Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(390)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(390)
Author: J. Saman

“Better make it a cold shower when you wash your hair then,” I tease.

Colt gets up and dusts off. “Smart ass.”

“Where are you going?”

“Going to go walk Jordan and Clyde. They don’t give me cheek.” Colt jogs off down the beach toward the campsite. Leaving me to continue reading in peace.




Or not. Instead I find myself reading the same line forty-three times because I’m all too aware that there is no one left on the beach except for Jane and her friends, laughing and talking and bragging about all the things they want to do with the guys this week. Pretty sure some of the things they’re saying would even make the hero in my novel blush.

It’s about all I can handle for one day, so I pick up my stuff and head back to my tent. I doubt I’ll return to the beach for the rest of the night. It’s getting late and the guys have lit the grill. So, I grab clean clothes and my bathroom stuff deciding to have a shower before dinner. My hair is stringy and my face tight from the saltwater. I’m covered in sand and want to wash the day away before eating dinner and calling it a night.

I have a book to finish reading. And scenes to act out, apparently.

I can’t wait.









I thought I took long showers, but I swear Em has been gone for hours. Though that could be because Leilani is sitting on my lap talking about some chick having an affair with one of her professors or something. I don’t know. I try to tune her out. Try to shove her off my lap but she keeps climbing back on with a giggle each time.

I shudder.

Fucking giggles.

I only like Em’s giggle.

I catch Austin’s eye over by the grill and shoot him a glare, hoping like hell he’ll get the hint.

He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at me. Asshole. I flip him off and push Lorelei off my lap, again.

“Oh, I see what you’re doing,” she purrs.

I squeeze my eyes shut and tip my head back, praying for a wave to swell up and sweep me out to sea.

“I like it rough, you know?” she says, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

“Jesus. Fuck,” I groan.

Not a good groan, but Libby takes it as a sign that I want her and want it rough too. She bites my ear lobe.

This is karma. This is what I get for acting like an ass to girls, for using them to try and get off. Unsuccessfully every time, I might add. It’s not my fault my dick is faulty and only works for one woman no matter how hard I try otherwise.

“Colt!” Austin calls out, and I breathe a sigh of relief. The little shit finally steps up to help a guy out. “Get over here and help me with the grill.”

I jump out of my seat like it’s on fire and rush over to Austin, knocking Rome out of the way and stealing the tongs from him at the same, more than happy to take over the grill.

I stand there flipping the burgers and steaks, grilling the onions and focusing all my attention on the task at hand. Dad would be proud. I’ve never concentrated so hard or been so determined to see something other than basketball through. But if it means being left alone for fifteen minutes, I’m determined to grill the best damn burgers and steaks the guys have ever had.

For fifteen minutes I don’t tear my eyes away from the grill. It has to be some kind of record. When Em returns from the shower, I’m flipping burgers onto buns and piling the steaks high on a tray for everyone to help themselves.

I make a burger for Em and I while she grabs two bottles of water, and take a seat around the fire between Austin and Crew. Everyone is sitting down eating except Liv; she’s hovering. Her eyes on me, her mouth twitches as she makes her way across the circle to where I’m sitting and waiting for Em.

“I guess there’s like no seats left.” She pouts, and I glance around the fire. Dammit. She’s right. Every single chair is occupied.

“Shame. You’ll have to sit on the ground.”

“You wouldn’t let a girl sit on the hard ground, would you?” She flutters those creepy spider-looking eyelashes at me as Em approaches.

“Nope. I wouldn’t,” I say, and she stands a little taller, tugs on her top to reveal more cleavage and...

I grab Em around the waist and pull her down on my lap.

Luna huffs and stomps away.

“What was that about?” Em asks and tries to stand, but I pull her back and hold her tight.


“Okay.” She hands me a bottle of water and leans down to pick up her plate. Her ass presses against my cock, and my hips flex involuntarily. Em jolts forward, a small gasp escaping her lips.

I squeeze her hip. “Just sit still and eat your burger. If you do that, we won’t have a problem.”

My burger is half gone before Em speaks again. “Is it possible to be glared to death?”

I throw my head back and laugh. “What?”

“Jane. I swear, if looks could kill, it would be a blood bath right now.”

I peer around Em’s shoulder at Jane or whatever the fuck her name is. She’s sitting on Rome’s lap, and as soon as she catches me watching, she drapes her arms around his shoulder and whispers in his ear.


* * *


Rome’s eyes lock on mine. His lips quirk and then he stands and walks toward his tent with Lara giggling in his ear, legs wrapped around his waist. But her eyes are on me.

Em snorts. “Think someone’s trying to make you jealous.”

“And Rome’s exactly the guy to offer his services. Too bad I have no interest in her and don’t have a jealous bone in my body.”

“Austin?” Em taps him on the shoulder. “Where’s Keely?”

“In her tent.” His mouth twists in disappointment.

Em sighs and fakes a yawn, stretching her arms above her head. “That sounds like a great idea. I’m exhausted from all that sun and reading.” Her voice is sly, and I wonder what she’s up to. She’s not tired. It’s too early for bed.

“You should get some sleep; we might go exploring tomorrow. There’s some caves up the beach a little, and a small cove. Might be cool to check out.”

She yawns again. “I wish I could, but I need to take Clyde and Jordan for a walk.”

Umm no, she doesn’t. I walked them earlier. What the hell is she doing?

Austin looks as confused as I am. He blinks at her. “Can’t Colt walk them so you can go to bed?”

“No. Colt’ll have a shower.”

“I will?”

“Yes. You’ve been in the ocean, covered in sand and sweat. It’s gross. You need to shower.” She pinches my shirt and releases it, brushing her fingers off, her face screwed up in disgust.

Austin laughs.

“Maybe...you and Keely could walk them for us? Clyde and Jordan would enjoy a quiet moonlit walk along the beach.”

“They would, would they?” I ask. She’s lost her mind. But Austin seems to understand.

“Weren’t you going for a shower?” Em stands up and gestures for me to get up too.

Austin bounces on the balls of his feet. “I think Keely and I could do that.”

Em beams at him. “Great. I’ll get the birds. You get Keely.”

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