Home > Parker(46)

Author: Linzi Basset

“Is that order coming from you or Sergei?”

Olov’s chin jutted out in anger. “You fucking know who is in charge of the operation.”

“The way you’re throwing your weight around makes me wonder.” Darius brushed off an invisible piece of flint from his jacket sleeve. He straightened his tie. “Why now? It’s somewhat ahead of time, don’t you think?” He knew he was being pushy but he’d had it with always being the one on the short end of the rope. It was time he asserted himself … even against the Russians.

“The reason has nothing to do with you. All that’s required from you is to follow orders.”

Darius tried to stare Olov down but his eyelids fell before the blackened glare of the intimidating man across the desk.

“Are you going to give the Organization problems, Spooner? I detect a certain amount of aggression from you.” His eyes narrowed as he noticed the red spots forming on his cheeks. “Have you shifted sides?” Olov stood up and leaned forward with his weight resting on his fists in the middle of the desk. “Are you a fucking American spy against us now?”

“Don’t be stupid. It’s a legitimate question.” He stabbed a finger against his chest as he finally verbalized his frustration with Sergei Ivanon. “I worked hard to set up those sleeper cells. I provided invaluable information in the successful establishment of SPEONUS.” His lips turned into an angry smirk. “I should be on the fucking board.” His fist landed on the arm of the chair. “It’s what Sergei promised but I’ve yet to be invited to one … one fucking meeting of the Order.” His finger pointed stiffly into the air. “I’m not a lowly order taker, Olov. Best you remember that.”

“Well, well, well. So that’s the fire Sergei saw in you.” Olov sat back down and steepled his hands together over his stomach. “It’s not often Sergei misjudges a chosen spy but I’ve had my doubts … until now.”

“Is there a point to your jabbering?” Darius could feel his chest rising at the praise. It boosted his ego and gave him an injection of bravado to assert himself even more.

“Unfortunately, patience doesn’t seem to be one of your virtues.” Olov held up his hand as Darius opened his mouth. “One thing I’d have thought you knew about Sergei by now is that he is exceedingly cautious when it comes to trusting anyone. He’s not going to jeopardize a plan that has been in the making for a decade by allowing just anyone into SPEONUS.”

“I gave him the names of every member he sourced for the Order! I know every operational plan in the making. In case you forgot, I’m the one who outlined the majority of them. How the fuck doesn’t that qualify me to be on the inside?”

“You were involved in the startup process, Spooner. A lot has changed since then. Many … er, how shall I say this, top ranking government officials have joined SPEONUS in the past couple of years.”

Darius was taken aback. Once again, he was being undermined. Used and then scoffed at like he didn’t matter. For years he’d been working alongside the Russians to establish a hold over the U.S. government with one goal in mind … that he’d end up as the Speaker of Congress at least. A position most favorably held by the Vice President of the United States. Now it became clear that he was never in the running, no matter the hollow promises Sergei had made.

All his dreams came crumbling down. He was so fucking tired of being used for the gain of power to others. Like so many times in his life, his choices failed him.

Olov shifted uncomfortably in the chair under the murdering glare of the large man. He didn’t like the glint of hatred in his eyes. For the first time, he saluted Sergei’s caution to keep him on a tight reign.

“Don’t read too much in it, Spooner. Sergei has a special position in mind for you. One that would be much more rewarding than you could ever imagine.” Olov had to pacify him, keep him calm until he could report back to Sergei. He was too important to get the sleeper cells activated in a specific order to lose him now.

Darius got up. “I’m not interested in your smooth talk, Olov. I’m not an idiot. I can see right through your lies. I want to talk to Sergei directly. You tell him I’m not doing fuck all until he personally tells me where I fit into the picture of the new United States.”

“He’s not going to like this, Spooner. He expects us to start working on the protocol immediately.”

“I don’t give a shit,” he spat in return. “I’m the one with a red target on my back. I’m the one at risk of exposure and ending up either dead or locked up for life. I believed all the promises up to now. Unless I have verified guarantees from Sergei, not one of those fucking sleeper cells is going to come out to play.” He smirked as he noticed Olov go pale. “Yeah, in that I hold the power. You have no idea where they are or how to activate them. The success of the entire coup depends on me at this point, Olov. It would do all of you well to remember that.”

He strolled out of the door, appearing nonchalant and in control. On the inside, his stomach was in a knot, his legs rubbery, and fear laced his mind as he descended the stairs—expecting retaliation in the form of a knife in the back or a bullet through the brain.

He only relaxed when he walked back into his office and fell into the chair behind his desk. He stared at his hands and realized he was trembling. At this stage, he wasn’t sure if it was in fear of the retaliation he expected from Sergei to the brazen threats he’d made or anger at having been duped … again.

Darius was surprised when the burner phone in his pocket began to vibrate. Even more so when he recognized the number as Sergei’s. The knot in his stomach tightened.

“Yes.” He continued with his bravado by snapping into the phone.

“Olov informs me you have a problem.”

“Indeed.” Darius was annoyed enough to ignore the warning tone in Sergei’s voice. It was time all of them treated him with the respect he deserved.

“What is bothering you, Comrade?”

“I’m not stupid, Sergei. Olov would’ve told you what it is. Don’t treat me like a lowly soldier in your army. I fucking paid my dues to you many times over. I proved my worth. I will not be treated like a piece of shit and cast aside like I don’t matter.”

“Now isn’t the time for childish tantrums, Spooner. If we don’t act soon, the entire operation is going to fail.”

“What operation, pray tell? It seems I’ve been left out of the loop over the past couple of years. You made promises to me, Sergei. Unless you honor them, I’m. Not. Doing. Shit.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game, my friend.”

“One thing I know without a shadow of a doubt, is that I’m not your friend. Dangerous or not, I joined your ranks with one goal in mind and you know what that is. I’ve come to realize that since I’m not allowed in the sacred hallways of SPEONUS, it’s never going to come to fruition. You lied to me, Sergei. You never intended me to play a significant role in the new United States.” He snorted loudly. “Listen and hear me well, Director Ivanon, my sleeper cells are going to remain in slumber for as long as it takes you to give me what I want.”

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