Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(421)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(421)
Author: J. Saman

“We’re waiting for you,” I say, slipping my hand into Halle’s and motion toward the front of the drive. The crowd of people in the distance is far enough away from the road that you wouldn’t know what we’re up to unless you drive all the way onto the Reid property.

Not wanting to leave Gage waiting, I opt to just send Mason a text message telling him I’ll catch up with him tomorrow as Halle and I head toward the front of the house where the cars are parked.

“I’m just turning down Tucker Road,” he says. “What the fuck?” he shouts. The sound of tires screeching in the background causes my adrenaline to spike.

“What the hell, man? Back the fuck up off me!” he yells.

“Graham, I’m on the way but this guy—” he cuts off again. I feel like I can hear my heart beating in my ears, as I clutch my phone into my hand.

My hand squeezes around Halle’s, as she wraps hers around my arm as I hear her muffled words asking me if everything is alright.

“Gage, you alright?” I ask.

I hear him shout my name, followed by the sound of metal crunching on the other end of the phone before the call disconnects.

“Gage!” I shout, my voice growing hoarse as I hold my phone out in front of me. I quickly click on his name again, redialing is number as the line continues to ring and ring repeatedly in my ear.

“What happened?” Halle asks. There’s a fear in her voice. It’s the same fear I feel wrapping around my heart and squeezing it.

“I don’t,” my voice cracks, “I don’t know.”

Looking down the road, I look for a sign of his headlights in the distance, anything that would give me a clue that he’s okay and what I just heard on the other end of the line was not what it seemed to be.

When I don’t see him, the realization hits me like a ton of bricks as ice rushes through my veins.

“I have to go,” I mutter out, dropping Halle’s hand, as I take off running down the gravel driveway, cutting across the yard onto Tucker Road.

My chest heaves as my lungs struggle to pump air through my chest, as my feet pound against the pavement. The red and blue lights flashing in the distance, grow closer as my eyes turn blurry from the tears filling my eyes.

I don’t think about anything. It’s as if my mind is completely blank, which is good. I’m scared if I were to think about anything in this moment, I’d be pulled into the darkness. It’s inevitable though.

My throat burns, as the sweat drips down my face, mixing with the tears. I make it there, just as the paramedics pull up at the scene.

I immediately recognize Kane, Brannon’s brother, as he steps out of the driver’s side of the ambulance. He must’ve seen me approaching because as soon as he’s out, he quickly slams the door shut and stops me from coming any closer.

“Hey, buddy. We need you to stay back, okay? I know you’re worried, I get it, but there’s nothing you can do to help right now. Let us focus on helping him.”

Forcing air into my chest, I attempt to swallow. I can hardly breathe, much less speak, as I nod my head and hold my hands up as I take a step back.

My eyes are wild, trying to look around them, for any sign of Gage and that he may be okay. I keep hoping I’ll hear his voice, that I’ll see him sitting there talking to the firefighters.

As I see them kneeling next to his vehicle, I realize in that moment it’s not going to happen. The sound of metal crunching again, as they try to open the driver’s side door is a sound I remember all too well, and just like that, my knees give out beneath me.

There’s no stopping the storm that follows, as the tears pour down my face. The gravel cutting into my bare knees is a welcomed pain, a distraction from the impending fear in front of me.

If there is a God, I pray to him and ask for mercy on Gage. I don’t ask for much, so it may seem greedy in this moment, but I promise it will be the last thing I ever ask if he’ll just not take him away from me.

Watching as the firefighter throws his helmet on the ground in frustration, I know my fears have just been confirmed.

Kane turns around, approaching me. “Graham, man, I’m so sorry.”

I hold my hand up to him, not wanting to hear him say what I already know.

The guilt that filters in is the same guilt that will torment me for years to follow. Staying in Arbor Creek is just a painful reminder of everything I’ve lost along the way. First my father, now Gage.

I’ll be damned if I let the same thing happen to the two women I love more than life itself. They’re better off without me.








* * *


I hardly spoke to Graham the rest of our trip to Chicago. Or rather, I did my best to avoid him, which wasn’t easy to do.

When I woke up the next morning, it was like the events from the last night played over and over on repeat in my head. Ever since he waltzed back into town looking like sex on a stick, I’ve fought against the urge to let it go one step further. I know Graham, I see the way he’s holding himself back when he’s around me. That night was a perfect example.

I just threw myself at him. I practically begged him like a cat in heat. He wouldn't even let me touch him, which is kind of mortifying when I think about it. I handled my embarrassment in the best way I knew how; I sunk my head under the comforter and sulked.

When I finally pulled myself out of bed, I promised myself not to think about it again. I reminded myself of the past; the way it hurt when he threw us away, the pain I felt when he ignored my attempts to talk to him after he left town, the way he acts as if all the time we spent together never happened. I let it be the reminder I need that going down this road again will only lead to heartache. Instead, I am going to put my focus on where it needs to be, which is on my family, friendships, and my career. One of my best friends is about to have her big day. No one deserves love more than Ellie and seeing the way Callum loves her and cares for her is another reminder of why I need to focus on the present.

The week leading up to the wedding has been a whirlwind. I didn’t realize all the last-minute details that go into preparing. Now I know why Kinsley has been marching around with a damn clipboard, because if anyone else was left to planning, it would’ve been mass chaos.

After a short day at the salon, Kinsley and I drove together to Callum and Ellie’s house for the rehearsal before meeting up with everyone for dinner. We had a girls’ night planned with Ellie and Brea. You know, traditions and all where the bride is not supposed to see her groom.

“Alright, Callum, you can let us have her for one night. After tonight, you’ll have her all to yourself,” Kinsley says, as she steps around to the back of Ellie’s car.

Callum presses his hands against the roof of the car, trapping Ellie in. Leaning forward, he presses a kiss against her lips as she wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer.

“Good lord, she’s going to get pregnant right here in front of all of us,” I jest, although it’s highly possible. They haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other all night. If we don’t run off with her now, we’re going to have a tough time separating them.

Callum growls, as he playfully kisses her cheek and down her neck, banding his arms around her, not wanting to let her go. Ellie laughs gleefully as I roll my eyes, looking over at Kinsley as I playfully stick my finger in my mouth like I’m gagging.

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