Home > Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(19)

Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(19)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown


“Whatever little thing you have going on, ends now.” He took a drink, acting like what he said was about the weather. “It may sound old fashioned to you, but a queen cheating on the king makes him look weak and pathetic, while the other way may not be admired in today’s age, but is still understood and accepted.”

“Wha-what?” Wave after wave of cold sweat dampened my skin.

“Someone this evening suggested for me to take a little closer look at you and your bodyguard.” His gaze slid to me for a moment; nothing about his demeanor would suggest anything but formal conversation between us. “I have a lot going on, ruling a country, but I normally can see everything around me—all the chess pieces on the board and how they will move. I did not foresee this; however, once I really looked, it was clear as day. The fact that my son hasn’t noticed only shows how naive he is to the real world.”

Bile curled up my esophagus. I was going to vomit.

“Someday it will probably be Theo who seeks other company, and with the pressure of this job, at times, your long marriage will be passionless. It is natural for ups and downs in a marriage. But as many others can divorce or leave, it is not possible here. A partnership with respect and understanding is what carries a marriage to the end. And I hope you respect my son enough because you will have to smile through it all and keep your chin high.”

I didn’t want that kind of marriage—that life.

“Your Majesty…”

“You made your choice, Spencer. Now it’s time to act like it. You knew what it meant to officially be with Theo.” He turned fully to me. “So let me remind you, with all the press, your parents, and well-respected people here, my son’s reputation and heart are in your hands. Do the right thing. You’ve already disrespected him enough, don’t you think?” The King’s shoulder grazed mine as he strolled away. His guards, who were blending in with the wall, popped out and were at his side instantly, walking with him.

I had no idea when I stopped breathing, but my lungs gasped for air, bending me over as I grappled for oxygen, the priceless marble the only thing holding me up.

Holy fuck. Holy. Fuck.

Taking deep breaths, I looked out, seeing if anyone noticed the exchange. My gaze landed on a figure across the room, the only pair of eyes on me.

Ice formed on my ribs, icicles stabbing at my lungs.

With a condescending and knowing smirk, Lord William lifted his glass to me.


He was the voice in the King’s ear, letting me know with a single move, he could control and destroy my life. He held the cards, and if I didn’t play…this would be merely the beginning.

Between him and the King, I felt like I was in some mafia movie. I did not doubt their reach in hurting my family and me was just as subtle, devastating, and controlling.

“Spencer.” Heidi was abruptly in my space, spinning me from Lord William’s notice, fixing my hair and makeup. “Seriously, what the hell did you do in the last hour to become so ragged? You’re flushed…and your hair. Makeup we spent hours on. Your scars are totally exposed again!” Her hands whipped around my face at lightning speed. “This is a bloody nightmare.”

“Come on! It’s time.” Chloe waved us forward, her expression tight. Kelly, Theo’s PR, stood on her other side, looking as tense as Chloe. As we walked, Heidi continued to pat powder on my skin and reapply my makeup.

The lights dimmed.

The music changed.

Something in my gut dropped like a sinking ship, a warning, lurching my heart up my throat.


Anxiety attacked me with a swift punch. All I felt and heard was my heart pounding in my ears when they pulled me into the middle of the now-vacant dance floor.

Bugger all. What was happening?

“That’s the best I can do.” Heidi rolled her eyes, stepping away from me. I really disliked her, but suddenly I didn’t want her to leave me. Hundreds and hundreds of figures packed around the edge of the dance floor, their attention fixated on me, eyes burrowing.

Perspiration dripped down my back, my legs wobbling on the tall heels, emotions and fatigue causing my muscles to tremble.

Theo stepped out onto the floor, his face brimming with confidence and joy, strolling toward me.

“Can I first say thank you for everyone coming tonight. A huge and happy birthday to my father! I know this party is supposed to be for him.” He came up to my side, lapping up the audience’s attention. “However, I couldn’t help wanting to add to the already joyous occasion, with His Majesty’s approval, of course.” The audience laughed at Theo’s jest to his father.

Oh, no…please no. He wouldn’t do this to me.

“You all know the terrible event that almost took the woman I love from me.” A low murmur came from the crowd, heads bouncing in response. “As horrible as it was, something good came from it. It really woke me up—made me realize how much I love her. And if I lost out on the chance to spend the rest of my life with his woman…” He looked down on me briefly, not really seeing me, squeezing a bruise forming on my hip. “I wouldn’t have forgiven myself.”

“Theo,” I muttered, my chest fluttering up and down. “Don’t.” Did he not hear me this morning? We broke up. Did he not understand that? Either he didn’t hear me or ignored my plea, continuing with his monologue. Now it all made sense why I was specially fluffed up tonight, why the idea of me slipping out early freaked the PR team out. Everyone knew. It had been all planned down to the detail. Nothing amiss…except for one thing no one would plan on, the detail they all missed.

I had fallen in love with someone else.

The truth of it gutted me, shredding more panic down my limbs.

Oh, bloody hell. I had fallen in love with Lennox Easton.

My eyes slid to the edges of the room, searching for him, my breath desperate when I couldn’t find him. Did he know this was going to happen?

“I don’t think it’s a secret how I feel about Spencer,” Theo spoke to the crowd. Flashes from cameras were incessant, the royal photographer moving around us. “The day she told me off in class, doing something no other dared to do, I knew this girl was different.” He turned to face me, grabbing my hands.

Flash. Flash.

This can’t be happening.

“That she was the one.” Theo squeezed my hands.

No, you’re saying these things to the wrong girl!

Flash. Flash.

“Awww…” The response to his words cooed around me, sighs over the fairytale and sweet, pure love, while the bars of the cage wrapped tighter around me.

This was every girl’s dream, right? Though it had never been mine. I saw it for what it was, but still, I thought I loved Theo enough to make it work. He had been my first love. I would always love him, but I think it had been a while since I had been in love with him. We had grown, but not together.

“Spencer.” He said my name, and I could see him start to lower down on one knee.

No. Nononono.

“Theo.” I tried to beg, my eyes watering with horror and grief, probably looking like happy tears. My gaze darted out to the hundreds of faceless people, most strangers, waiting with bated breath. I hated being the center of attention. This was my nightmare—the last thing I’d want as a proposal even if I desired one.

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