Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(466)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(466)
Author: J. Saman

“No. Your something blue will be very special. I promise. Just remember I said that and you will be fine.”






“This is so nice, Callie, thank you. I needed some girl time. I get lonely. I’ve been looking forward to this all week long.”

I smile at my older, most dependable friend, blowing on a dandelion I plucked off her wild lawn. I wish I could make things right for her, too, to get her set up with a man who’d make her happy like Austin makes me. I’d give anything to make her son speak in full sentences so she didn’t have to worry so much. But I don’t have the words to tell her these things; experiences I know I have no way of fully comprehending. For a moment, I feel guilty. I make the dandelion wish again, trying to come up with something to make her feel the appreciation she deserves. She has no concept that—to me—she is the mother figure I never really had, besides Grandma. Finally, “I couldn’t do it without you. Sonya’s way too far away and Stixx thinks wedding planning is boring. She’s more about the party than any of the sentimental stuff.”

Julie laughs. “Well, it takes all kinds, I guess. And let’s face it, without her and Kiki around, things might get a little boring.”

“Austin says that all the time.”


“That Endings is boring. He wants out of here so bad. He says, the second we save up enough money, we’re gone. He’s just fixin’ to get in a fight over nothing, I suppose. Just like Pappy, that man. Always something.”

Julie frowns. “Oh.”


“But what about Maggie?”

I shrug. “Don’t worry, I intend to remind him of that. I just can’t see us leaving Endings. We aren’t leaving her behind, and I reckon she’d give him a hell of a time if we tried.”

“I’d miss you if you left.”

“Well, we wouldn’t go far. Right now, he’s talking about Raleigh. I guess he figures I’ll be happy back in the old stompin grounds.”

“But you sorta grew up here, too. Heck, ya’ll met each other here!”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t worry! Really! I already talked to Jason and Brandon. They said they might be able to get him a job at the garage. Once he sees money coming in, he’ll want to save up. Austin’s a planner. It’d be dumb to leave Maggie’s too soon. We want to buy a house, and I’ve got nursing school.”

Julie sighs, then, her lips curl into a slight grin.

“What? What’s funny?”

“Nothing. It’s just so cute. Don’t get your heart set on anything. I mean, stay open-minded. Life has a way at throwing curve balls, love. You best be fixin’ to be ready for them. Look at me—thought it was love. Never saw it comin’ that man’d be drunker than Cooter Brown. Not everything is a fairy tale. Ya’ll been lucky so far. But life has a sneaky way of throwing surprises at ya.”

“You know, it’s funny. Es said something like that to me, too. But that’s just Es. I think she’s a little nuts. She went on and on about the wedding and how I can’t forget my something blue.”

“Oh, Es! Gotta love her! I don’t bother with those readings anymore. Bess is always trying to get me down there, but no. I’d rather just not know, ya know?”

“I hear ya. I figure if my biggest problem is coming up with something blue, I’m in good shape. I’m thinking—”

“Garter belt?”

I laugh. “Exactly.” God, she’s such a great friend. Like the big sister I never had. Always looking out for me. Always on the same page. If only she could be happy too.

“Alright, love. We’ve got some dress trying on to do! I have no idea how mine will even fit,” Julie tugs at the snug waist of her jean shorts. “Too many grits.”

I laugh, “Well, they have seamstresses for that. Don’t worry about it.”

“You just wait! I can’t wait until you are my age and trying to cram yourself into a bridesmaid’s dress.”

“Matron of Honor! Don’t you dare forget that! That’s a major upgrade from ordinary bridesmaid, love.”

Julie smiles. I can almost hear her thinking, take that, Stixx. “Well hot damn! How could I forget? Matron of Honor then. I really am honored, Cal. Best thing to happen to me in a long time.”

“Yeah. I hear ya. Between Austin being away, worrying about Maggie and trying to get over Grandma being gone I haven’t had a great go of things lately either.”

“It’s about time something good happened round here. This place needs it. The wedding will be perfect. Just beautiful, like the bride.”

“Yeah. It’s changed so much. When I was a kid, we’d come here and it was always a big vacation. I didn’t know many people besides Austin. When Grandma moved here, well, that changed things for me. She knew everyone.”

“I think she was happy here. Her and Maggie always had a great time. And those sweet tea competitions? Wow. Who knew tea could be a competitive sport?” Julie laughs.

“Or a contact sport,” I add, remembering the time Maggie got so mad at Grandma she poured the entire pitcher—complete with ice—over Grandma’s head.

“Oh. Good times for sure! I reckon you’re right. I never really knew the place ‘til I became a full timer either. Hell, when I was a kid, we made fun of people in Endings. Called um townies.”

“Yep. And the funny thing was, I’d go the whole school year counting down the days ‘til I came back. Eventually, my friends were here and school was just something Grandma and Pappy—my grandfather—made me do.”

“Well, you’ll get your happy ending at Happy Endings. How neat is that?”

I smile, sipping warm lemonade and holding my glass with two hands. I look up at my friend. “Oh! Did I tell you? Sonya and John are bringing Hunter to the wedding!”

“Your nephew? The new baby? How sweet!”

“Yeah. I know! I was thinking of using him in the ceremony somehow. Obviously, he’s too young to be a ring bearer. But maybe. I mean, we could throw him in a wagon with pillows and the rings on that or something?”

“Every wedding needs a cute ring bearer or flower girl. That’s the perfect idea. I have an old wagon out back. We could spray paint it and fix it right up. Wrap the sides in flowers, ya know?”

“Oh, I love it! I bet Sonya would love it too. She’s all worried about fitting in her dress. This will be the perfect distraction. I really miss them. It’s been hard since they moved.”



“Yeah, that’s just too far. How long are they staying?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure. I need to call Sonya tonight. And you and me? We need to get ready, sweets. Look at the time!”

“Shit, you’re right. Let’s go. Dresses to try on. This will be so much fun, Cal.”



It takes an hour to get Maggie ready for bed. After a productive day of shopping and planning with Julie, I’m beat and want to get to bed early. I’ve just brushed my teeth and am about to curl up with a sleazy read when the bridal march tone on my cell phone blasts through Maggie’s trailer. I jump. It’s Austin.

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