Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(241)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(241)
Author: J. Saman

A smile spread on her face from ear-to-ear. “Yeah? Zach, huh? Oh wow, he is so godly. You’re in trouble. Big trouble. Look at him… mmm. He is yummy. So, what’s the plan?”

I didn’t know to what she was referring. “Plan? What plan? There is no plan.”

She shook her head, not approving of my answer. “Of course, there’d better be a plan if you want him. You do want him, don’t you?”

Did I want him? Did I want Zach? Hell yeah, I did. But how? How could I do anything to make him mine? That wasn’t something I knew how to do.

“Well?” she asked again.

“Yeah. Yes, I want him. Misty, I like him… a lot. I haven’t been able to get him out of my head since I laid eyes on him. And I know it’s only been a day, but I’ve never liked someone this much.”

Crap. I had it bad for this guy. It was as if it had happened all of a sudden, but I couldn’t control my feelings for him.

“Then, we’ll figure out a plan of attack.” She winked at me.

I then shook my head, with regret and embarrassment. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

Me and my big, fat mouth. I probably shouldn’t have said anything just yet to her. Misty wasn’t one to hold back from doing something she believed in… like trying to hook me up with Zach. I would die if she were to do something.

“Why the hell not?” she looked at me, perplexed.

“Because, he was about to kiss me last night, and I got so nervous, I blew it. He told me more than once he thinks I’m beautiful and he always calls me pretty girl,” I finish on a whisper.

Her face broke out into a grin, “Oh, Brae. This is going to be easier than I thought. He already likes you. It’s sold.”

I spent the rest of the day with Misty and we talked about Zach and Aaron. It was nice to have some girl talk and just relax. I told her I would be heading out again tonight to hopefully see him, and I prayed that I wouldn’t blow it a second time in a row.






Two weeks went by since I had first met Zach, and almost every single night after dinner, we’d sit down on the sand and admire the stars together.

I found myself counting down the hours till I could see him again. I didn’t know what was going on with me, but I knew that I had it bad for him.

All I wanted to do was spend my time with him. It was to the point that I would rather skip dinner altogether and go see him. However, I chose not to do that so my parents wouldn’t become suspicious of my new behavior.

One afternoon I was sitting with Molly on the beach right behind our house, building some sand castles with her. Misty had been spending more and more time without me. I had a hunch she had been seeing Aaron on the regular and I was worried about her. But every time I’d see her, she seemed happy, so I just let it go.

“Good job, Molly! That’s a great castle!” I shouted excitedly, encouraging my little sister.

“Tink you, Rae,” she responded, proud of herself.

“My! She has gotten big!” Looking up, I saw Mrs. Neverly hovering over us with Sampson on a red leash.

“Hey, Mrs. Neverly! Hi, Sampson!” I greeted them back. “Look, Molly. Say hello to Mrs. Neverly and her dog, Sampson.”

Molly looked up at Mrs. Neverly with a smile. Then, averting her gaze at Sampson, she shouted, “Doggy!”

Sampson got close to her and licked her on the cheek, making Molly explode in a fit of laughter.

“Yep, that will always do it,” Mrs. Neverly said, smiling. Then looking at me, she asked, “How are things, dear?”

I pushed myself up, slapping my hands on my ass to rid myself of the excess sand.

“Everything’s going really well, thanks. How are you and Sampson doing?”

“All good with us. Just taking our afternoon stroll on the beach. Sampson loves it. He loves people, especially kids,” she said turning her chin up at Molly, “but you already know that.”

I giggled nodding. “Yeah, Sampson is a big pile of mush. We love him.”

“Misty not around much this year?” she asked.

Shrugging, I replied, “Yeah, she’s around, but I think she’s got things to do or something.”

Furrowing her brows, Mrs. Neverly responded, “Oh?”

I nodded again. “Yeah. Misty is a bit boy crazy,” I said. It was kind of hypocritical of me to say since lately, all that ever occupied my mind was Zach.

“I see. No boyfriend for you?” she asked.

I didn’t know how much I should reveal, but I figured it would be harmless to let her know there was someone on my mind.

“No boyfriend per se, but I did meet a really nice guy about two weeks ago, and we’ve been spending some time together. He seems really sweet.”

“Oh! Nice. And your parents like him?”

I made a face letting her know I had yet to spill the beans.

“Ah! I see,” she answered, understanding. “Well, I won’t say a word. What’s this young man’s name?”

“Zach, but this is his first time coming to the beach. He’s been staying with his grandmother for the summer,” I stated.

A look flashed on her face that I couldn’t read, but before I could ask her about it, she spoke again.

“Well, dear, I’d better get going. Good ol’ Sampson here loves his walks. It was great seeing you again.”

“You, too, Mrs. Neverly,” I said, and then facing Molly, “Molly, say goodbye to Mrs. Neverly and Sampson.”

“Bye-bye! Bye, Sapon!” my little sister said, gleefully. I had to admit, sometimes the way she mispronounced things was cute.

“Goodbye, sweetheart,” Mrs. Neverly said looking at Molly.

After ten minutes had gone by once they were gone, Mom came out looking for Molly.

“Hey, my beautiful girls. How’s my little one?” she asked.

“She’s been great, Mom. Having a wonderful time playing. Is it time for her n-a-p?” I asked, spelling the word so that Molly wouldn’t catch on.

“No nappie! No nappie!” Molly shouted. I stared at her and smiled. I guess the little stinker was smarter than I thought. How could she possibly know we were talking about her going down for a nap?

Mom laughed. “She’s catching on quicker than expected, but she knows when Mommy comes out with her pink bunny, it’s time to nap. Come here, sweet girl,” Mom motioned for Molly to go to her.

Not fighting it, Molly slowly got up off her tush, and held up her arms for Mom to pick her up. Mom kissed her forehead and Molly immediately placed her head on her chest.

“First she says no, and then she’s ready to sleep. So funny,” I said fondly.

I went up to Molly in Mom’s arms and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. “Rest well, little sis. I will see you later.”

Molly just waved at me, her eyes growing heavy. It was like a switch had gone off.

Mom started walking with Molly toward the house, and then turned around to face me. “You coming in or going to see Misty? Where is she by the way? I haven’t seen much of her.”

“She had some things to do, but I think I’m going to take a walk or something. I’ll be back in time for dinner. Anything good on the menu tonight?” I asked.

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