Home > Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(24)

Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(24)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown

I nodded, swallowing down the tightness in my throat. “Theo doesn’t know about Lennox and me. I don’t want to hurt him any more than I have. But he knows where we stand.” I twisted the ring around my finger. “He wanted a couple of days before we told everyone.”

“Forgive my bluntness, but do you realize what is ahead? It will be a PR nightmare for this place. But I’m more worried about you. It will be you who will be crucified, hounded, and torn apart, no matter how much Theo states it was mutual. Your life will never be the same.”

My teeth ground together, comprehending the horror that waited for me. The hate and backlash would be unfathomable. “It’s better that happens than Theo marrying someone who really doesn’t want to be here. He deserves better.”

Dalton’s head dipped in regard. “This is why I will always respect you, Spencer. I don’t agree with what you did, but you still chose Theo’s happiness. Even if he doesn’t recognize it right now.”

Tears thickened my throat and swelled in my chest. “I’m willing to accept whatever comes because I know down the road, Theo will thank me. He will meet her and realize the happiness he felt with me was a shadow of what he has with her.”

Dalton eyed me. “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

I peered up at him, letting him see the truth in my expression.

He bobbed his head in understanding. “Thought so.”

“Do you know where he is? I’ve tried texting him a dozen times.”

“He walked out last night, forgoing his severance package and recommendation. Handed in his mobile and left.”

“What?” My body jolted as if it had been electrocuted. I knew he was leaving, but people usually stayed on another week or so to train the next person. Especially here. I heard they had a strict two-week policy. “Do you know where he went?”

“I don’t know.” Dalton moved for the door, stopping right at my side. “What I do know is he relinquished a good chunk of money and benefits. Do you know what a recommendation from the Royal House can do for you? It can open any door in the world. It can change your life.” His gaze cut into my soul, forcing me to look away. “Someone would really have to be upset to walk away from that.”

My mind replayed the moment our eyes met, my newly announced engagement buzzing around me when he turned and stalked out.

“There is nothing more torturous than watching the person you love with someone else.” He brushed past me.


I curved around watching him grab for the door, his neck craning back.

“Are you in love with her?” The query came tumbling out, though I felt I already knew the answer.

He schooled his face, his voice stiff. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Of all people, Dalton, I understand falling for someone you shouldn’t. But I’m pretty sure she loves you too.” I tilted my head.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, his eyes staring at the ground.

“Some lines can’t be crossed, no matter what you feel.” Resignation clipped his tone. He yanked open the door and strode out, placing more heartbreak on my chest.

The place of some people’s fairytales and dreams was constructed entirely of broken hearts and lies.



Chapter 9



“I know. Don’t disappoint me. Noon.”

The text hidden in the message felt alive, as if the words could climb out of the phone, telling everyone of my crimes. At first, I didn’t know if it was what was said or the fact Lord William knew what texting was, but there was no disguising the threat.

I know.

That, above all, pulsed panic through my veins.

“Here, miss.” My cab driver’s voice rattled through my bones, my head twisting toward the window to the Georgian style buildings in front of me. In the poshest neighborhood, not far from our parliament building, Lord William’s residence took up a good portion of this row. Though he had a beautiful country estate where his wife lived, he spent most of his time in the city.


Even if she liked the city, I wondered if she picked living in the country on purpose. I would if I was married to this dirtbag.

As with most nobles, no one really had a clue what he did to afford such luxurious accommodations, but if I was a betting woman, going by my family, he was just a vile loan shark with a top hat.

“Thank you,” I muttered, ducking deep into my hood. The last thing I wanted was to be recognized.

With everything going on, I had pushed Lord William to the back of my mind. I ended up not seeing Theo the rest of the night, eating an awkward dinner with Catherine, Anne, and Eloise as they played get-to-know-the-fiancée. Finally, Eloise pulled me out, and we snuck into the movie theatre downstairs and got drunk. I adored El, and I hated every time she brought up the wedding. I hated keeping something like this from my friend. She had become someone dear to me, and it pained me to know I would be losing her as well in this mess.

Theo didn’t answer any of my texts, his absence twisting my stomach with dread, like he was sticking his head in the sand again, pretending nothing changed.

Now I had two guys ignoring my messages.

Lord William’s text to me was just another nail in my coffin.

I know.

No doubt he was talking about Lennox and me—a tabloid story the RH did not need. Theo and I breaking up would be enough gossip for a lifetime.

Feigning a blinding migraine, saying I just needed to be left and alone to sleep, I crept out through the garden, slipping out the side gate where tons of tourists and people mingled, making it easy to get lost in the crowd.

There were security cameras and guards everywhere, but most were looking for a breach in, not out. They wouldn’t imagine the Prince’s fiancée would be sneaking out, and without Lennox on my arse, it was much easier to escape.

I desperately wanted to see him, to tell him everything, but I never knew his private mobile number. I didn’t even know where he lived.

“Miss?” The taxi driver snapped me back to the present.

“Yes. Thank you.” I got out of the car, about ready to jump back in when the cab tore off down the street.

“Shit.” I sighed under my breath, staring up at the building, warm lights glowing against the dreary cold day. Fear coiled in my stomach, but I placed one foot in front of the other, treading up the stoop. Taking another deep breath, I ignored the thrashing heart in my chest. I understood what he wanted from me. He made it perfectly clear how I could get my family out of this. The idea instantly burned disgust in my stomach like a bubbling cauldron of poison.

He held the power; the rules were always in his favor. There would be no end to what he would demand from me with a simple threat.

My mother’s sentiment the other night when I said goodbye to my family twisted in my stomach. “We are so proud. The dignity and respect you have brought this family. Your father doesn’t say much, but I know enough to realize you saved this family. We all love you so much.”

I rolled my lips together, choking back the sobs in my throat. She had no idea what she had just placed on me.

The doorbell chimed, sounding like a signal of doom. Movement behind the door thumped fear against the back of my legs.

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