Home > Tug of War

Tug of War
Author: T.L Osborn





Four Years Earlier


I arrive at the nightclub to meet my best friend Aria for a few drinks. Tonight, we’re celebrating, and I can’t wait to see her. Earlier today, I received an unexpected phone call; I got my first client, and she wants me to design her wedding gown, bridesmaids and flower girl dresses. I can’t believe it! My body is buzzing with excitement.

Aria had helped me at the wedding show in Masterton last month, and that’s where I’d met my latest client. My bestie had modelled several dresses for me so I could showcase them on the day, and she took the bookings while I spoke to potential clients. It had been so much fun.

Now, I owe her a thank you night out. She mentioned earlier she’d be a little late. I know she was applying for a job at some big corporation. I can’t remember the name of it, but I do know the interview was today. My fingers are crossed that she gets the position.

Walking through the door to the club, I scan the room and don’t see any sign of her. Checking my watch for the time, I see 5 pm. I’d hoped she’d have been here by now.

She probably hasn’t finished the interview yet.

I head over to the bar, order a house Sauvignon and pay. Then, I make my way over to a tall table surrounded by stools—a perfect spot where I can see the door to keep an eye out for Aria’s arrival. My head feels hot, and when I look up, I see I’m sitting beneath the heaters. Excellent, I get to stay warm too. I suffer from a condition called Reynard’s disease. It’s not a disease as such, but I feel the cold more than normal people because of my blood circulation.

I pick up my glass and take a sip of the crisp, fruity liquid, allowing it to linger in my mouth before I swallow it. This is the perfect end to the day. Taking my phone out of my bag, I search through Facebook while I wait. After scrolling through the app, I move onto my work email—nothing new there.

I take a quick look around the bar. There is a group of guys sitting at a table talking amongst themselves. One guy turns his head and looks my way, a smile crossing his face. Turning my head away, I hope to see Aria walking through the door, but to my disappointment, she still hasn’t.

I hope she isn’t going to be too much longer. I’m itching to tell her my news.

Picking up my drink again, taking another sip, I realise my glass is draining quickly.

Stealing a glance back at the table of men, I find the one who spotted me earlier, pointing at me and talking with his mate, then elbowing him. I roll my eyes and turn away. He’s probably making a bet with his friend that he’ll be taking me home tonight.

He’s shit out of luck. I have no interest to meet any guys tonight.

My phone vibrates on the table and Aria’s name flashes on my screen. Opening the message, I read:

Aria: Hey. I got the job. I’m just signing the paperwork now. Be there soon.

Me: Okay. What do you want to drink?

Aria: Can you order me a Sav? I’ll text when I’m on my way.

Me: See you soon.



I pick up my drink, this time draining the glass of its contents. A shadow casts itself over my shoulder, and I turn to find the guy who had been staring my way earlier, towering over me. He’s grinning and a wicked glint flashes in his eyes. I was right. He’s cocky enough to believe that I’m going to be in his bed later.

“Hi. I’m Andy, and I see your glass is empty. I was hoping you’d let me buy you another drink,” he says as he motions to my glass. He’s observant. I’ll give him that.

I shake my head. “Thanks for the offer, but actually, I’m waiting for someone.”

He arches an eyebrow. “Come on. It's one drink. Who is going to have a problem with that?”

“My boyfriend,” I lie. I don’t think I do it well; however, as he scans the room, then turns to face me once more. “Any guy lucky enough to be with you shouldn’t leave you alone.”

I pick up my bag off the table and stand, hoping to move away from him. My heart is hammering within my chest as the guy moves closer, boxing me between the table and himself.

Fuck, this is not the situation I want to be in.

“Can you move, please? I need to, um...go to the ladies.”

“You’re not going anywhere until you agree to let me buy you a drink,” he demands as he puts his hands aggressively on my biceps. I shiver and not in a good way. He’s giving me the creeps.

“Get your fucking hands off her,” a voice calls from behind us, making us both jump. Turning around, I find Jake, Aria’s twin brother, standing behind me. His body is tense, his fists are balled, and anger is flashing in his eyes. “She’s my girl.”

“Sorry, bro. I didn’t know she had a man.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit. Now, fuck off over to your mates.” Jake steps forward, sliding his arms around me. I spin around into his arms, grateful he’s here. He tightens his grip on me, and I don’t understand why it feels so good. He’s like family, and hugging him is normal between us, but this isn’t a hug; it feels romantic, possessive and forbidden.

He smells like cologne and laundry powder. It makes me want to rip his shirt off and lick my way down his body.

“He’s gone. You can let go of me.”

“I don’t want to,” I whisper as I look up into his eyes. They’re sparkling back down at me, making my heart race, my pulse quiver, and my vagina beg for something that shouldn’t happen between us. My body flushes with heat as his fingertips burn through my top, into my back.

How would they feel on my bare skin?

What is this? Why am I thinking like this?

My stomach flip flops.

Jake grabs my hand and drags me into a booth, pulling me close to him. “I’m not leaving you alone. I’ll stay until my sister arrives.”

“How’d you know I was meeting her?”

“You two are always together. Why isn’t she here?”

“She’s just signing the paperwork for her new job.”

“Ah, gotcha.”

“Jake, I–”

He turns his head towards me, and our noses nearly touch. He slides a hand around my waist, the other around my neck, his thumb rubbing my skin. I shiver.

God, I really want him to kiss me right now.

As if he can read my mind, he presses his lips to mine. My stomach fills with butterflies as I press my hands against his chest. It feels amazing. His lips are soft, smooth, as he gently kisses me before turning it into something more. Groaning into his mouth, his hand tightens on my hip. I slide my hands up his chest.

“What the fuck? Do you two want to be left alone?” Aria asks from beside the table. We leap apart like we were just caught committing a crime, and I catch him throwing me a grin. I smile back at him.

“Nope, I was just helping Steph here with a small problem. Some douchebag wanted to get into her pants.”

“By kissing her?” Aria asks, sitting across the booth from us.

“I’m not going to sit here all night and deal with you giving me shit about protecting your best friend. Tell you what, how about I go buy you girls a drink?”

“That would be lovely, thank you, Jake.” Aria smiles. As soon as he leaves the table, Aria turns to me. “Tell me everything and don’t skip a single detail.”

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