Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(240)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(240)
Author: J. Saman

So. So what? So freakin’ hot!

Damn, what was he doing to me?

I should have said something then, but I couldn’t speak. It was like I had gone brain dead. He must have found me so rude. I needed to find a way to communicate before he started to wonder if I liked him or not.

Again, he voiced the words he had spoken just moments ago. Bringing his face closer to mine, his lips were now just inches away from my own. “Rae, you’re beautiful,” he mouthed breathlessly.

It would have been the perfect moment for a first kiss. The chemistry between us seemed to be soaring, the moon was in full view, the stars illuminated the sky, reflecting on the ocean as the waves crashed quietly to the shore. The setting couldn’t have been better. But, being me, and not knowing how to act, I just responded, “Thank you,” louder than I had intended.

I pulled away and the magic was gone. I had killed the mood. Leave it to me to ruin the perfect moment.

Way to go, Braelynn.

I think I heard him chuckling a little to himself, but I was too embarrassed to look back at him.

We remained in that very spot till close to midnight. Our almost perfect scene for a kiss didn’t happen again that night and I wanted to curse myself. When I got home, I went straight to my room, threw myself on my bed, burying my face in my pillow and relived that moment over and over again. The next time the opportunity would present itself, I would not fail. I would kiss Zachery Taylor if it were the last thing I did this summer.



The next morning, I met up with Misty on the beach.

She was on a pink beach towel in a skimpy bikini absorbing every single UV ray the sun was giving off. Misty had a fair complexion, but every summer she was set on tanning. She used a million different types of sun tanning lotions, all promising not to cause sunburn. Inevitably, she would always end up with a reddish tone instead of the tanned one she desired.

Remembering what my mom had suggested about inviting her and her father over to dine with us, I decided lunch would be the safest bet. I wanted to see if I could run into Zach after dinner again tonight.

“So, my mom wanted me to invite you and your dad over for lunch today. Would you guys like to come?” I asked.

Misty lifted her head up to look at me. She placed a hand on her forehead to shield her emerald green eyes from the sun. Before speaking, she placed her sunglasses on her face.

“Dad won’t be around much today… said he’s got something to attend to back home. Honestly, he’s been acting really odd lately, always staying late at work and whatnot, but sure, I’ll be there. I mean, where else would I be?” she answered, smirking.

“Cool,” I replied, scanning the area to see if a certain someone would be around. It was still pretty early, neither Misty or I were late sleepers, but I was hoping I’d get to see him again today. Maybe he was at the park working out again?


“Huh?” I said realizing Misty still had her eyes on me.

“Dude, you’re totally spacing out. Where is that head of yours?” she asked.

“Oh,” I responded, giggling.

She shook her head in disapproval and sat up. “Nope, you’re not off the hook that easily. Spill it. And where were you last night? I thought we were going to meet at Pop’s?”

Shrugging, I said, “Sorry, Mist.” I felt bad. I was supposed to meet up with her, but I had lost track of time and well, everything. My mind had definitely been in the clouds.

She frowned and said, “Is that all you’re gonna give me? ‘Sorry Mist?’ Come on, tell me. I waited till like ten, but once I realized you weren’t coming, I spotted Aaron and went to talk to him. You know he’s single again?”

That wasn’t surprising. Aaron was always single at the beginning of the summer. I think he used that as a tactic to hook up with as many girls as possible. Of course, once the time came to leave the beach life and go back to reality, he would break off whatever love connection he had made by telling them he was getting back with Rena, his ex-girlfriend. I doubted she ever really was his ex, but since he never brought her to Waverly–every summer she’d spend it back in Paris where she grew up as a kid. Her and her family had come over to the States when she was ten–there was no way of knowing for sure.

“Is that so?” I gave her a questioning look.

She threw her hands up, obviously annoyed with me.

“We didn’t do anything, okay? We just talked… and kissed,” she mumbled under her breath.

I shook my head, disapprovingly.

“Just be careful, Mist. He’s bad news.”

She pulled her glasses down and looked me dead in the eyes. “Read my lips. I. Don’t. Give a fuck. He’s hot, and I soooo want him. End of discussion. Now, you never answered my question… where the hell were you last ni–”

She stopped mid-sentence, looking past me directly at the ocean.

“Holy fucking ding dong donkey nuts,” she exclaimed.

Chuckling at her explicit statement, I followed her gaze and knew immediately what she had seen.

My breath caught in my throat and I swallowed hard. There, right at the edge of the water, stood Zach. He was wearing a pair of blue and green swim trunks with nothing else. Water laced his muscular, sun-kissed figure. His damp brown hair slightly covered his right eye. He appeared to be alone and ready to dive in once more.

I quickly looked away fixing the top of my one-piece, but Misty was still staring at him. I grabbed her arm forcefully.

“Hey!” she shouted.

“Shhh! Stop staring at him!” I stated, quietly. I don’t know why I was so paranoid; it wasn’t like he’d be able to hear us. The beach was packed with vacationers and thankfully, it didn’t appear like he had spotted me.

“Why would I wanna do that? He’s fuckin’ gorgeous!” she admitted.

If I hadn’t mentioned it before, Misty was boy crazy. Ever since I’d met her, there was always someone she liked. Her hormones were through the roof.

“Because! That’s exactly about last night,” I replied, feeling my face flame.

She furrowed her brows, saying, “About last night? Huh? Oh! You were with him?” Her face lit up, and for the first time since I had met up with her since arriving in Waverly this year, she seemed proud of me.

“Damn, Brae! That’s who you dissed me for? Well, damn. Look at you! I’m proud of you! He might be just a smidgen hotter than Aaron… maybe.”

He was definitely hotter than Aaron. Sure, Aaron was your typical dream guy. But there was just something about Zach that made him so much more irresistible than Aaron.

“Okay, bitchola. Details please,” Misty demanded.

“There’s nothing really to tell,” I said, looking back over at the shore, trying to catch another glimpse of Zach. He was still standing at the edge of the ocean.

“Um, yeah there is. Who is he? How did you meet him? What’s his name? Did you screw him? God, I would’ve jumped his bones the minute I could. Why haven’t I seen him around here before?”

Looking back at her, I finally gave her the answers she sought. “Because this is his first time staying here with family. And no, I didn’t screw him! We didn’t even kiss… although we almost did. Anyways, he’s nineteen, and his name is Zach, and he’s so flipping amazing! I met him yesterday at the park after I saw you, and oh my God, Misty, I’m crushing on him bad!” I admitted.

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