocked at her own sexual reaction to what in her books was total perversion.

Parker glanced at her. It peeved her that he was completely at ease, although his usual stoic expression when he was in perfect Dom mode was still in place.

"Let that be a lesson, my pet." To her further distress, he used a hot cloth to thoroughly clean her before he pulled up her jeans.

"Of what?" She was too annoyed to curb the sharpness of her tone as she watched him wash his hands.

"Never challenge me, Ava. You'll always lose."

"I wasn't aware we were in a race," she grumbled and snubbed at his amused chuckle. "Don't you dare laugh at me!"

"Oh, I wouldn't dare, love."

His hand tightened on the belt and dragged her closer.

“It seems you forgot one of my key rules, my pet.” His voice was painted in rippling darkness. Ava chose not to respond. It wasn’t a question, so silence was the safer option. “Don’t think I won't take care of that misdemeanor later tonight.” He smiled as she stubbornly refused to look at him. He tugged on the belt. “Come, it’s getting late.”

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