Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(23)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(23)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

“You’ve been in Aerius too long. Out here, baby’s don’t need planning.” Amaya grinned, then launched into a detailed explanation of all that they’d been doing.



Sapphire slipped back up to the house, giving Sir Matthias space to reconnect with his family. She leaned against the doorframe and counted in her head, letting it comfort her as it had when she was a child.

Leanne waved from the kitchen. “Commotion started already?”

“Johnathon and Amaya arrived. Looks like more are coming.”

“Always a big to do when Matthias comes home. Only see him a few times a year, and then only for a few days. Even now, he has to go back for something.”

“Duke Valerian’s ball.”

Leanne shook her head. “Always figured he’d go places, but I never thought he’d be going to fancy parties with the Hero of Tamryn or having supper with the king.”

“Sir Matthias is amazing.”

“That he is,” Leanne said. “Though I’d always thought he’d go down Thalia’s path.”

“But he’s such a perfect Knight of Valor.”

“Sure enough. I asked him once why he chose Dracor over Thalia. He told me there would be more compassion and light in the world if there was justice, and he thought he could help bring justice.” Leanne stared off into the distance a moment, a smile on her lips as she reminisced.

Sapphire glanced out at her husband. He was an amazing man. Kind. Compassionate. Noble.

His light made the shadow Rashalee cast within Sapphire seem all the darker. Sapphire swallowed hard and stared down at her shoes.

“Do you know how to make ginger cookies?” Leanne asked.

Sapphire shook her head.

“I’ll show you. They were his favorite as a boy. He’s always had a sweet tooth.”

Sapphire joined Leanne, talking and laughing as Sapphire did her best to help with the cookies rather than be in the way. Leanne plated the finished treats and handed the tray to Sapphire.

“Go on and take these outside. You’re about to become the most popular person on the farm.”

Smiling, Sapphire did as Leanne asked, joining what seemed like a holiday celebration with the number of folks chatting in the yard and the kids chasing each other.

Sir Matthias was examining a small child’s arm, his head bent low as he spoke to the little boy. The Knight of Valor called the healing light, and he placed his hand on the child’s arm. After a moment, he patted the boy’s shoulder and sent him over to Sapphire as he spoke with the boy’s mom.

The boy took a cookie from the plate and held out his arm to Sapphire. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“What happened?”

“Fell off the roof when I was helping Poppa fix the thatching. We were waiting until the Priestess of Thalia came through again, but Sir Matthias patched it right up. And he has a sword.”

Sapphire smiled and offered the boy a second cookie. He snatched it and ran after the other kids.

Several other people approached Matthias, and he appeared genuinely happy to see each of them and listen to whatever they told him. He spoke with them for a bit, then he summoned the same golden light.

Sapphire glanced over at Celena. “How often does a Priestess of Thalia come through here?”

“Every few months. Lotta distance for them to cover between villages.”

“Doesn’t it worry you that the only healers around here are so far away?”

“We’ve all learned to take care of the more common ailments.” Celena grimaced. “Except for Mrs. Witherspoon. None of us have figured out a cure for her except Matthias.”

“A cure for her?”

“Crankiest woman this side of the White River. Only person who can make her smile is Matthias.” Celena nodded toward an older woman with gray hair and a scowl. “Knew she’d come around when word got out that he was home.”

“He has a way with people.”

“Don’t know how he does it, especially with her.”

“Perhaps I should go rescue him. Tell him Leanne needs him.”

“You’re a good wife,” Celena said. “And be careful to stay out of Mrs. Witherspoon’s sights. She can be a mean one.”

Sapphire gave Celena the tray of ginger cookies, and her sister-in-law popped one into her mouth, then waved to Sapphire.

Taking a deep breath, Sapphire prepared for battle. She’d spent a fair amount of time in Aerius’s drawing rooms and was well acquainted with how vicious some women could be. Mrs. Witherspoon might have them all beat, but Sapphire doubted it.

As she drew closer, Sir Matthias waved her over.

“Mrs. Witherspoon, I’d like you to meet my wife, Sapphire Northland.”

The older woman studied her. “Looks like one of those pretty, useless girls.”

Matthias slipped an arm around Sapphire’s waist. “That wasn’t kind.”

“Look at her hands. Smooth as a babe’s. No one’s washing dishes or peeling potatoes with those.”

“You’re right. Sapphire does neither of those things back home, but she still deserves kindness. You wouldn’t much like it if Sapphire was mean to your daughter because she didn’t know how to take high tea with the queen, run a shipping business, or manage a hundred servants.”

Mrs. Witherspoon’s eyes narrowed. “You can do all that?”

Sapphire dipped her head. “My husband flatters me.”

“Why’d you have to go marry some girl from Aerius? Lots of nice ones around here.” Mrs. Witherspoon adjusted her shawl.

“But then they’d have to give up living here and come to Aerius with me.”

“Why couldn’t you come lead a church out here?”

Sir Matthias touched Mrs. Witherspoon’s shoulder. “Because Dracor needs me in Aerius.”

There was an earnestness in his words that silenced the older woman’s objections, and Sapphire decided it was an argument he’d had often. Probably with more people than just Mrs. Witherspoon.

Sir Matthias smiled at the older woman. “Do you still make those wonderful baby blankets? Like the ones I bought before?”

Mrs. Witherspoon’s eyes narrowed at Sapphire. “Is that why no one knew you were married ‘till you got here?”

Matthias slid an arm around Sapphire. “I hope one day that we’ll be blessed with children of our own. But this isn’t for us. A very close friend of mine and his wife are expecting their first child. I’d like to give it to them as a gift.”

Mrs. Witherspoon’s gaze never left Sapphire. “And who might that be?”

“Sir Marcus and Lady Brelynn.”

The old woman nearly choked. “You’re not giving the Hero of Tamryn something I made!”

“Of course I am. Especially when you make it with that super soft yarn you spin.”

Mrs. Witherspoon rubbed her chin. “It is soft yarn, and I could embroider a symbol of Dracor onto it.”

“It’ll be perfect. Thank you, Mrs. Witherspoon.”

The older woman grumbled something inaudible, and Matthias guided her toward the ginger cookies. He snitched one for himself and Sapphire, then led Sapphire towards the house.

She glanced back at Mrs. Witherspoon. “You made her afternoon. Probably her year. Will you really give a blanket she makes to Sir Marcus?”

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