Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(287)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(287)
Author: J. Saman

She blew out a deep breath. Talking was overrated. No wonder why Dax didn’t like to talk. A person had to dig deep and face the truth.

One man, or an entire family? That was the decision she faced. What a terrifying decision.

A loud ring echoed throughout her house. She jumped, nearly tripping over her coffee table.


He finally made it back.

She rushed to the door and jumped again when she saw Travis standing on her doorstep through the peephole.

Oh, darnation.

Dax said not to let anyone in. How in the world could she turn him away? He would never understand or take no for an answer.

Deep breath. Stay calm. Show no fear.

Yeah, right. He’d see through it in a minute.

The doorbell rang again.

Another deep breath. She tore open the door with the friendliest smile she could manage.

“Hey, Travis.”

He smiled his sweet, gentle smile he always gave her. “Hey, Fina. Can we come in?”

“We?” She looked behind him and nearly dropped her façade, showing her true fear. “Hi, Mr. C. What a surprise. Come in.”

She stepped aside to let them in, knowing it would be impossible to turn them away. Why was Mr. C with Travis? He had never, not once, visited her house before.

“What a beautiful home you have, Fina. Truly displays your wonderful personality.” Mr. C looked at her surroundings as he stepped inside and closed the door. She tried not to visibly shake.

“Thanks. It’s what I do.” She laughed. “Do you guys want coffee or something?”

“No, we’re fine.” Mr. C gestured toward her living room. “Let’s chat.”

She nodded and nearly jumped with surprise when Travis laid a hand on her lower back. He lowered his mouth near her ear as they walked into the living room and whispered, “It’s okay. My dad said he wanted to talk to you about something and asked that I come with. Don’t look so scared. It’ll be okay.”

She wanted to believe that. But Travis’s words didn’t comfort her. His hand on her gave no relief. Something bad was about to happen. More talk she didn’t want to have.

Dax was right. She was a horrible liar. Mr. C knew the truth. He knew she heard everything. She would die today. The question that puzzled her—how could Travis come with and let it happen?

She was the dumbest person alive to have trusted one member of the Chilani family. Except for Lily. She trusted her with her life.

“Lily stopped by this morning,” Mr. C said, still standing in the threshold of the living room while she and Travis took a spot near the coffee table. “I heard her talking to you. She wanted to know if you called Dax. Now, Fina, I would like to know why you want to talk to him.”

Oh, no. Perhaps she couldn’t trust Lily either.

Travis’s hand dropped from her back. He took a step away from her as his face fell into a deep frown.

“I don’t have all day. Answer my question now.” Mr. C’s lips drew into a thin line.

He only used that tone of voice when he meant business.

She was a dead woman. She only hoped Dax didn’t come back while they were still here. He didn’t deserve to die as well.



“Ryan, I’m back.”

Lily’s voice floated into the living room where Dax and Ryan still sat. They hadn’t moved much. Barely talked. When they did, it had been about mundane things. Dax understood why Ryan wanted him here, but his feet itched to leave. He worried about Sarafina. The more he worried, the more he came to realize he might not be able to leave without her.

“In the living room, Lily.” Ryan glanced at him and took a deep breath.

Ryan stood up from the chair and pulled her into his arms as soon as she was in reaching distance. Dax stood up as well and waited for them to say hello in the most delicious way. With a kiss.

That’s what he wanted. With Sarafina. He wanted to come home after a long day and pull her into his arms and kiss her as if she was the only thing that mattered.

Lily’s face bloomed a deep red when she finally realized he was in the room as well. “Hi, Dax. What brings you by?”

“Probably something you won’t like.”

Ryan glared at him and hugged her intimately to his side. “Let’s sit, Lily.”

She stepped away from him and frowned. “No. We won’t sit. He’s mad because you gave me his number to give to Fina. You don’t deserve her.”

Ain’t that the truth. She hit the nail on the head. He didn’t deserve her. “I’m not mad.”

“Well, what won’t I like?” She crossed her arms, glancing between the two like they better stop messing with her as if they had been.

Maybe he shouldn’t have answered her original question so abruptly.

“Dax is an FBI agent. He’s not in finance.” Ryan groaned and grabbed her hands. “Travis was arrested recently…”

She whipped her eyes to him, yet continued to let Ryan hold her hands. “Old news, but I guess something you obviously had to do with.”

“Our main target was your father. It’s not my fault Travis went in his place.”

Ryan glared at him again. “Dax doesn’t have much tack when it comes to talking, sweetheart. Look at me.”

“Why was he at our wedding?” Lily refused to look at Ryan.

“Are you naïve, Lily? Or do you just like to ignore what kind of man your father is?” Dax asked with a shrug.

“Damn it, Dax. Shut up. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to have you here.” Ryan cupped Lily’s face and made her look at him. “I had no choice but to let him in our wedding. The FBI was very persuasive. In defense of my friend, who I’m not sure deserves it at the moment, he didn’t want any part in this. They told me a lot of things your father has done.”

“Allegedly,” Lily stated with confidence.

“I guess that answers my question. You like to ignore the truth.” Two sets of eyes turned daggers at him.

“Lily, sweetheart, listen—”

“Let’s break it down for you,” Dax interrupted Ryan. He couldn’t stand it anymore. Not her naivety, her ignorance, or the bad feeling worming its way to the pit of his stomach. “Your father knows I work for the FBI. He’s already put a hit on me. And to sweeten the deal, he’s added one for your husband because he brought me in. He’s just as guilty in your father’s eyes. So, you have a choice. Leave with your husband, or take sides with your father?”

A horrifying gasp fell from her lips as her eyes turned to panic. “You’re wrong. That’s a lie. My father would never do something so horrible.”

“Do you honestly believe that, Lily? You’ve known the man your entire life. Do you really believe he doesn’t hurt people?” Dax asked, his voice softening a tiny bit. He didn’t mean to be so harsh. But his fear for Sarafina was spiking. He’d been gone way too long.

“How do you know all this? Tell me and maybe I’ll consider it to be true. Maybe.” She moved closer to Ryan, letting him slip an arm around her waist.

He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t say a damn word. But for her to truly believe him, he had to. “Sarafina. She overheard him on the phone before you got to the house yesterday. That’s why she wanted my number. She wanted to warn me.”

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