Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(54)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(54)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

Their preparations were interrupted when a pair of guards dressed in royal livery swept through the room.

Lady Matilda glanced up from her lists. “Queen Auburn is here.”



Chapter 34



A second pair of guards escorted Queen Auburn into the room, and yet another set came in behind her along with two boys.

Prince Lucas and Prince Dylan.

While the queen was dressed in the finest silks and looked every bit as regal as her title, her smile and the gentle hand on her oldest son’s shoulder humanized her and made her approachable.

At least approachable enough that Sapphire allowed herself to breathe as she dropped into a low curtsy.

A part of her couldn’t believe she was this close to royalty. Couldn’t believe the queen of all the realm was in the same room with her, along with the boy who would one day be the next king of Tamryn.

It was all surreal, and while her mother would have done anything for such an opportunity, not even her noble lineage had entitled her to it. Sapphire was only here because of a farmer’s son.

Sir Marcus and Lady Brelynn came in from their walk, bowing and curtseying in turn.

“It’s a pleasure to see Your Highnesses,” Lady Brelynn said.

Queen Auburn smiled. “Prince Dylan has been most eager for his lessons.”

“I slipped.” The boy hung his head.

Queen Auburn squeezed his shoulder. “An honest mistake. Talk to Lady Brelynn. Let her help you.”

Lady Brelynn smiled and offered the child her hand. “Mistakes happen. Was anyone hurt?”

He shook his head and took her hand. “I caught it in time.”

“Then you are learning. Let’s see what more we can do.”

Sapphire watched as the younger prince walked beside Lady Brelynn, talking and gesturing. It was the most animated she’d ever seen the boy, and the first time she’d ever seen him smile.

But then she had never seen him closer than across a crowded room at a formal affair. She’d assumed he was like other children and hated being dragged along. That could still be true, and yet…

And yet, she was seeing Prince Dylon as a child. As a boy. As someone beyond the pomp and splendor of royalty. It didn’t seem real. Except for his smile and the adoration in his gaze as he stared up at Lady Brelynn. That was very real. Sapphire had looked at her own father the same way.

“Prince Lucas,” Sir Marcus said. “I understand you could use some help with your sword work.”

Strange to see the Hero of Tamryn offering to teach a child sword work, even if that child was to be the next king. It made Sir Marcus seem like a father and mentor rather than the larger-than-life legend.

Sapphire tried not to gape as the boy rushed forward, then paused. “You’re not doing this because I’m a prince, are you?”

“Don’t much care who your parents are, but I do care that if Dracor ever calls you to His service that you live long enough to see it through. And I’d way rather practice with you than get cajoled into whatever horrible task my Aunt Matty might have for me.”

Lady Brighton crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brows.

Prince Lucas grinned and hurried off with Sir Marcus.

By the gods, these could be any of the Knights and squires down at the Dragon Church. The same ones she had walked past with Sir Matthias the night they were married. Yet it wasn’t. It was the Hero of Tamryn and Crowned Prince Lucas. Sapphire dug her fingernails into her palm to make sure she wasn’t dreaming the whole afternoon.

Queen Auburn tipped her head back as she exhaled. “I have to thank Sir Marcus for that later. It’s just what Lucas needs.”

“He’s a good boy, Your Majesty,” Lady Matilda said.

“Almost too good,” Queen Auburn said as Sir Matthias pulled out a chair for her.

Lady Matilda sat down opposite the queen and motioned for Sapphire to be seated.

Sapphire tried to steady her breathing as she lowered herself into the chair, desperately not wanting to make a spectacle of herself.

She had never been so close to royalty in her life, and neither had her mother. While they might seem like normal people, they weren’t. These were Dracasans. There was no higher family in the realm. No one more powerful. No one Sapphire’s mother would’ve wanted to call a friend more. No one her grandfather would have wanted to call a friend more.

“Working on the baby’s dragonning ceremony?” Queen Auburn asked as she scanned the lists on the table.

“Sapphire and Sir Matthias’s wedding celebration, Your Majesty,” Lady Matilda said.

“So it is true?” The queen turned her cornflower blue gaze on Sir Matthias.

He bowed. “May I present to you Sapphire Northland, my wife?”

Sapphire stood and curtsied again, as low as she could without falling on her bottom. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she pressed her lips together to prevent herself from saying something foolish and making herself and Sir Matthias look ridiculous.

Queen Auburn dipped her head. “Those rumors are true. Are the ones about someone trying to kill you true as well?”

Sapphire swallowed hard as the intensity of the queen’s gaze trapped her. Sapphire was mortified that this would be the first thing the queen had learned about her. She didn’t want to let Sir Matthias down, didn’t want to disappoint him, but she had also learned not to lie for him. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“I’m guessing that’s why you were married so quickly, but society will speculate. I’d love to say you don’t need to care what others think, but public opinion is a tool in your arsenal.”

“You sound like King Eli, Your Majesty,” Sir Matthias said.

Sapphire hid her smile, but she agreed with King Eli and Queen Auburn on this.

“I am married to him, and on this, he isn’t wrong. All the more reason for you to have this wedding celebration.”

Lady Matilda outlined the plans they’d put together.

Picking up the guest list, Queen Auburn scanned the names. “You could hold it at the palace. We have several temples there, and it’d be easier to arrange security.”

Sapphire’s eyes widened. Such a thing was incomprehensible. All that it would mean, the doors it would open for her and Sir Matthias… Yet, that’s not what Sir Matthias was about. Not what she was about. “We couldn’t possibly impose, Your Majesty.”

“While I’m fond of Sir Matthias,” Queen Auburn smiled at the Knight, “I’m offering for myself. Your guest list is small and includes Lady Brelynn. If we plan it right, I could bring the boys. As long as Lady Brelynn’s there, Dylan will be okay. He needs practice in a larger social setting.”

“We’d be delighted to accept your generous offer, Your Majesty,” Lady Matilda said, and the frozen glare she pierced Sapphire with silenced Sapphire.

“Good. Now let’s see those lists. I’ll do what I can, and the palace staff will be ecstatic to help with this.” A mischievous smile teased the queen’s lips. “Better than the six days they had to put together my wedding to Eli.”

“Six days, Your Majesty?” Sapphire let out a breath. “They must be a miracle-workers.”

“They are, though they weren’t too happy at the time.”

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