Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(54)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(54)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

After we’d found it and I’d purchased admission for both of us, they put those awkward paper bands around each of our right wrists, we entered and found a table in one corner. It was Oktoberfest style, with servers dressed up in Renaissance period garb.

Addison’s face was alight with pleasure when a woman in a ragged, green velvet dress with white linen sleeves and a half-hazard dishtowel tied around her waist as an apron appeared beside the table.

She was busty, her long hair purposely bedraggled. “Good Eve, what can I get ye and your lady, me lord?” she asked in a thick early English brogue. “Would ye be wantin’ sustenance or just ale? Perhaps the lady would prefer mead?”

“Um…” My eyes slid to my date with a smile on my face. “Sustenance?”

“Yes, please. My lord,” Addison added the latter mischievously. “And the mead sounds good. Whatever that is.”

I laughed out loud. “What do you suggest, good woman?” I asked, playing along.

“Well, if ye be ungry enough,” she deliberately dropped the H. “I recommend the meat and mushroom pie, platter of roasted bird or ribs, followed by fruit pie or bread pudding.”

“Well, that sounds like a feast fit for a king,” Addison flirted, her suggestive eyes meeting mine.

“Aye, it is that, miss! You two lovebirds might like the oyster sliders as well,” the woman suggested with a wink at Addison.

“Bring us all of that, please.”

“Aye, Milord. Lickety split! I’ll be ‘round with yer drinks in just a bit.”

When she left, I reached across the weathered wooden table for Addison’s hand. “This is great. I’m glad we came.”

Her face sobered as I made slow, soothing movements across her bare hand. It was cool outside, but there was a fire blazing in the center of the tent surrounded by a thick border of rustically placed rocks to maintain a safe distance for guests. The sides of the tent were closed with only a couple of flaps open, but there was a hole in the ceiling above the fire to allow the smoke to escape. It was really quite authentic.

“Is it your first time here, too?” she asked cautiously.

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. We were both leaning toward each other across the table.

“Why? Didn’t you know about it?”

“No, I did, but I guess…” I readied myself for another admission, my eyes sliding up from our joined hands to lock with her amazing green eyes. “I never wanted to bring anyone here before. I didn’t want any complicated relationships to mess with my focus. I was concentrating on my career and I thought any romantic attachments would get in the way.”

Her expression was soft as something like realization settled over her face. I wasn’t sure if it was the soft glow from the candle in the center of the table or just how I was beginning to see her, but she’d never been more gorgeous. “Really? Never?”

“No.” My thumb continued to stroke the top of her hand.

“What’s different this time?” The hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her luscious lips. I wished I could lean over and take them in a passionate kiss.

“You are.”

Her smile bloomed. “Good answer.”

I returned her smile, but my voice was serious. “I thought so.”

In that moment two tankards full of liquid were placed, not-to-gently on the table. It sloshed over the rims as our “serving wench” laid them down, causing our hands to break apart for the first time since we’d sat down. I suspected it was part of the show. “Ere ye be! Mead for the lady and ale for the gent! I’ll have those oysters right up.”

Addison’s pert nose wrinkled. “Are those things raw? Because I don’t think I want any.”

I laughed out loud. “What? Raw oysters are a known aphrodisiac!”

“We don’t need that,” she said simply.

“Right, but I think these are cooked in garlic butter. I bet they’re delicious.” I dished one off of the hammered metal platter and onto one of the smaller plates, and then handed it to her.”

“Do they still have the guts in them?” Addison grimaced, refusing the plate.

I paused and cocked my head offering her a wry look. “I think all oysters have the guts. Just eat it.”

“Ugh, no thanks!” She shook her head.

“Please? For me?” I laughed again. She was so adorable. “Just one?” I offered her the plate again.

“Can’t I just eat the other stuff?”

“Just one, Addison. Come on. You’re gonna make me eat this alone?”

‘You ordered them, not me!” she protested again, grinning. “I’ll stick with the booze until the rest of the food comes.”

She took a sip of her mead. “It’s really sweet.”

“Yes, it’s wine with honey.”

“I think I’ll save it for dessert.” Her eyes flashed and she reached for my beer. “Much better.” Addison set the beer down in front of her. “Do you want this?” she asked, pushing the other metal mug toward me.

“I’ll trade you if you try an oyster.”

She finally tried one and agreed they were okay but refused a second. When the server returned with the rest of the food, I ordered another beer. The small table was loaded with a delicious pie, a platter of roasted chicken, a loaf of crusty bread, cheeses, and some beef ribs with an amazing whiskey barbeque sauce.

We wiled away the evening, taking our time eating and talking. It was an incredible evening with amazing company. I hadn’t enjoyed myself as much with anyone else before.

“This is really nice,” Addison said, munching on a bite of the meat and mushroom pie. “The food is so good. I wish I lived during the renaissance.”

I huffed. “I don’t. No running water, heat or lights? No computers? Kill me.”

“Come on, where’s your sense of adventure, Professor Panty-Melter? I’d love to have you serving me.”

My eyebrows shot up at the name. “What?”

“You heard me.” She was flirting and I loved it. Clearly the drinks left her a little tipsy. “All the girls call you that. Hell, you’re known for it, campus-wide.”

I knew it, but I was delighted to hear it from the woman in front of me. I offered a lazy smile. “It’s not my fault, you know.”

“Uh huh,” Addison answered, reaching for the fresh beer in front of her, her eyes trained on mine. “You live up to it, that’s for sure.”

My cock instantly rose to the occasion, making the denim in my lap pull and pinch uncomfortably. I tugged at the crotch under the cover of the table.

“Oh, I’m the servant in that scenario?”

“Yep!” She licked a crumb from her lip. “Sure are.”

Happiness filled my heart, and desire still made my blood race. “I think I can live with that, Addison.”

“Isn’t it too bad they don’t have this going on all year? It’s so much fun.”

“We’ll come again next year.” And every year after that, I added mentally. An image hit me of the young family earlier… only in my imagination, it was us I saw, and maybe not six kids, but definitely one or two. “Deal?”

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