Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(245)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(245)
Author: J. Saman

I chuckled, and that was the exact moment, he got up, lifted me up off my feet and carried me into the back room.

My exposed breasts pressed against his hard chest as he carried me. I wasn’t embarrassed like I had always imagined I would have been my first time being naked–or in my current condition, partially naked–in front of a man.

As if on cue, the thunderous howl of the storm outside became louder and more intense with each passing minute. The heavy droplets of rain slamming against the rooftop created a soothing cadence. The only thing missing was the dim lighting; the place was still completely lit up.

But it didn’t matter to me. Lights on or off, I wanted Zach to take me into oblivion.

The room in the back was a bit small, but it was just the right size for what I wanted to happen. There was a soft, synthetic microfiber brown couch, which he gently laid me on.

At that moment, the power cut out from the storm, and the only light in our view was the moonlight coming in from one of the windows and the occasional bright flash of lightning.

And now, the atmosphere and setting was absolutely perfect. There was nothing else missing.

He kneeled in front of me, softly kissing my cheek and lips, finding his way to my neck. He trailed kisses all the way down to my breasts again before continuing his path further down my body. As he kissed my navel and reached my shorts, he gently unbuttoned them, and looked up at me, as if asking permission. I again nodded my head because at that very moment, I was too far gone in ecstasy to manage even a simple ‘yes’.

Pulling my jean shorts off and throwing them to the floor, he took a glance at my matching pink panties. He ran a tender finger over them where a wet spot now evidently showed.

“You’re perfect, Rae,” he whispered.

I blushed once again, lying there in just my panties. Before he had a chance to ask me if he could continue, I slid them off myself and threw them to the side, landing them on top of my shorts.

His eyes widened, probably from disbelief of how forward I had been. At any other time, my actions would have surprised myself, but right now, it was exactly the way it was supposed to be.

He placed a hand on my right knee and without another word, I slowly spread my legs, exposing myself to him. I was now completely naked before him and all he could do was admire what he considered perfection. I got so turned on by the way he was looking at me. His eyes were full of want and desire, telling me so much more than words could ever say.

“Rae…” he whispered.

I pushed myself up and brought a finger up to his lips, pleading in a whisper, “Shhh… take me, Zach. Take me to the moon.”

And without further hesitation, he took the lead. As he cautiously and gently entered me, he began thrusting in and out of me. It hurt more than I had anticipated, and I let out a few screams. It was so intense, but never had I wanted him to stop. The intimacy of the moment made me crave every little ounce of pain.

His movements in and out of me were so slow; it allowed to me feel every inch of his desire, turning me on.

I watched in awe as he brought his face mere inches from mine. “Braelynn, I love you,” he admitted in a whisper.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I resisted the pain of being torn apart in the best way at my most sensitive area. But my tears weren’t from the pain. They were from the realization that he felt the exact same way I did.

“I love you, too, Zachery.”

As we continued making love there on that old couch in his grandparents’ shop, pleasure finally began to set in, and we soared above the clouds, passing the stars, and reaching the moon more than once that night.






The following day, Misty and I found one another sitting on top of one of the sandy dunes.

It was yet another gloomy day, so the beach was empty for the most part. This summer had been full of rainy days and thunderstorms, but all in all, for me, there had been nothing but sunshine.

“Was it how you imagined?” she asked, looking at me in wonder.

I didn’t have to say anything. The grin on my face affirmed exactly how I had been feeling and she smiled.

“Misty, it was more than everything I thought it could be. There is nothing in this world that compares. I thought I would have been scared, and although it did hurt, I felt so comfortable with him, and I didn’t want the connection between us to stop.”

“I told you. It’s amazing. I’ve never been in love before, but I could tell you are totally over the moon for this guy.” She grabbed a strand of her fiery red hair and pushed it to the side.

“I am. Completely and hopelessly. It’s kind of pathetic, but at the same time, it makes me so happy. He makes me so happy. There is nothing in this world I want more than to continue seeing him. I’m meeting him in about an hour for lunch.”

“That’s nice,” she replied with a small smile. She seemed to be elsewhere as she looked out into the ocean, probably lost in her own thoughts.

“Yeah, and Mist, he told me he loved me during it. Those words alone were enough to leave me speechless, but it was at that moment that I revealed to him that I loved him, too.”

After a few moments passed and she hadn’t said anything more, I knew for sure something was up.

“Mist, what’s going on? What’s wrong? Is it Aaron?”

Finally meeting my gaze, I was able to see the tears welling up in her eyes.

“Misty, are you okay?” I asked, concerned as hell for my friend. She wasn’t one to easily break down; it took a lot to make Misty emotional. Yet, here she was, ready to lose her cool.

“It’s not Aaron,” she stated, matter of factly.

Not fully understanding, I edged her on. “So, what’s going on, then? I know I’ve been wrapped up in my own shit, with everything and Zach, but you know you can always talk to me. I’m here for you. Spit it out, girl.”

She made a disgusted face and let out a deep breath. “I think my dad’s been seeing my mom again.”


Shrugging her shoulders, she continued.

“Yeah, he’s been acting really funny lately. Whenever I talk to him, he seems to find a way to bring her up all the time. At first, I couldn’t for the life of me realize what was happening. But he’s been starting to defend her and if I say something about her, he tries to tell me I need to be understanding of her feelings. Her feelings? She was the one who left us… like, what the fuck, Brae? She dogged him, dogged us, and took off to put herself first. She didn’t think about her family or how her actions would make us feel. Yet, here he is saying how difficult things must’ve been for her… for her!” She stopped for a minute, shaking her head, and looked back at the ocean.

“What the fuck was so difficult for her? She had it so easy. My dad took care of everything so she wouldn’t have to. She didn’t even have a job. Ever. My dad would work long hours, day in and day out, while she’d either sit on her ass, go to the gym, get her nails and hair done, go on endless shopping sprees splurging his hard earned money… did my father think I was blind to it all? Does he think I don’t realize these things? She had it so good, but she still decided to take off with the third guy to screw her brains out.”

I looked at her in shock. “Third guy? What are you talking about?”

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