Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(30)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(30)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

“We look forward to having you all come visit us in Aerius whenever you can,” Sapphire said and hugged Leanne.

The way she smiled, Matthias knew Sapphire meant it.

His mother hugged her in return. “Careful what you promise. Never know how many of us will take you up on that offer.”

“I have plenty of bedrooms. You’re all welcome.”

Leanne patted Sapphire’s shoulder. “Take care of my boy. See that he gets enough to eat.”

“I will. I promise.”

Thomas nodded once, shook Matthias’s hand, then hugged him. “Take care up in Aerius. We’ll plan for you at the Festival of Light.”

“I’ll be here. May even bring some friends.”

“Friends of yours are always welcome,” his mother said.

Sir Matthias’s chest tightened. Just as he always did when he came home, he considered requesting a post out here close to his family. He could serve Dracor and oversee His faithful here.

But it wasn’t where Dracor needed him.

So many people needed him in Aerius, and he loved his work. Loved the church. Loved his friends. Maybe one day, he’d even have a family there to love as well.

He glanced over at Sapphire. Some things had changed between them, but more hadn’t. And while Sapphire had enjoyed the few days they’d spent on his family’s farm, she had obligations of her own. Part of the reason she’d married him was to protect the people that depended on her.

Matthias handed Sapphire into the carriage and climbed up beside her. They waved as the carriage drove down the lane and Thomas and Leanne faded behind them.

Slipping her arms around him, Sapphire leaned her head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to go either.”

“I worry about leaving them alone.”

She held him tighter. “They aren’t alone, and we’ll see them again soon. Less than a day’s carriage ride away, and maybe we can even convince them to come visit this winter. Lilly should become a page. She must start her training soon if she’s going to follow you into the Knighthood.”

“You think she wants that?”

“So do you, or you wouldn’t have brought her a practice sword.”

He held Sapphire closer. “You’re right. She’s growing up so fast. And without me.”

“Not without you. You know her and love her. You visit when you can, and you show her and all the rest of them that they can follow their calling. You’ll be surprised how many of your nieces and nephews come to stay with us as they chase their dreams.”

“I have a lot of nieces and nephews.”

“Good thing I have such a big house. Maybe we’ll have to air out a few more rooms.”

She meant it, he realized, and Matthias smiled. But his chest ached even more. Losing her would be far harder than leaving home had been.



Sapphire napped off and on in the carriage, but fatigue still nipped at her as they rolled through the city of Aerius.

A pulse of energy curled through her, and it wasn’t pleasant. She touched the pendant nestled beneath her gown. “I don’t think we should go home tonight.”

Matthias kissed her temple. “What’s bothering you?”

The more she thought about it, the more fear tightened her stomach. “If my grandfather went through the trouble of sending thugs out to your parents’ farm, he could have a nasty surprise waiting at my house. We should get rooms down by the Dragon Temple, or we could stay in your quarters at the Dragon Cathedral.”

“I hadn’t thought of that when we left, but you’re right. I know a couple of people whose homes are like fortresses. It would take a lot more than mercenaries to breach their security, and it’ll be more comfortable than my quarters for a married couple. One in particular I need to introduce you to right away.”

Sapphire sucked in a breath. “I don’t want to be an imposition.”

He hugged her. “They’re very good friends, and they’re already going to be hurt I didn’t invite them to our wedding. I was going to take you over to meet them tomorrow, but tonight would be better. And if I ask, they’ll let us stay with them for a few days while we get things settled with your house.”

“How upset will they be you didn’t invite them to the wedding?”

“They’ll pepper us with questions and fuss at us about the quick wedding, but it’ll be fine. Their house is comfortable, and while it’s not very romantic to stay with them as newlyweds, it’s better than my quarters at the Dragon Church on our wedding night.”

Sapphire stared up at her husband. She could only imagine the large wedding out at his family’s farm she’d deprived him of or the grand celebration he’d have had in Aerius surrounded by the most powerful people in the kingdom. Even King Eli and Queen Auburn would have attended.

A cold lump filled her chest. She had stolen so much from Sir Matthias, all in her quest to rid herself of her grandfather.

She was as bad as her mother had warned.

Sir Matthias hugged her. “Stop worrying. You’re safe, and we’re together. Nothing else matters.”

If not for him being a Knight of Valor renowned for never lying, Sapphire wouldn’t have believed him. Still, Leanne’s words teased her. Was it possible there was more between them than duty? Even if there was, would Dracor tolerate one of His own caring about someone tainted by Rashalee?

Sir Matthias had already given up so much to serve Dracor, Sapphire had no doubt he would divorce his wife if the Dragon God demanded it.

But would He?

Before she could ponder further, Sir Matthias rapped on the roof, then redirected the carriage driver. Sapphire didn’t hear where he sent them, but Matthias had promised they would be safe.

And she would deal with her grandfather to make sure they stayed that way. To make sure his family stayed that way.

After the attack on the Northland farm, her worst fears had been confirmed, but it had also proven that she wasn’t losing her mind from grief after her parents’ deaths. Captain Gregory Darrington had taught her that sometimes you needed to take a strong offensive position to protect yourself and your investments.

This was no different.

Sapphire planned her attack as the warmth of her husband soaked into her and reminded her why she fought. She would not lose Matthias as she had lost so much already. She would take the game to Lord Henry Carsons, increase his risk commensurate with the fortune he sought to steal.

Make him pay for the lives he’d shattered.

Her grandfather had rigged the rules of the game by having guardianship over her, by using his veto rights as to what she could do with her fortune.

But that had ended the day she’d married Sir Matthias.

Perhaps that alone was why her grandfather had sent men to kill them. Lord Carsons craved control. Julianna had warned her it was easier to give Henry Carsons what he wanted than face the consequences. While Sapphire’s mother had been wrong about many things, she had understood people. A skill Julianna had needed to survive her father.

But Sapphire had taken that control from her grandfather, and she wasn’t giving it back.

She could persuade Mr. Hewitt to aide her in her gambit against her grandfather, and her barrister may even have ideas of his own. It would also be easier to convince Sir Matthias to agree now that her grandfather had gone after his family.

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