Home > RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(35)

RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(35)
Author: K.L. Ramsey




Viv could feel the tension as soon as she walked through the door to Repo’s cabin. Cillian and Repo seemed to sense it too, going on high alert before they found everyone in the kitchen. “What’s wrong?” Cillian asked as soon as he saw Savage.

Savage looked at Viv and smiled, “How did it go at the ER? What did the doctor say?”

Viv knew he was changing the subject, trying to avoid Cillian’s question but she decided to play along. “The doctor said I was just experiencing growing pains and that we are having a girl.”

“Oh my gosh,” Dallas gushed. “Congratulations you two.” Dallas stood and handed Greer to Bowie, crossing the room to pull Viv in for a quick hug. “Don’t worry about the growing pains,” she said. “I had them with Greer too.”

“Thanks,” Viv said. “I think I’ll be asking you for advice when it comes to this pregnancy stuff. Ignoring the growing human inside of me won’t work for very much longer.” Dallas giggled. “Oh, and if you could recommend a good prenatal vitamin, that would be great.”

“We will need to find a good OBGYN in the area,” Cillian added. “Viv needs to see the doctor again in two weeks.”

“Well, that might not be an issue,” Savage said. Maybe you should sit for this next part, Viv,” he added.

“Why,” she asked. “What’s happened. Dallas took her over to the big dining table and pulled out a chair next to her own.

“It’s good news,” Bowie said. Cillian stood at her back and she could feel the tension coming from him. He put his hand on her shoulder and she reached up and covered it with her own.

“Dante’s dead,” Savage said.

“How can you be sure?” Cillian asked. Viv wanted to celebrate and be excited about the news but how could they be sure that they were safe? What if this was all a sick ploy to get them to return home to Huntsville?

Hart sat forward, “I can confirm the news,” he promised. “Dante’s dead and from the intel I got, it was one of his men who did the deed.”

“Shit,” Cillian growled. “How can we be sure it’s safe to go home?”

“We can’t be positive that it will ever be safe, Kill,” Repo said. “We just have to trust Hart’s intel and hope for the best. I’m ready to have you people out of my cabin,” he teased. Viv could tell that Repo was trying to make lite of the situation but the worry she saw in the other guy’s eyes told her a different story. They were all worried about returning home.

“I’d like to go home,” Viv almost whispered. “I really would like to see my OBGYN, just to make sure everything is all right with the baby.”

“I can run you and Kill back to Huntsville, so you can see your doctor, Viv,” Ryder offered. “Then, I can do a little recon to make sure that the story of Dante’s death is on the up and up. If everything checks out, I can swing back over here and pick-up the rest of you,” he said.

Savage looked between Bowie and Dallas and they seemed to do a whole silent communication thing. Viv had been watching the three of them together for a few weeks now and she had to admit, at first she wondered how three people in a relationship could work. But, seeing how well the three of them managed their little family, changed her mind. They not only worked well together; they were the most functional family unit she had ever witnessed. She just hoped that she and Cillian had their shit together even one-tenth as much as the three of them seemed to.

“Fine,” Savage said. “How about if the two of you talk this through, Cillian. It’s a big decision to make. If you go back to Huntsville and Dante is still alive, that could mean trouble for you and Viv. Be sure.”

Viv stood and yawned, “Can we hash this out later, Cillian? I’m exhausted from our day. Thank you—all of you—for our wedding present. I can’t tell you how special it was to us both that you’d want to do that for us.” Cillian reached for her hand and smiled.

“Thanks, guys,” he said. “Viv convinced me that you did it because you care and she’s right, we appreciate it. We can’t wait to start our lives together as husband and wife and we’re damn lucky to have friends like the lot of you.”

“Your family, Cillian,” Savage said. “You and Viv both are now. We take care of our own, man.” Viv had to admit that being a part of a family again, even their mishmash MC crew felt right. Cillian was right—they were pretty damn lucky.






Kill tossed and turned for a half hour and he decided to finally give in to his grumbly stomach and go in search of something to eat. He quietly slipped from the bed, careful not to wake Viv. She was exhausted and needed her rest, especially if he was going to keep his promise and take her back to Huntsville in the morning.

He bumped into Savage in the hallway and he followed Kill into the kitchen. It was the middle of the night and neither wanted to wake any of the others. “How’s Viv?” he asked.

Cillian smiled and nodded, “She’s sleeping. I told her we can head back home in the morning and she’s beyond excited. I know it’s a bit of a risk, but I also trust Hart. If he says Dante’s dead, I believe him. Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I heard you wandering around out here and I wanted to check in and make sure everything is good. Viv hasn’t had any more pain?” Savage asked.

“Sorry I woke you,” Cillian said. “And, Viv and the baby are both fine. She just gave her mom and me a little scare.”

“I still can’t believe you’re having a little girl, man?” Savage said, grinning like a complete fool.

“Yep,” Cillian said. “I can hardly believe it myself. If you would have told me just a year ago, that I was going to meet the woman of my dreams and we’d be having a little girl, I would have told you that you were crazy.”

“Well, Bowie, Dallas and I are happy for you. Chloe wants to know if she can help name the baby,” Savage said rolling his eyes.

Kill chuckled, “No—she can’t. Thanks, Savage,” Kill said. He honestly hadn’t been able to stop smiling since they saw their little girl on the ultrasound. “I’m going to make myself a midnight snack. Want to join?” Savage nodded and followed Kill to the kitchen.

Hart stormed into the kitchen and Cillian felt bad that they had woken him. Judging from the look on Hart’s face, Kill knew he wasn’t going to like a word that he was going to say. “Someone want to tell me what the fuck this is?” Hart barked. He held up a tiny piece of metal and Kill knew exactly what it was.

“Bug,” Kill breathed. “Where the fuck did you find it?”

“In my fucking room,” Hart shouted.

Repo and Ryder joined them in the kitchen, both yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Kill’s little midnight snack was turning into one huge mess. “I put it there,” Repo admitted.

“What the fuck, man?” Hart yelled. “What for?”

“To make sure you were on the up and up, man. You’re not a part of Savage Hell and we don’t know if we can trust you,” Repo admitted.

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