Home > Here (Here in Lillyvale #1)(32)

Here (Here in Lillyvale #1)(32)
Author: Jenny Bunting

“Okay, Bob. What do I do?”

“Um,” Bob said. “Follow your…heart?”

“Bob, really,” Zoey said. “Do you call that advice?”


Zoey knew Bob was probably hoping for the sweet release of death. She felt a hand on her shoulder and spun around to find Caroline. Caroline took her white wine, and Zoey grabbed the beer and her drink.

Caroline pulled her away. “Are you talking to strangers again?”

“Oh, we go way back. That’s Bob.”

“Uh-huh,” Caroline said, taking a sip of wine. Wedding guests passed her, wishing her congratulations.

“Um, so did you see Lisa?” Zoey asked, and then Lisa manifested in front of them.

“Oh. My. God,” Lisa said, pulling Caroline into a straitjacket of a hug. Zoey noticed the flower crown wobble a little bit. Zoey was glad she hadn’t given Caroline the beer for Brady yet since Caroline’s wine almost ended up all over Grandpa Dale.

Lisa still held Caroline’s arms in her hands when she released her to look at her. “Such a beautiful ceremony. Too bad it had to rain. But you know what they say?” Caroline closed her eyes slowly as Lisa said, “It’s good luck for it to rain on your wedding day!”

“I hope that’s true,” Caroline agreed. Caroline grabbed Zoey’s arm and dug her nails into her flesh. Zoey grimaced in pain. “So, Aunt Lisa, why are you wearing white?”

“Oh, this old thing?” Lisa said, fluffing up the skirt. “I thought I would channel Jenny from Forrest Gump. I didn’t think you would mind.”

“Oh, I don’t know how anyone would have a problem with a guest wearing white to their wedding,” Caroline said, tilting her head to the side.

Lisa did not catch Caroline’s sarcasm and kept going. “Well, I am so thrilled you invited me. I know it was you and not your uptight mother or my witch of a sister, who is conveniently not here.”

Zoey’s mouth stretched into an inaudible “wow” since Addison’s mother, Jackie, was possibly the sweetest woman Zoey had ever met. She couldn’t make it to the wedding because of an emergency gallbladder surgery.

“And you, Zoey!” Lisa took her in a tight hug. “You and the best man? What’s the story there?”

“Oh, that’s a long story,” Caroline said, stepping between Zoey and Lisa.

“Anyway, I’m here,” Lisa said louder. “I’m going to grab a drink. The bartender has been giving me eyes all night.”

“Don’t break Bob’s heart,” Zoey called after her.

“Okay,” Caroline said. “That wasn’t terrible. Let’s see what happens after she’s had some cocktails.”

They walked back to the sweetheart table so she could deliver Brady’s beer, and she hugged Caroline before doubling back to the wedding party table. All the bridal party were there, plus Makenna and Derek. Jonathan rubbed the empty seat of the chair next to him. Zoey sat down as he kissed her cheek and rubbed her shoulders.

The lights dimmed so the votive candles on the tables shone, and the wait staff circled the tables. When the food came, Jonathan offered Zoey a bite from his fork, and she took it. “Really?” Makenna said from across the table, stopping mid-cut of her meat. Zoey also fed Jonathan a bite of her sea bass, maintaining eye contact with Makenna the whole time. She even kissed him quickly to make a point.

“You two are gross,” Makenna said, her top lip in a snarl.

“You don’t like displays of affection, Makenna?” Addison asked as she took a dainty bite of a zucchini. Derek said nothing as he devoured his steak and masticated with his mouth open.

“Displays of affection seem so forced,” Makenna said. Zoey didn’t agree but didn’t respond. There was no point in arguing with Makenna Brady.

“This one loves it,” Derek said, slinging an arm around Addison. His hands were coated in grease. “Can’t keep my hands off of her!” Addison smiled tightly and took a bite of her pasta.

“I don’t think you’ve ever been in love before,” Dan said, pointing her fork to Makenna, not engaging with Derek.

“No, can’t say that I have,” Makenna said. “Still, I don’t agree with grand displays of affection.”

“Just wait until you fall in love with me, baby,” Dan said to her from across the table. “You won’t be able to keep your hands off me.”

Derek slurred, “Oh, Makenna, just fuck him already. Playing all coy with him...”

Dan’s smile dropped. “Excuse me?”

Derek’s eyes were half-mast as he took another sip of whiskey. When did he get whiskey? “Makenna, we know you hook up with random guys anyway, so it won’t be anything new. This ‘will they or won’t they’ is exhausting.”

Makenna opened her mouth to speak, her eyes on fire. Then Dan stood up with a pointed finger. His voice sounded calm, but terrifying. “Derek, I will lay you out if you don’t shut the fuck up.”

“No, I got this,” Makenna said, standing up and walking over to a seated Derek.

“What?” Derek said, leaning back with open hands.

Makenna stared him down and then looked at Addison. “Addison, can you please remove your man from this wedding? Before I gouge his eyeball out with my heel?”

Addison said nothing as she stood up and motioned to Derek with her hand. Derek threw his cloth napkin down and let out a frustrated sigh. Addison pulled him by the elbow, and he went willingly. Zoey’s cheeks grew hot. Usually, Derek said obnoxious things, but nothing as rude as what he just said to Makenna. She had noticed Derek hitting the alcohol aggressively over the weekend, getting more and more belligerent. Jonathan draped his arm around her, and he skimmed her skin with his fingertips again. It sent tingles down her arm and she leaned against his chest. It felt right in his arms.

Caroline approached the table after Makenna sat back down. Makenna had fixed her hair and breathed out. She looked unfazed and composed; Zoey would’ve still been nuclear if it had been her.

“What’s going on here?” Caroline asked. Concern was written all over her face.

“Nothing,” several members of the table said. Zoey’s heart pounded. Caroline shrugged and walked back to the sweetheart table with her husband.

The group ate mostly in silence. They watched as Aunt Lisa avoided Caroline’s mom twice and checked on Bob the bartender.

Addison walked briskly to the table and sat back down.

“Sorry about that,” Addison said, smiling like nothing happened. “I’m very glad we booked a hotel room here.” She started eating her pasta again, though Zoey knew it was cold.

As dinner wound down, the DJ warned Jonathan and Zoey that the speeches were next on the itinerary.

“You’re going down,” Zoey said, pointing to the ground.

“I don’t think so.” Jonathan popped his collar. “First-year law students always learn how to give movie-caliber closing statements. This victory is mine.”

“Well, they teach you in the teaching credential program how to give inspirational speeches to your worst class,” Zoey shot back.

“May the best bullshitter win,” Jonathan said as they flanked the DJ.

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