Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(35)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(35)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

With that, the duchess turned and continued her stroll through the gardens as Milly led Sapphire up to her rooms.



Chapter 22



Make Sir Matthias very, very happy.

The words rang through Sapphire’s head as she followed the maid to a plush and well-appointed set of rooms.

Sinking down on a velvet-covered sofa, Sapphire pondered Lady Brelynn’s words and the way the duchess welcomed and accepted her, all for Sir Matthias.

The duchess was right. He deserved better. But Sapphire had no way of giving it to him. Not yet.

Her heart clenched, and she almost wished he hadn’t agreed to their bargain.


Rashalee had touched Sapphire, paving the way to her taking so much from another to meet her needs. And even knowing that, Sapphire was too corrupted to walk away and give Sir Matthias his freedom.

If she did, not only would she die, but all those that depended on her would be at the mercy of her grandfather. She wasn’t sure which was worse, especially as she thought about everything her mother told her over the years, all of Julianna’s fears, and her desperate need to be loved.

What little Sapphire knew of her grandfather, she could see Lord Carsons turning his back on the light and embracing the dark goddess if he thought it would benefit him. If he thought it would put him a notch higher than people like Captain Gregory Darrington.

Sapphire’s body ached from too much time in the carriage, and the strange thoughts spinning through her head did nothing to help.

But her father had taught her truth was seldom beautiful and almost always painful, but ignoring it didn’t change it. Better to accept a bad investment as such and take steps to fix it or sell it than hide from it.

This was no different.

As much as Sapphire wanted to shy away from everything Mara had said about the Carsons family, ignoring the truth only served Rashalee. Allowed Her lies to perpetuate.

But Sapphire didn’t know the truth, and she doubted she ever would. She could only guess at what had happened between her mother and grandfather, at the life her mother had led before marrying Captain Gregory Darrington.

Sapphire’s father had been kind and indulgent. More like a grandfather to her mother than a husband. Perhaps that was what her mother had needed more than anything. Someone who cared about her just for her.

Like Sapphire wanted now.

She balled her fists.

Captain Gregory Darrington had been a good man.

He’d deserved better.

Sapphire was done allowing Lord Henry Carsons any control over her life or her thoughts. And by the gods, she would do whatever it took to end his interference.

She’d started forming her plans in the carriage, and she would see them through. If money was the only thing that mattered to her grandfather, Sapphire would make it profitable to him to leave her alone. If he didn’t, he’d need more than her fortune to save himself.

And she’d start with his shipping empire. It was a source of wealth that fed few people, and rumors already swirled that Lord Carsons had killed Captain Darrington. She could give credibility to the rumor, use it to lure the best captains away from her grandfather.

Sapphire also owned many of the warehouses in Aerius, and her grandfather had written up preferential deals for his goods. Mr. Hewitt could start rewriting them all.

Small, incremental steps. Each a warning. Until she had to confront her grandfather directly.

And it would come to that. Sapphire was certain of it.

With her mind preoccupied, she barely heard the door open as Sir Matthias led servants carrying buckets of steaming water into the room. They poured them into a massive wooden tub lined with linen, then the servants left as quietly as they’d arrived.

“You’ve had a long day,” Sir Matthias said. “I figured a hot bath would feel good.”

Walking over to him, she stroked a hand down his cheek. He may not love her, but he was kind to her.

If she hadn’t been in love with him when she’d asked him to marry her, she’d be halfway there already.

In love with him. She nearly choked.

But turning away from the truth served no purpose here, either.

She wondered if he knew how much she loved him, how much she wanted him now and always.

If he didn’t, she feared telling him would make him feel obligated to stay with her, trap him further, and sink her deeper into the mire of Rashalee’s selfishness.

Sir Matthias thumbed over her lush lips, then leaned down and touched his mouth to hers. Heat speared through Sapphire, sliding through her veins and pooling in her stomach. Her thoughts silenced as his hard hands framed her face, softly, gently, while his lips teased over hers.

The scent of him wreathed her, rich and wholly masculine, as the heat of him sank through her velvet traveling gown. She parted her lips, offering him more, wanting all that he’d give.

His tongue slid between her lips, found her, and stroked.

Sensation sizzled through Sapphire, a whisper of what was possible.

And she wanted that, wanted him. She should curse Rashalee for the feelings that swamped her, but Sapphire couldn’t.

Not when it came to Matthias.

His mouth and tongue continued to play over hers, taunting, teasing as he worked the fastenings of her gown. He stroked the smooth flesh of her back, and she arched against his sword-calloused hands, reveling in the feel of them against her heated skin.

Sapphire gave herself over to the rising desire, letting it fill her, flow through her, and guide her responses. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he gave her.

Unfastening his uniform, she pushed it down and let her greedy fingers explore. Across his wide shoulders. Down the broad length of his back. Over the heavily muscled expanse of his chest. She teased her thumbs over his nipples, and his arms tightened around her as he plundered her mouth.

Stripping off her gown and stays, Matthias held her close as she shivered in her silk chemise. The heat of him warmed her, and she pressed closer, wanting more. Wanting all of him.

With one swift movement, he divested her of her last scrap of protection, exposing her to his view. Matthias stepped back a moment, a strange look softening his features.

“You are so soft, so beautiful,” he whispered, then pulled her back to him and took her mouth with his.

She gave, surrendering to the growing heat between them even as the wool of his trousers prickled against her tender flesh.

He lifted her and carried her to the large bath, settling her into the steaming water as he kicked off the rest of his clothes and joined her in the tub.

The water sloshed around them as he lifted her leg into his lap and rubbed her foot, then eased upward, massaging her calf and thigh before tickling the back of her knee. Setting that foot down, he lifted the other and subjected it to the same sensuous treatment.

Sapphire leaned back in the steaming tub of lavender scented water and let the heat and pleasure fill her. She felt like a hoyden, her legs spread on either side of her husband, leaving her open and vulnerable.

But she didn’t feel dirty or disgusting.

She felt beautiful. Powerful. Revered.

Matthias may not love her, but he did desire her, and that sparked her own need.

A naughty smile curved Sapphire’s lips as she slid forward in the tub and straddled her husband. Tipping her head back, she offered him her breasts, the hot water running in rivulets over her bare flesh.

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