Home > Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(37)

Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(37)
Author: Susan Stoker

They discussed everything under the sun. What they liked to read, what they did in their free time and, interestingly enough, what they were looking for in a partner.

Avery wanted someone who wasn’t afraid to let her take the lead every now and then, but who didn’t hesitate to take control when the situation warranted it. Cole had shared that he was scared to death of marriage. He didn’t want to end up divorced like his parents. He’d seen so many SEAL marriages fail and was petrified his would end up the same way.

Avery could understand that, though she pointed out that his friends seemed to be doing very well in their own relationships, and that there needed to be compromises made on both sides if a marriage was going to work.

He then admitted that when he’d been in the river, and he’d had that vision of a little boy, he’d had red hair and green eyes…which had led to a whole discussion of whether they wanted children (they both did), their religious beliefs, and if they believed in premonitions.

It was an intimate conversation for them to be having so soon in their relationship, but Avery didn’t feel the least bit weird about it. Cole was easy to talk to, and the more time she spent with him, the harder it was to even think about going their separate ways when they got to California.

But now they were here, and Avery wasn’t sure how things would proceed.

Rocco’s words ended some of her speculation on that front.

“This homecoming is very low-key,” he told the group. “Our women haven’t been informed we’re back, so feel free to call and let them know that you’ll be home soon. Avery, your parents are here. The Red Cross notified them of your rescue and arranged for them to be here.”

She gasped in surprise and pleasure. “Really?”

“Really,” Rocco told her with a small smile.

“I take it you’re not upset,” Cole said from next to her.

“No!” Avery said with a vigorous shake of her head. “I haven’t seen them in forever! I was so worried about how they’d take my capture. Are they all right? Was my sister notified?” she asked Rocco.

The other man shrugged. “I don’t know anything other than what I just told you. But you’ll find out for yourself in a few minutes.”

Avery leaned over and looked out the small window of the plane, but didn’t see anything other than the building they were pulling up next to.

“Phantom, sorry buddy, but you’re headed straight over to the hospital to get checked out,” Rocco said.

The SEAL scowled.

“I know, but it’s necessary,” Rocco told him.

“It really is,” Avery chimed in.

“When can I see the commander?” Phantom asked.

“Tomorrow morning,” Rocco said. “Arrangements have already been made. We need to go in and make our formal report about the mission and afterward, we’ll have a private meeting with Commander North. I believe Rear Admiral Creasy will be there too.”

Phantom sighed, but nodded.

“And me?” Avery asked.

“You’ll go home with your parents tonight and get a good night’s sleep. Rex’ll pick you up in the morning after our meeting and bring you to the police station. You’ll be set up in a room where you can start going through the records of all the men who were stationed or worked at the base in Afghanistan two weeks ago,” Rocco told her.

Avery felt Cole’s hand on her arm, but kept her eyes on Rocco. “How long do I have to identify him?”

“As long as it takes.”

Avery frowned. “But I’m assuming the faster I make the ID, the better?”

“Of course,” Gumby interjected. “But this isn’t something that can be rushed. You need to be one hundred percent sure of the person you’re accusing. It’s better to take your time than to rush the process.”

“Your captain has been notified of your return, and you can go back to work as soon as you think you’re ready,” Cole told her from his spot beside her.

Avery sighed in relief. She’d been worried about that. “Good. I’m ready now.”

“You should take some time,” Cole said.

Avery shook her head. “No, seriously, I need to go back to work. Be busy. Otherwise I’m just going to sit around all day, bored out of my mind.” What she didn’t say was that she would probably sit around all day thinking about what had happened to her and worrying about who the traitor might be.

As if he knew exactly what was going through her mind, Cole said, “There’s no shame in getting some psychological help.”

“I know,” Avery said, and she did. She knew quite a few psychologists who worked at the hospital with her, and knew how important it was for soldiers and sailors to talk to someone to try to lessen the hold PTSD could take on them, but she really was fine. If she needed to talk to someone, she would. But for now, she needed to be busy, and to go through the pictures of the men stationed in Afghanistan.

“I just want to say, before that door opens,” Bubba said, “thank you to Lieutenant Nelson. We never know what’s going to happen when we set off on a mission, and we certainly never would’ve predicted that the person we went to rescue would end up saving not one, but two of our team. I’ve known these guys since almost the first day of our naval careers, and I can’t imagine being a SEAL without them by my side. So thank you.”

The others all echoed his thanks and Avery knew she was blushing bright red. “I didn’t do anything anyone else wouldn’t have,” she protested. “I was just in the right place at the right time.”

All six of the men shook their heads and rolled their eyes at her.

“Rex, if you’d do the honors?” Ace said with a head nod to his friend.

Avery turned to see Cole holding something out to her in the palm of his hand.

She looked down to find a pin. A pin she recognized easily.

It was a Special Warfare Insignia, also known as the SEAL trident, or the Budweiser. She knew it was given to members of the US Navy who’d completed the rigorous BUD/S training, SEAL Qualification Training, and had been designated as a US Navy SEAL.

What she didn’t know was why he was holding it out to her.

She looked up into Cole’s eyes and saw respect. And something more. Something more intense that frankly scared her to death.

She was exhausted, worried about Phantom, being able to identify the traitor, and excited about seeing her parents. She didn’t have the brain power to even begin to understand what was happening right now.

“Take it,” Cole urged softly.

Slowly, Avery reached out and picked up the small pin. The eagle’s wings bit into her palm as she closed her fingers around it.

“As you probably know, the Budweiser is one of the most treasured and honored traditions the SEALs have,” Gumby told her. “But we all talked about it, and we decided that since you embody everything that is sacred to a SEAL—honor, bravery, strength, stubbornness, and the ability to stay calm under extreme pressure—that you deserve to have one of these just as much as each of us do.”

“I…I can’t take this,” Avery stuttered, shocked beyond words.

Cole reached out and took her hand in both of his. “You can, and you will,” he told her firmly. “You can’t exactly wear it on your uniform,” he said wryly, “but knowing you have it means the world to my teammates and me. It’s important to us.”

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