Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter

Pirate Captain's Daughter
Author: Elizabeth Drake

Chapter 1



Sir Matthias caught himself staring at Sapphire as she laughed at a silly story he told her and one of the orphans. When he finished, she hugged the small child, then sat beside the boy and helped him write his letters again.

Matthias’s chest swelled, and a stupid smile pulled on his lips.

Twisting his hands in his pocket, Sir Mathias rehearsed again what he would say to her.

The words tangled on his tongue, and his thoughts knotted.

By Dracor, how could he be a High Knight and speaker for the Dragon Church when he was struggling to say a few words? Sir Matthias served the royal family, gave sermons before a cathedral filled with the most powerful nobles in the land, and issued official pronouncements in front of thousands. Yet one smile from Sapphire, and he reverted to an awestruck squire.

Matthias wrapped his hand around the amulet of Dracor he wore. A symbol of his faith, his membership in the Knights of Valor, and his commitment to justice and righteousness.

But Dracor had little to do with what he was feeling. That was the work of the Twin Goddesses of Love.

Sir Matthias tightened his grip on the pendant until the metal stung his fingers.

Sapphire was compassionate, kind, and loved by all the children in the orphanage. He wanted to court her properly, but first, he wanted her permission to talk to her family. To be introduced to them.

While Sapphire spoke little of her family, he would still need their permission to court her, even though he sensed she was not on the best terms with them. She was always careful not to use her surname, as though it was something she didn’t wish people to know. Perhaps it was tied to an old scandal.

Not that he cared.

A past indiscretion didn’t change the woman she was now, and that was the woman he wanted to court.

But if she already loved another…

Matthias’s throat tightened.

The other side of the Twin’s gift was Their curse.

Unrequited love.

But Sapphire hadn’t said no, hadn’t rejected him. Not yet. He at least had to ask.

Her family might have higher aspirations for her than a farmer’s son, but Sir Matthias would convince them a farmer’s son Dracor had blessed was perfect for her.

But only if Sapphire agreed.

Sapphire patted the child’s shoulder she’d been helping, then stood and turned to Sir Matthias. “Priestess Rena needs help in the kitchen. I thought I might assist her.”

“Want help?”

“I was hoping you’d offer.” Color touched her cheeks as she smiled up at him, making her even more beautiful.

By the gods, he was a man in trouble.

Sir Matthias buried his response under a grin and followed her down to the kitchen. “I know my way around flour and a rolling pin. Don’t grow up in a family like mine without learning a few things.”

“I cannot imagine seven brothers.” Sapphire pressed a hand to her forehead, pretending to faint, then laughed and helped him gather up the ingredients.

Matthias sprinkled flour on the countertop, then mixed and rolled out the dough. He tapped his feet in time to his work.

Sapphire hid a smile behind her hand. “Are you practicing your dancing, Sir Matthias?”

“Of course not. It’s my fencing footwork.” He flourished his rolling pin, sending a spray of flour across his uniform.

Her smile widened. “It you weren’t a Knight of Valor, I’d say you were bluffing.”

He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief.

Chuckling, Sapphire leaned against the counter, and flour puffed up between them. It settled on her cheek.

Matthias gently rubbed his thumb over it, and his breath hitched. Her skin felt so soft, and the scent of sun-warmed roses mingled with the heat of her and sunk into him.

He should pull away, should apologize, but those thoughts vanished as she leaned into his palm and lowered her lashes.

Matthias’s pulse thundered in his ears, drowning out logic, drowning out reason. He wanted to kiss her, but more than that, he wanted the chance at forever with her.

Now was the time. He had to talk to her before his courage evaporated. Again. “Sapphire, I-”

She smiled at him, and his words vanished.

So much for being the speaker of the Dragon Church.

“Is everything all right, Sir Matthias?”

Her lips were inches from his. It would be so easy to lean forward and touch his to hers. “I, err…”

“Will you be joining us for the charity ball Lady Ashford is hosting for the orphanage?”

“Of course. You… will be there also?” He stumbled over his words like a lovesick youth, and Matthias silently cursed himself.

“I will.”

“Maybe you’ll save me a dance?”

“I would be delighted to save you a dance.”

He sucked in a breath, his carefully rehearsed speech having dissipated like smoke from a candle. But if he didn’t say something now, he never would. “I’d like your permission to talk to your father,” he blurted out, then cringed at his own gracelessness.

Sapphire arched one perfectly sculpted black brow as she stepped back from him. “Have I done something to offend you?”

“Nothing like that.” Sir Matthias sucked in a deep breath. “I’m making a mess of this. Please let me start again.”

She smiled at him, a beautiful expression that reached all the way to her eyes. “Anything for you.”

Her words and his reaction to them stained his cheeks red. “I’ve never met your father or your mother. I thought maybe I could. If you’d be okay with it.”

“I would be except-”

“Sir Matthias! Sir Matthias!” a squire cried as he raced into the kitchens.

Matthias bottled his frustration and turned to the young man. “How may I be of service?”

“Sir Leopold wants to see you right away. Says it’s urgent.”

“Sir Leopold says it’s urgent?”

“Says it’s about Sir Marcus, and you are to come to the Dragon Cathedral at once.”

The Dragon Church had been searching for Sir Marcus for more than a fortnight after a routine mission had gone awry. If something had happened to the legendary Hero of Tamryn…

Matthias’s fear of being rejected suddenly seemed petty and insignificant. “I have to go.”

“I understand,” Sapphire said. “I hope everything is okay.”

“It will be. We’ll make it be.”

“I hope I will still see you at Lady Ashford’s ball.”

His wobbly grin returned. “Let’s plan on it.”

Matthias’s heart soared as he followed the squire out of the orphanage and over to their horses. Strange how he could be so excited and yet so worried all at once. They had to find Sir Marcus, then Matthias needed to prepare for Lady Ashford’s ball. He was certain to meet Sapphire’s parents there. And he could ask them for permission after the ball.

“She’s even prettier than usual,” the squire said. “Must be the flour on her cheek.”

Sir Matthias blinked as he mounted his stead. “You mean Sapphire? You’re acquainted with her?”

“That’s Miss Darrington, right? The very wealthy, very beautiful, and very sought-after heiress. My brother talks about her all the time, and I saw her at a ball my family held.”

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