Home > The Choice of Magic(130)

The Choice of Magic(130)
Author: Michael G. Manning

She filled a wooden cup from a pitcher on the nightstand and handed it to him. He gulped it down and held the cup out for more. After his third cup, his mother asked, “What happened to Selene?”

“Didn’t Annabelle tell you?”

“It didn’t make sense,” said Erisa. “What do you think happened?”

“I really don’t know,” he admitted. “It seemed like she was being taken by something. She didn’t want to go.” He described what he had seen, including Selene’s last words.

Erisa pursed her lips. “I liked her. What else is there? You seem like you’re hiding something.”

Will tried to look innocent, but his mother scowled. “Spit it out, William. I don’t know how to help you if you won’t talk to me.”

With a sigh, he told her the rest. It felt good to get it off his chest and he found himself telling his mother everything, from their first meeting up until he had overheard her speaking to the unknown stranger outside their house. When he finished his mother looked perplexed. “Well, what do you think?” he asked.

Erisa threw up her hands. “I lied. I don’t know how to help you.”

“Thanks, Mom,” he said dryly.

“I know one thing, though,” she said after moment. “That girl is in love with you.”

“Mom, please! You heard what I told you. She was just trying to gain our trust,” said Will, but he doubted his words even as he said them.

Erisa shook her head. “I saw the way she watched you while she was here. A woman only observes a man that closely if she’s in love.”

“Or if the man is her target,” countered Will.

“You’re wrong,” said Erisa. “But even if you believed me, you shouldn’t trust her. From what you’ve said, she owes allegiance to someone else, and I don’t think she’s the kind that will let her feelings override her obligations.”

“We agree about that, at least,” said Will, “the obligations part.”

“By the way, Annabelle has been watching you the same way,” warned his mother. “Be careful with her.”

Will groaned and put the pillow back over his face.



Chapter 63

The rest of the week passed peacefully while Will recovered his strength. He was somewhat surprised at how long it took. Aside from his bruises and the small wound in his back, he hadn’t really been too badly hurt, but his fatigue seemed to be bone deep. It was days before he was able to walk on his own safely, and even then, he found himself out of breath after only traveling a short distance.

“Your body is short of blood,” his mother explained. “It takes time to replace it.” All he could do was accept her words, for his body agreed with her.

Another deer appeared on the porch, courtesy of the goddamn cat, and Will was able to enjoy meat with his meals again. Erisa certainly seemed pleased, for she said it would help him replace the blood he had lost.

The only thing that bothered him was Annabelle. While he was bed-bound, she spent most of her time with him, and once he was moving again, she followed him everywhere. Even when she was busy doing something else, her eyes were always on him. Her devotion made Sammy seem like a welcome diversion, and he found himself seeking out his cousin’s company as often as possible to avoid being alone with his childhood friend.

“I think she’s crazy,” said Sammy one day as they were weeding the garden. “She stares at you like she’s going to eat you.”

“You’ll protect me, though, won’t you, Sammy?” said Will, only half-joking.

She punched his arm. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anyone eat you but—” She stopped, rethinking her phrasing. “You know what I mean.”

Will laughed with a smile. “Don’t worry.” The older his cousin got, the more he appreciated her energy and optimism. Everything else in his life seemed impossibly dark. He lightly punched her shoulder in return. “Cousins for life.”

Sammy grinned and leapt to her feet, twirling and brandishing an imaginary sword. “Cousins against the world!” She looked back at him. “Next time you go on an adventure, you should take me with you. We’ll show them what two Cartwrights can do!”

Will laughed again, but it tapered off quickly as he remembered Tracy Tanner. He still remembered her ruined face whenever he closed his eyes. Will tried to smile up at Sammy, but his vision was becoming blurry. “Maybe not, Sammy. I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

She saw the tears begin to spill from his eyes and knelt down to embrace him, pressing his face into her hair. “It’s all right, Will. You’re home now. It’s all over. You won’t have to do any of those things ever again. I’m here. We’re all here.”

It took him a minute to get himself back under control, and before he was ready, he heard Annabelle calling from the front of the house. “Will! Come help me hang up the wash!”

He shared a glance with Sammy, and she looked at her hands, which were covered in dirt. “Don’t worry, I’ll wash my hands and be right there,” she assured him. “I’ll stand in between you.”


A few days after that, when he had almost completely recovered, he woke suddenly in the night. That had become a frequent occurrence, as his dreams were often bad, but this time it was for another reason.

He had taken to sleeping in the front room with his uncle, so the three women could share the bedroom. His uncle slept on Will’s cot while he slept on the floor near the hearth.

His eyes opened with a start. Annabelle was lying beside him, her face next to his own. Her hand was under the blanket. Will wore only a long shirt while sleeping, and her hand had found its way under that as well, where it was urgently kneading something with expert fingers.

He started to open his mouth, but she covered it with her own, kissing him. Then she drew back. “This is just a good dream, Will. I know you’ve had it before, but this time it will be better.” Her hand continued moving, and she shifted her body, preparing to straddle him. “You’re ready now,” she whispered.

He was definitely ready. He was so ready he wasn’t sure he would last until she had mounted him. He froze for a moment. It would be easy to let her do what she wanted, what he wanted. But it isn’t what I want, he shouted to himself. Not this, not her! He caught her shoulder with his hand, pushing her off to one side. Again, the first words that came from his lips were, “I didn’t give you permission to kiss me.” Why do I keep saying that? he thought angrily.

Annabelle frowned, but remained determined. “You’re not objecting to this, though, are you?” Her hand continued to move in slow, sure motions.

“Stop it,” he ordered.

“There’s another trick I could show you,” she said, beginning to scoot farther down.

“No, Annabelle,” he insisted, finally finding the will-power to grab her wrists and stop the pleasant torture. “I don’t want this, and neither do you.”

“You do. Everyone does.”

“Goddamn it. Get out of my bed,” he hissed, trying not to wake his uncle.

The fury in his eyes finally convinced her, and Annabelle got to her feet. She stood in front of him, stark naked. A second later she reclaimed her nightgown from the table and slid it over her head. She looked hurt, but as she left, she made one final declaration. “You’ll change your mind.” Then she went to the door and returned to the main bedroom.

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