Home > Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(42)

Royal Command (Royal Watch #2)(42)
Author: Stacey Marie Brown

“Too late for that,” Theo muttered, his lip hitching at Lennox.

Lennox snarled but stepped back.

“Spencer, go get dressed. The stylist is waiting for you in your room.” Dalton took my shoulders, pointing me inside the house. “We’ll see you at six in front.” He nudged me forward, my feet moving, my ears picking up Dalton’s continued speech. “Theo, go get dressed, and Lennox, come with me. I need to update you on surveillance and procedures for this evening.”

Making my way toward my old room, I realized I didn’t belong here. Even the faces in the paintings glowered at me, sensing I was an intruder—a deserter.

No longer welcome.

I never had been, but this time, strolling the familiar corridor, it rooted deep in my bones. How these walls would have become my prison. Just a larger cage for my shell to live in. Beautifully put together, the right smile and wave, impeccably dressed on the outside, but hollow inside.

“There you are!” A shrill voice came from in front of me, my attention landing on Chloe and Heidi standing in my path. “Where have you been?”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Could I get through a night without the bitch twins?

“We’ve been calling and texting you!” Chloe slammed her hands on her hips. “You cannot simply run off for the night! You have duties! Responsibilities. And if and when you schedule a night away, we are to know where you are and who you are with! Every move, we must know about.”

I walked past them, not even pausing, completely befuddling the pair. I used to be so scared and intimidated by them, especially Chloe. She had made me feel less than, like I was some distant poor relation the family felt obligated to take on. One who should be seen and not heard, ready to be the rug everyone wiped their feet on.

No more.

“Did you hear me?” Chloe came stomping after me.

“Everyone can probably hear you.” I snorted, turning down the final hallway. “You’d think being the head of the PR team, you’d be much more discreet.”

Knowing this wasn’t my life gave me a strength I should have had from the start. But it felt amazing knowing I didn’t have to bow to them any longer.

“Pardon me?” Her voice rose even higher.

“Did I stutter?” I said, before stepping into my room. The usual house stylist, Jenny, waited patiently. “I’m so sorry I’m late, Jenny. Please, forgive my rudeness.” I spoke sincerely to her, taking her hands in greeting. She was nice, just doing her job. I had absolutely no quarrel with her. The other two? They were a whole other story, and unfortunately for them, I had no more fucks to give.

“No problem, my lady.” The stylist dipped in a shallow curtsy, motioning me to the makeup chair she had set up for me. “With your natural beauty, I don’t need much time at all.”

Thanking her, I settled into my seat, seeing Chloe and Heidi in the mirror.

“Did you need anything? If not, you can go.” I waved them off like they were flies. Normally, this would go against everything in my soul. I was not this person, but something snapped in me. Lennox helped me find this strength, this power, and I would not be treated like the rug anymore. By them, by the royal family, and especially by myself. I had quietly taken it for years because I was dependable and wanted to protect and help.

“Excuse me?” Chloe’s nose went sky high into the air, her shoulders snapping back. “I am the head of the Royal House PR. Appointed by the King. My job is to make sure the royal palace, family, and their image and message stay on point. You cannot treat me like—”

“Like what?” I popped out the chair, facing her like we were in a standoff. “Like you are beneath me? As you two have treated me since the day I arrived? As if a low baron’s daughter could ever dream of being the future princess. I wasn’t a person, but a puppet to move around, dress, and become her voice. You are in charge of the house PR. So…unless I’ve run naked through Victorian Abbey or sent sex texts to the vicar, I see no reason for you to be here.”

Both Chloe and Heidi sucked in, their eyes wide with disbelief.

“Heidi, I will no longer be needing your services.” This was truer than they even knew at this point. But I was also not above using my fake position to go out with a bang.

“You cannot sack me!”

“No, the King has to formally fire you, but I can dismiss you from being my assistant.” She’d be out of a job soon enough anyway. “I think both of you forgot that the shy, unsure girl who showed up here as the Prince’s girlfriend, whom you basically treated like an object, might turn into the future princess—future queen—who can most certainly sack you.” I folded my arms, tilting my head to the side. I was going to enjoy this moment because soon I would be everything they feared, the worst scandal to hit the Royal House in a long time. They could pat themselves on the backs then, saying they saw it coming, but right now was my moment. “Your egos have forgotten that those you see as nothing of consequence can become the one you are bowing to at the end. Now, please go. I’m in no mood to see or hear either of you again tonight.”

Heidi glared at me, hate spewing from her eyeballs, but she whirled around, stomping out. Chloe stood there for another moment, her face emotionless, but her eyes glittered with loathing.


She swallowed back the words I knew she wanted to spew at me, maybe for once realizing the power had flipped.

“Good. Evening. My. Lady.” She sliced through her sentiment, her jaw tight, her nails cutting into her palm.

“Good night.” I smiled, watching her leave the room, perfuming the exit with deep abhorrence and ire.

“Wow.” Jenny gaped next to me.

“I’m sorry. Bollocks, that was so not like me.”

“No…” She shook her head. “It was bloody brilliant!” She pressed her hands to her mouth, a giggle coming out. “Those two condescending, snooty bitches so deserved that.”

I glanced at Jenny, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

“They needed to be put in their place. They treat everyone here like we are their servants.” She blushed, looking down. “I shouldn’t say such things to you, but my mouth sometimes opens and blah...” She motioned like stuff was coming out of her mouth.

I could so relate. “Don’t worry.” I slipped back into the chair, grinning, feeling so strong and secure with myself. “You don’t need to worry about me saying anything.” I won’t be around for much longer. “Plus, I don’t think it’s much of a secret. They parade the hallways like—”

“Like them.” The moment she expressed it, she hissed through her teeth. “Forgive me, lady, that was wrong. Your future family. I really shouldn’t have said such things.”

Them. Meaning the royals. Many acted elite, entitled, arrogant, snobby, aloof, and above everyone. Even Eloise, as much as I liked her, was still one of them to the core.

Jenny moved behind me, running a brush through my tangled hair. “I’ve liked you from the start, my lady. You’re different. Real. A breath of fresh air that is much needed in this stuffy place. I feel it in my gut; you will be the change we need. I am so glad you’re going to be part of the Royal House.”

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