Home > RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(34)

RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(34)
Author: K.L. Ramsey

“It feels like sharp pains, almost like my muscles and skin are being stretched,” Viv added.

“Have you timed them?” the woman Viv assumed to be the nurse asked.

“No,” Viv admitted. “I didn’t know I needed to.”

“That’s okay,” the woman said. “We’ll get you in and hooked up to a machine that will be able to tell us if you are contracting and how far apart they are. We’ll also get an ultrasound to check on your little one. You’re in good hands.” Viv nodded, not able to speak past the lump of emotion in her throat.

“We got this, Love. Our babe will be just fine—promise,” Cillian said.

“Don’t make me promises that might not be true,” Viv whispered.

“How are you two related?” the second woman asked.

“I’m her fiancé and the baby’s father,” Cillian said. “Where she goes I go.” He looked about as mean as they came and when he stared down the poor nurse Viv wanted to laugh. But, none of this was funny.

“You alright with this, Ma’am?” the first woman asked.

“Yes,” Viv said. “I need him with me. Just find out what’s wrong and fix it, please,” she begged.




They got her hooked up to a machine that could measure if she was having contractions and the nurse said that the steady lines that the machine was producing, was a good sign. It felt like it took forever for a doctor to see her and after he checked her out, he left the room, not offering any explanation. Viv couldn’t help her worry. She felt consumed by it and when she started to cry, Cillian was by her side, holding her hand.

“Whatever it is, Love, we’ll get through it—together,” he promised.

“This is all my fault,” she sobbed. “I wasn’t sure I wanted this baby and now, we might not have him or her. I did this.” When she found out she was pregnant Viv thought about having an abortion. Hell, she had only just met Cillian and they were so new to each other. Viv didn’t expect him to stick around when she told him about the baby and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to raise a kid on her own. But then, she thought about what her grandmother would say about the baby being a blessing and how they bring so much joy to a family—it was almost impossible to follow through with her initial plans. Viv decided to keep the baby and tell Cillian, letting the chips fall where they may. It had all worked out—she got the man she loved and a baby she was falling more and more in love with each passing day. If something happened to the baby, she’d be the one to blame.

“Viv,” Cillian whispered, pulling her close. The door opened again and a guy pushed a cart into the room with some sort of machine on it.

“Miss Ward?” he questioned.

“Yes.” She sniffled. “I’m Vivian Ward.”

“I’m an ultrasound technician and I’ll be doing you’re sonogram today. Ready to see your baby?” he asked.

Viv nodded and sobbed, “Yes. Will you be able to tell us if the baby is alright?”

“I’m going to do my best,” he promised. Viv let him raise the hospital gown she had put on and watched as he squirted a warm gel onto her lower abdomen. “This won’t hurt at all, Miss Ward,” he promised. He pushed a small wand over her skin and rolled it over her belly; an image appearing as soon as he did.

“Is that the baby?” Cillian asked.

“Yes,” the technician said. He continued to work the wand over her belly, taking measurements and taking pictures of the baby as he went. “This is a 4D sonogram and it will give us clear pictures of your baby. Here is her heart and it looks strong. I’m going to ask you to be still for just a moment, so I can get a measure of her heartbeats per minute.” Viv did as he asked, even holding her breath to make sure she was completely still.

“Is the baby alright?” Cillian asked.

The tech nodded, “Her heartbeat is strong. I’ll print out some pictures for you to take with you.”

“You keep calling the baby a ‘she’,” Viv said. “Are we having a girl?”

“I’m sorry,” the technician said. “Were you not going to find out the sex?”

She looked at Cillian and he shrugged and nodded. “It looks like we’re having a girl,” he said. He smiled at the sonogram screen, seeming almost hypnotized by the tiny form moving inside of Viv’s belly.

Viv wiped at her tears as they fell down her cheeks. “Is she alright?” she asked. “I mean, does she look healthy?”

The technician nodded, “She looks great.” He printed off some pictures and handed them to Viv. She looked at her daughter’s face, able to see her perfect little features.

“She looks just like you,” Viv whispered to Cillian. “She’s so beautiful.” The technician wiped the extra gel from Viv’s belly and pulled her gown back down.

“The doctor will be in to talk to you in a few minutes, but I believe you’re going to be just fine,” the technician promised. “Good luck with your little one.”

“Thank you,” Viv said, still studying the pictures. “For everything.” The tech left the tiny ER room and Cillian sat down next to her on the gurney.

“A girl,” he whispered, taking the pictures from her. “We have a daughter.”

The doctor walked into the room and smiled at them, “Looks like you are clear to go back home,” he said. Viv wished that was true. She wanted more than anything to be able to return to Huntsville and her little diner. She had so much to do before their daughter made her way into the world and seeing her today made that all too clear.

“What were the pains?” Viv asked. “Were they contractions?”

“No,” the doctor said. “The uterus expands quickly at this point in your pregnancy. You will experience pains like that as your baby continues to grow. It’s like stretching a rubber band and your skin and muscles have to adapt. Sometimes women have pain and other times, nothing. You are just one of the unlucky ones who will experience the burning and stretching sensations of the baby growing.”

“So, we aren’t in any danger?” Viv asked.

“Nope,” the doctor said.

“It wouldn’t hurt you to drink more water.” He handed her a reusable water bottle and smiled. “Eight of these a day.”

“I’ll be living in the bathroom,” she grumbled.

“You have no idea,” the doctor said. “My wife had our first baby last year and she practically spent the whole last trimester in the bathroom. Are you taking prenatal vitamins?” he asked.

“No,” Viv said. “I was only able to visit the doctor to confirm the pregnancy and then life got a little turned upside down.”

“Well, I want you to pick some up today and start taking them. They will help with overall health, for you and the baby, as well as your energy levels. Follow up with your OBGYN in about two weeks, or sooner if the pains persist.” Viv and Cillian thanked the doctor and she got dressed.

“I guess we will need to find a doctor around here,” Viv whispered.

“Let me talk to Savage and I’ll work it all out, Love. You just worry about taking care of you and the baby,” Cillian said.

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