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Here (Here in Lillyvale #1)(28)
Author: Jenny Bunting

“Tell me about it,” Caroline agreed. “I don’t know whether to call Sophie to start on the back-up plan, or live in denial that I can still have an outdoor ceremony on the beach.”

When they opened the door to the bridal suite Caroline booked, they found Addison and Caroline’s mom, Judy, placing the last of the champagne flutes on the table, next to a spread of cheeses and various pastries. Champagne and bottles of juice crowded an ice bucket.

“Hello, beautiful bride!” Addison exclaimed, jumping toward Caroline and enveloping her in a hug. Judy poured a mimosa for Caroline and then offered one to Zoey and Addison. Zoey definitely agreed, but Addison hoisted a large water bottle, signaling she was not taking any chances today.

“Mom, have you seen Aunt Lisa yet?” Caroline said.

“She texted me yesterday and suggested we meet for dinner last night. She knew it was the rehearsal dinner,” Judy said.

“How mad is she about the rehearsal dinner?” Caroline asked.

“Pissed. But when is Lisa not pissed?” Judy said. Addison agreed with a nod and a smile.

“Hopefully she’s on her best behavior today,” Zoey said, looking around the room. Caroline’s wedding dress hung from the bathroom door, ready for photographs.

“No kidding. I’m not above telling her to leave if she gets out of hand,” Caroline said.

“You could’ve not invited her,” Zoey offered. Zoey noticed a slight nod of Judy’s head.

“It’s important to me to include the whole family,” Caroline said. Everyone let Caroline’s comment hang. Caroline always tried to mend fences, even if she wasn’t asked to. Zoey thought about her and Jonathan, how they were on their way to somewhere, whether it was to more heartache or the love she had been missing. We’re not going to think about that now, she thought. She stuffed a mini-croissant in her mouth to push down the feelings.

“Thank you so much, Mom, for doing all of this.” Caroline took her mother in for a squeeze. Caroline went to the bedroom and emerged with two bags in her wedding colors: blush pink bags with primary red tissue paper. “For my beautiful bridesmaids.”

She handed the bags to Zoey and Addison. They both received their wedding jewelry, a decadent, blush pink short robe, and hot pink flip flops. Zoey pumped her fists for new flip flops, due to the flip flop tragedy the day before.

“Thank you!” Addison said, hugging Caroline. “We have something for you too.”

Addison grabbed a glittery bag and handed it to Caroline.

Caroline grinned when she pulled out a flat rectangle object and unwrapped it. She looked at it for a second, and then her eyes immediately filled with tears.

Addison and Zoey had written a children’s book for Caroline and Brady so they could read it to their children one day. It was the story of how Caroline and Brady met and fell in love.

“Mom, look at this!” Caroline said, tears spilling. She showed it to her mother.

“I wrote it and Zoey did the artwork,” Addison said.

Addison and Zoey had a great time working on it, and Zoey stayed up many nights, bleary-eyed after long nights at the restaurant so her drawings were the best they could be for her best friend. Her heart felt full as she drew the different scenes, turning her friends into cartoons. They also debated whether they would include that Brady dated Zoey in there, and they added it as a funny little scene, where “Daddy dated Aunt Zoey and they did not fit, not like Daddy and Mommy do.” Addison wrote a fantastic story, and they both cried and hugged when they got the proof and were ready to order the final.

Caroline said nothing as she flipped the pages, wiping her eyes. She looked up at the end, from the final page that had cartoons of Caroline and Brady in bridal attire.

“I’m speechless,” Caroline said, standing up and taking both women in her arms. Judy began looking through the book. Addison, Zoey, and Caroline held each other, all silently letting tears fall.

“Okay, we have to get our shit together,” Zoey said, wiping her eyes. “When are Makenna and Taylor coming?”

“Around eleven,” Caroline said. “I wanted some time with just us.”

The women cooed as they clinked their glasses. Caroline’s mom snuck out and the champagne really started to flow. They went through a full bottle of champagne before a soft knock came at the door.

Caroline opened it and squealed. Makenna and Taylor funneled in with all their stuff. Taylor dropped a bag of sandwiches while Makenna set down her black train case and the bag slung over her shoulder. Both wore head-to-toe black, like they were stage crew.

“Thank you so much for grabbing lunch,” Caroline said. “What is the cloud situation outside?”

“Um,” Taylor began. Taylor unloaded the sandwiches into the mini fridge in the room and didn’t say a word.

“It’s going to fucking rain,” Makenna said. Suddenly, a loud thunderclap made the room shudder. “Ha ha! I’m right.”

Caroline ran toward the window, pulling back the curtains. She turned around with her arms tightly at her sides. “It’s pouring.”

“Told you,” Makenna said, opening the lid of her train case.

“What do we do?” Caroline asked.

“Well,” Makenna said. “It could stop. However, the weather app on my phone”—Makenna scrolled with her long red fingernail—“says it will stop around ten o’clock tonight.”

“When does it rain in the middle of June?” Addison asked.

“It’s Tahoe,” Makenna said.

Caroline punched numbers into her phone. “I have to call Sophie. She has to have a plan.”

Caroline waited until Sophie presumably picked up. “Sophie, it’s Caroline Rhodes. What do we do?”

Zoey couldn’t hear the other end of the call, but assumed they were discussing the rain and possible contingency plans.

“You don’t know what to do?” Caroline screamed into the phone. She threw the phone across the couch and let out a guttural shriek. This was Sophie’s first wedding on her own, and both Caroline and Sophie may have been naïve about Tahoe’s unpredictable June weather.

“Maybe we should eat,” Taylor suggested.

“Excellent idea,” Zoey added. Taylor got the sandwiches back out again, placing them around the round table.

Caroline tore into the sandwich with her teeth. Sometimes feeding her helped, so they watched her as they slowly ate their sandwiches. Zoey couldn’t really taste hers since she felt the residual stress emanating off Caroline. Or it might very well have been the situation with Jonathan. She wasn’t going to think about it. Thinking about it led to a worry loop that led to more stress. And worst-case scenarios.

“I could go down and talk to Sophie,” Taylor said. “I’m sure we can figure it out.”

“It’ll all be okay, Caroline. We are going to make the best of this,” Addison said, covering Caroline’s hand with hers. Caroline nodded.

“Let’s cheers,” Zoey said. All the women at the table lifted their glasses. “To true love.”

“To true love,” the rest of the women echoed, five glasses clinking together in the middle.





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