Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(135)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(135)
Author: J. Saman

I thanked the gods above that there wasn’t slobber running all over like the previous date. It was nice, not perfect, but comfortable. They say you shouldn’t pick a man by the way he kissed, but I found myself wanting the toe-curling, knee-buckling, and stomach-quenching kind of experience, not simply nice.

Something clicked in my head. I knew he wasn’t it. Maybe he’d be someone’s but definitely not mine. I’m not settling again.

When it ended, I wasn’t upset, but I could see in his eyes he knew it too. At least we both were true believers in love. This didn’t stop him from holding my hand as he directed me to his vehicle.

We made it to the bowling alley quickly. The room was dark, and the black lights shone on our clothing, making everything appear glow stick-like. It brought me back to the high school days when we’d go to Classic Skating. They had black lights, they had white and black parties where everything lit up like a rave.

“It’s busy!” I tried screaming over the loud techno music.

“That’s the best time!” he yelled back, smiling.

We got our shoes, and the cashier led us to the very end aisle. The lane next to us had a huge wild group of what hinted to be frat boys. They wore their Greek row themed shirts and backwards ball caps. If I were into young asshole-like boys, I’d find them attractive. They eyed me and licked their lips.

“Sorry, honey, I’m a little old for you.”

“Didn’t you hear? Cougar is the new flavor of the year.”

“Didn’t you hear? Dick is never in season!” I retorted.

Sometimes, I shouldn’t say or do things without thinking. I was about ready to knock his sorry ass on the oily floor.

“A dude needs to get laid somehow. You’d be a tight—”

He didn’t get the chance to finish before Blane socked him in the jaw.

I didn’t see that coming.

“Holy shit!” I screamed, surprised he reacted that way in sake of my honor.

Blaine watched me for direction, and I scanned the crowd of drunks and back at him. They didn’t seem to want to retaliate, and that was a blessing in disguise.

Shrugging in indifference, he grinned triumphantly. “No one should talk to a lady that way.”

All of this only made him hotter. Blane wasn’t a match made in heaven, but he could be a teddy bear in care bear land. A snuggly, burly, and sexy as hell carebear. That’s a thing, right?

We bowled, and neither of us had a set of skills anyone would be jealous of, but we had fun, and that was what mattered.

Not too long after our game, we headed to a motel five or so miles away in separate vehicles. We immediately checked in. After walking to our designated room for the night, we tumbled onto the mattress, our lips never leaving each other and body parts flying in all directions. He pulled out a condom, placing it on him before entering me. Did I tell you I suck at this? Our bodies weren’t exactly a masterpiece in an art gallery, but that was the beauty of it. We could be a tangled mess and enjoy the orgasms we gave each other.

I’m not a one-night stander, until now, of course.



“Don’t be a cocktease! That’s not how it went. Where’s all the good bits?” Stace pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. If she kept that up, she’d look like one of those people trying that Kendall Jenner lip challenge.

“I don’t screw and tell.” I grin mischievously. It was mostly true, but she didn’t have to know that.

“That’s such shit! How will your readers know what happened?” Stace feigned innocence as if she wanted to help my readers out and not playing for her own pervy gain.

“I guess you are right.”

“Damn right I’m right.”

Our bodies tangled, and by tangled I mean, I didn’t know what was what, or where to put any specific part of me. His hands were all over me. It was similar to being a teenage virgin all over again. I could taste the beer on his lips and his manly smell mixed with his cologne wrapped around my senses.

“Much better.” Stace smiled, approving of my little tease. “But keep going,” she insisted.

Analysis of date two: Awkward sex is just sex with laughs involved.






Newly Single Coen



Dating a BMX Biker Rule #1234: We want more than a piece of ass. Didn’t know that, did you?




“You screwed him!”

It wasn’t a question, I growled at my newly titled ex-girlfriend. The woman I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with couldn’t keep her legs shut. Felicity had fucked her boss and then acted as if it were okay because I’d traveled so often. Well, fuck you too. Since my career took flight, I’d constantly been on the road.

When I turned twelve, my brother Ty introduced me to the world of biking. He had been doing it since he was my age. Like him, I was a natural. They signed me almost immediately, and since then, I’d rode bikes professionally. My career was the highlight of my life. Not that our sex life was ever bad, but obviously, she wanted more than I could give.

I stood in our living room, glancing at the place I once called home. Knowing who she had in here while I was away made my decision leave much easier.

“I love you, Coen, so goddamn much, but you are never home.” She pouted.

Like being a slut was okay because I didn’t give her enough attention?

Our differing expectations were too much. I wanted a wife, someone to spend my life with and start a family. Where we would grow old together and watch them grow and have kids of their own. She wanted to be a model, she wanted fame and fortune, but she also wanted me to be around twenty-four-seven. It ruined us. I’d been in California for the past two weeks on the SparX Tour. While I earned my life savings, Conor Mayhem, my best friend, stopped by my place to make sure my plants were being watered, and found her in naked with another man. She’d gotten into bed with her manager. Not once had I strayed during our five-year relationship, and now I wondered how many times she fucked other men before I found out.

“I’m done. I’ll leave soon. Goodbye, Felicity.”

“Babe, don’t be rash. It was a one-time thing.”

I only slipped on his cock once, yeah, sure. I wasn’t an idiot.

“Even if it was one time, which I highly doubt, all I’ll ever think about is his dick entering you. No thank you,” I finished.

I marched away to our room, but she reached for me, and I had to use everything in me not to crumble to her touch. She gripped my bare arm, her eyes pleading with me. I almost caved too until I spotted the hickey above her left breast. Mother fucker. If she wore a less revealing shirt I wouldn’t have spotted it. Why would she want that visible? Whether me, or anyone else, it looked trashy.

With as much strength as I could muster, I moved her hand away and grabbed my huge duffels from the closet. The perks of always being on the move was the shit ton of luggage I had stored away. I’d never really got comfortable in Ephraim, and I wasn’t about to start now. Luckily, my best friend still lived in Mt. Pleasant, and I could crash until my next tour date. I’ll bounce back.

I’d like to say I’d tough this out, and it wouldn’t wreck me, but even men had a hard time coming back from something this painful. Searching for my gear bag, to make sure she didn’t steal anything. I felt for the box that contained the expensive rock I’d just purchased her. Too bad she’d never see how beautiful it really was. I’d planned on proposing so many times, but until this last time, nothing felt right. Now I know why.

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