Home > Real Men Knit(32)

Real Men Knit(32)
Author: Kwana Jackson

   Jesse stared at him. “I was just messing with you.” He shrugged. “Well, sort of. But still. I get it. I know the decisions are not easy for any of us, bro.”

   “No, they really aren’t,” Damian said. “So how about you stop acting like it’s just about you and think about all of us?”

   Kerry caught the thickness in the air that came with the weight of Damian’s words.

   Jesse ran a sober hand over his face, and when he looked back at Damian, his eyes sparked with mischievousness once again, letting him and her know he refused to go there. “So, what is it then, why you here so early? You get into it with your sugar mama?”

   Damian looked at his younger brother like he was about two seconds from beating his ass, but Jesse just laughed. Giving up, Damian turned to Kerry, she guessed refusing to give Jesse any more pieces in their little game of checkers. “I’m through with this one. Now come on, you didn’t tell me what happened with your place, Kerry.”

   Kerry paused, first taking a moment to get her bearings, then glad for the chance to defuse the situation. “I don’t have all or any answers really. I think it was something with the building next door. Some sort of explosion, and then I had water gushing from my pipes and was told I had to get out along with the rest of the people in my building. They say it’s just a precaution because of the building next door. I should be able to go back today. I’m sorry for invading your space.”

   Damian frowned, grabbed two suits and three shirts, and put them into a garment bag. “It’s no problem,” he said. “Not like I was using it.”

   She wasn’t sure that it really wasn’t a problem but was glad Damian wasn’t too put out over her using his bed.

   Kerry went down to the shop right in time to catch Val coming to the door. In impatient Val form, she was both ringing the shop bell and dialing Kerry’s cell at the same time. “What are you doing here at this hour?” Kerry said, letting her in. “After last night, I thought you’d be sleeping in. Besides, it’s your day off.”

   Val was done up today in workout gear—tight Lycra that showed off her curves—though Kerry knew she wouldn’t be caught dead actually working out in her designer leggings and matching crop top. Working up a sweat would ruin the effect of her suspiciously flawless makeup. Kerry frowned. Val’s makeup was flawless. Too flawless for it to have been a good night with Craig, that was for sure. She knew her friend, and if all had gone to plan, she would not be at the shop looking ready to conquer the next conquest at this hour of the day.

   Val’s brows drew together as she gave Kerry a “Spare me” look. “Girl, it’s not even worth the conversation . . . but I’ll fill you in later,” Val mumbled under her breath, then flipped her frown to a huge smile as Jesse came down the steps followed a few moments later by a stone-faced Damian. One of her perfectly arched brows rose at Kerry, and Kerry gave a “Don’t start” look. As if that ever worked on Val.

   “Hey, boys. How are both of you on this fine morning?” she said in her best flirty, round-the-way-girl type of way.

   “We’re good,” Jesse replied while Damian stayed silent. “How about you?” He paused. “Did my boy take care of you last night, get you home all right after you both disappeared from the restaurant?”

   Val’s smile immediately vanished. “Your boy?” She shook her head. “Your boy didn’t get me anywhere.”

   Jesse raised his brow. “I was just making sure he treated you okay.” He looked at Val skeptically. “And you treated him okay.”

   There was a not-too-polite snort from Damian at that.

   Val smiled again as she looked from Jesse to Damian, then back at Jesse again. “Oh, come on, I’m sure your friend is fine.” She sighed dramatically, then shrugged. “Also, I’m insulted. Why would you think I’d hurt anyone? I’m as gentle as they come. Not that there is or would be anything to worry about when it comes to Craig. Not a thing at all.”

   Val made a face before turning Damian’s way. “This is not something we need to be discussing so early in the morning.”

   By the way Val smiled at Damian, Kerry could tell that Craig was a distant ten-hour-ago, long-forgotten past.

   “Damian,” Val started, and Damian looked up at her with annoyance over being directly addressed at all. It was amazing how he pulled off such aloofness. “It’s been a minute since I’ve seen you around. But it looks like life has been treating you well.” Her eyes roamed his entire body suggestively and, well, yep, Craig was officially done.

   But then Damian blinked and cocked his head to the side, and Val seemed to remember the circumstances as to why he would be in the shop at this hour of the day. She cleared her throat. “I mean treating you well, all things considered. I’m still so very sorry for your loss. Mama Joy is a terrible loss for all of us. I can only imagine what you all are going through.” The tone of her voice told Kerry her words were sincere. She could only hope that the guys would recognize that sincerity too.

   Shifting her eyes, Kerry saw the harsh scowl Damian was shooting Val’s way. What the hell? Val may be a little too open with her words at times, and yeah, a bit crass, but she was still Kerry’s friend and she didn’t want to see her hurt. Kerry stepped forward when she saw Damian take a small step and open his mouth as if he was about to deliver one of his cutting remarks.

   “Val always enjoyed helping out with the kids when Mama Joy would come by to give the children lessons at the center,” she said.

   “I really did,” Val said quickly, her voice laced with an odd desperation that was unlike her usual clapback self.

   Kerry looked at Val with confusion.

   “I bet you did,” Damian shot back, and Val’s brows drew together.

   Okay. This was dangerous, but at least it was more like her friend. For a moment Kerry thought Val had been kidnapped and her body taken over.

   Val gave him a drawn-out up and down that now held little admiration, and her smile could cut granite. “That nasty-assed attitude work for you down on Wall Street, Damian?”

   He shrugged, unfazed. “It doesn’t not work.”

   She continued to stare at him, then licked her lips dramatically before shrugging as good as she got. “I bet it does, but it’s still not cute. A thank-you would have sufficed.”

   Damian twisted his lips before finally nodding and relenting. “Thank you.” The corner of his lip went up ever so slightly in what could have been a smile but Kerry knew was not.

   Val smiled wider now, though, then turned back to Kerry, seeming to forget Damian’s snub and going right back to their conversation. “Though, as for help, I don’t know how much I really was. You and Mama Joy were never any good at getting these thumbs of mine coordinated. Lord knows you both tried.”

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