Home > Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(39)

Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(39)
Author: Susan Stoker

Rocco took control of the scene and got Phantom on his way to the hospital, Gumby and Ace accompanying him. The plan was for Phantom to go back to Gumby’s beach house until he was fully recovered. They all hoped being by the beach would both encourage him to get better faster, and soothe him.

The bottom line was, they all suspected Phantom was a ticking time bomb—all it would take was one hint that Kalee Solberg was still alive in Timor-Leste for him to go off.

Rocco and Bubba then slipped off to head home to their women, and Avery was about to leave with her parents in their rental car. But she turned to Rex instead of the door. “Cole?”

He strode toward her immediately. He’d been trying to give her some space. To let her have her reunion with her parents without interference. “Yeah, Avery?”

“I didn’t introduce you to my mom and dad. Sorry. Mom, Dad, this is Cole Kingston. He’s one of the SEALs who rescued me, but you can’t go blabbing about that when you get back to Texas. Okay?”

“Of course not, dear,” Avery’s mom said, not taking her eyes from Cole. “It’s good to meet you,” she said, holding out her hand for him to shake. “I’m Amy. And this is Bob.”

“The pleasure’s all mine,” Rex reassured her.

“Thank you,” Bob Nelson said quietly. “I can’t say it any plainer than that.”

“And there’s no need. Honestly, your daughter was already ninety percent of the way to saving herself when we showed up.”

“Don’t believe him,” Avery said with a shake of her head.

Rex and Avery’s eyes met, and he couldn’t look away from her. He could see all sorts of emotions in her eyes—relief at being back in California, desire, fear—and once again, he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and lock them both behind his or her apartment door, away from everyone and everything.

“We’ll never be able to repay you,” Bob went on, and Rex forced himself to look at him. “When we heard Avery was taken captive, all sorts of horrible things went through our heads, but we tried to stay positive.”

“And when we got the call that she was safe, it was the best day of our lives,” Amy went on.

“How long are you planning on staying?” Rex asked.

Amy looked from him to Avery, then back to him. “We aren’t sure. Probably at least a week, but as long as Avery needs us,” she said vaguely.

“You guys are welcome to stay as long as you want,” Avery was quick to reassure them. “I’ve got the extra bedroom in my apartment.”

“Thanks, sweetie,” Amy said. “I’m assuming we’ll be seeing you later?” she asked Rex.

“Yes, Ma’am. Hopefully you will. I’m looking forward to getting to know you both better.” Rex knew he was probably pushing his luck, but from what he’d seen, he liked Avery’s parents, and if he was going to date her—and he really, really wanted that—he also wanted to get to know the people who’d raised her to be the amazing woman she was today.

Avery was blushing, but she managed a small smile for him. “I’ll see you in the morning?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer to that question.

“Absolutely. Eleven.”

“What’s going on tomorrow?” Bob asked.

“I’m going in to talk to the commander about what happened in Afghanistan,” Avery said quickly.

Rex was impressed once again. He wouldn’t have thought less of her for telling her parents what had happened, that she was the only one who would identify the traitor, but she was a naval officer through and through, and no doubt she’d follow OPSEC to the letter, telling her parents only what they needed to know.

“Well, we’ll see you then,” Amy said, smiling at Rex.

Bob gave him a small chin lift, then the three turned to head to the parking lot.

Rex stood in the doorway, watching the trio go, his eyes glued to Avery. As if she could sense him staring, she glanced back once, and the look of longing and insecurity in her eyes almost made him take off after her. Almost.

He stood his ground until the rental pulled out of the parking lot, then he forced his feet to move. He was exhausted and needed to get a few hours’ sleep. Avery would be fine. He’d see her tomorrow. He’d survived the first thirty-four years of his life without her, he could go another night.



Chapter Thirteen



It was eight o’clock in the morning and Rex sat around a large table in a conference room with the rest of his team and Commander North. Rear Admiral Creasy was also there. They’d already debriefed about the mission and were about to discuss the missing Kalee Solberg. They’d moved this meeting up, knowing how anxious Phantom was to discuss it.

Rocco leaned forward and dialed the phone, calling Tex to include him in this part of the meeting as well. As soon as the former Navy SEAL was connected, everyone turned to look at Phantom and their commander.

Phantom was sitting with his leg propped up on an extra chair next to him. He looked uncomfortable, and Rex knew he was probably hurting, but nothing and no one was going to keep him away from this meeting today. Afterward, Gumby was taking him straight back to his beach house so Sidney and their dog, Hannah, could keep their eye on him and make sure he didn’t overdo things.

Commander North leaned back and steepled his fingers under his chin. “Phantom, I hear you’ve remembered more about the mission in Timor-Leste, is that correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” Phantom said.

“Tell me exactly what you remembered, and why you think Miss Solberg could possibly be alive after all these months.”

Rex saw a muscle in Phantom’s jaw tick at the doubt in their commander’s voice, but he immediately began to recount what he’d remembered after he’d been shot.

When he was done, the room was silent for quite a while. Then Rear Admiral Creasy said, “You’ve told us why you believe Kalee was alive months ago while you were on the mission, but not why you think she might still be alive now. It’s been a very long time.” There wasn’t any censure in the man’s tone, and all the SEALs knew the question couldn’t be avoided.

Phantom sat up straighter in his chair and leaned forward, pinning his commanding officer and the rear admiral with his gaze. “I have no proof,” he said. “In fact, it’d be a fucking miracle if she was. But something in my gut is telling me that she survived. You didn’t see that orphanage, Sir. It was carnage. The children had been killed without mercy. It was much like I imagine the soldiers in World War II witnessed when they liberated the concentration camps in Europe, except there weren’t any survivors walking around.

“To have gone through whatever happened there, Kalee had to be strong. She would’ve done whatever she could to protect those children, I know that down to the marrow of my bones, especially after hearing Sinta and Kemala talk about the kind of person she was. If she lived through whatever happened before she was thrown in that pit—and I know for a fact she did—then there’s every chance she survived anything that’s happened since. She’s smart, we know that from talking to Piper and her dad. She’ll do whatever she has to do to survive.”

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