Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(285)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(285)
Author: J. Saman

She lifted her eyes to his again. The fear was so strong he wanted to scoop her into his arms and whisk her far, far away from the city. From the Chilani family.

“He knows you’re an FBI agent.”

“Shit.” He nodded and squeezed her hands again in reassurance. “What else did he say?”

“He told, whoever he was talking to…to take care of you. Maybe I was naïve before, but I’m not dumb. I know what that means. I don’t want anyone to hurt you. I never imagined that he…”

No more. He couldn’t take it anymore, especially when the tears started to fall. He let her hands go, scooped her onto his lap, and held on tightly.

“No one will hurt me. I swear.”

“You can’t make that sort of promise, Dax. You’re not invincible.”

“No, I’m not, but I am a trained FBI agent. I know how to be watchful, careful, and fight back.” He sighed. “My boss was already making plans for me to leave. He didn’t think my back-story would hold. Clearly, it didn’t.”

“Is that why you showed up the second time?”

More pain in her voice. He was the sole cause of it. “It was better not to tell you anything. I hate it that you keep overhearing conversations, Sarafina. I swear… Does he know you overheard anything? If he does—”

She shook her head. “No. He doesn’t. I don’t think so.”

“There’s a distinct difference between ‘no’ and ‘I don’t think so.’ A huge difference. I will not let anyone hurt you, especially that man. He’s dangerous. I hope you’re planning to stay away from them now. You better say yes or we’ll be having a serious argument here.”

“Lily is—”

“I don’t give a shit what Lily is. Your safety is all that matters. I can’t leave to go anywhere if I know you’re going to be in harm’s way. I just can’t.” He pulled her tighter into his embrace. She had to feel the terror for her safety running through his veins. The pounding of his heart. The queasy feeling in his stomach. The short breaths he couldn’t seem to control.

“He mentioned Ryan’s name. He said, ‘And Ryan, well, that’s unfortunate.’ He wouldn’t really hurt his own daughter’s husband, would he? Please tell me he wouldn’t, Dax.”

Damn it. Ryan, too. His whole world was crumbling down around him, and apparently, Sarafina’s as well.

“I won’t lie to you. Never again will I lie to you. You know the answer to that question.” He kissed the top of her head. “He’ll kill him. I would like to think he’d never harm one of his children, but I can’t say for sure. We have files a mile long full of shit he’s done. Murders you couldn’t stand to hear. When I say he’s a dangerous man, I mean it.”

“What about Ryan?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

She lifted her head and hit him square in the chest. And damn if it didn’t hurt a little. A very powerful punch for such a small woman.

“That’s my best friend’s husband. Your friend. Don’t ignore me. Don’t ignore my feelings.”

A slow grin grew into a delicious smile. “You have a hard punch, sweetheart.”

She hit him again, although, not as hard. More playfully. “And you ignored what I said.”

“Telling you not to worry helps me not to worry. You think I’m not scared? I am. For Ryan. For you.”

“And yourself?”

He shrugged. Why worry about himself? Besides an aunt he rarely talked to, he had nobody but his work buddies in his life.

“What are you going to do, Dax?”

“Taking you upstairs to a nice soft bed sounds like a good plan.”


He kissed her slowly. Treasuring her sweet taste, the delicate, perfect way she fit in his arms. “You scared about fifty years off my life. I need you. Tell me you need me, too.”

Her breathing became ragged and rough as she caressed his cheek with a tenderness that would’ve unfrozen his heart if she hadn’t already warmed it.

“I needed you all week. I definitely need you now.”

He stood up with her still cradled in his arms perfectly. “That’s all I needed to hear. No more talking. I only want to feel your body next to mine.”



Arm outstretched, the coldness traveled from her hand straight to her heart.

Again. He did it again.

“Darn you, Dax.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound good. What did I do so I can mentally prepare on how to fix the problem?”

She sat up straight. Dax stood outside her bathroom door, a sweet grin on his face as the sun shining through the window hit his feet, his hair damp from a recent shower.

“The bed’s cold. I thought…”

He walked quickly to the bed, dipping to the middle and planted a sweet kiss to her lips. “You thought I left. There’s no way in hell I’m leaving you until I know you’re safe.”

“So, there’s still an expiration date?”

He leaned away, running a hand through his hair. A loud sigh escaped. He rubbed his jaw, rough stubble still marking his face. “What are you saying, Sarafina?”

The stress etched on his face. The question in his eyes. The way he struggled to say something, yet didn’t say it.

“What are you saying, Dax?”

“My life…it’s sort of restarting itself. I don’t have many people in my life to make it a big deal. My parents…they’ve been gone for ten years. I can handle this. I would never ask you to handle it.”

She scooted closer and grabbed his hand that wouldn’t stop rubbing his jaw. “Meaning you want to ask me to make a new life with you?”

“You have friends and a family. A good job.” He laughed. “Whatever the hell that is. I still have no clue.”

“You’re good at avoiding an honest answer.”

“Yeah. Talking isn’t a strong suit of mine. Ask my ex-girlfriend. One of the reasons she’s my ex.”

She cupped his face. To soothe the pain she heard in his voice. To feel the roughness of his jaw. He could pretend to be so rough on the outside, but he was nothing but sweetness and kindness inside.

“She didn’t know how to patiently wait for you to answer. I have patience.”

Turning his head, he kissed the palm of her hand. “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a school teacher.”

His laughter filled the room, as did her heart. “Try again, sweetheart. You’re a horrible liar.” His smile faded, the light in his eyes turning to fear. “Which makes me very concerned Martin Chilani knows that, too.”

“Why wouldn’t you believe that?”

“You have patience, yes. Something you need to have to be a teacher. But I just know. I can see it in your eyes it’s not true.”

“Interior designer. Or more like an apprentice, gopher, do whatever my boss says or else. I would love to own my own company someday. I like creating beautiful things. That’s what I do.”

“That, I believe. Your house felt welcoming the moment I entered it.”

Smiling, his words lifted her spirits. She kissed him in thanks. “I didn’t even give you a full tour yet but thank you. It’s early. What are you doing up?”

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