Home > The Choice of Magic(132)

The Choice of Magic(132)
Author: Michael G. Manning

“You look like shit,” said Dave cheerfully, but Tiny held up a waterskin, offering it to him to drink.

After several long swallows, Will asked, “Are you going to get in trouble for giving me water?”

Tiny shook his head. “I don’t think so. There’s no rule saying you can’t have water.”

“Then why hasn’t anyone else given me water?” said Will.

Dave grinned. “Probably because they don’t give a damn. Makes you think though, doesn’t it?”

“About what?”

“That maybe you shouldn’t have deserted, asshole,” said the ex-thief.

“I didn’t desert,” protested Will. “I had orders. Sele—Isabel said she would fix it.”

Tiny shook his head again, this time sadly. Then he fixed Will with sorrowful eyes. “I warned you, Will.” He patted his chest. “This is gonna get you in trouble every time.”

“It’s true! Where is she?”

Dave chuckled. “I feel for you. I really do. She hasn’t been seen since you left.” He stepped forward to pat Will’s back comfortingly. “Which means you, my friend, are well and truly fucked.”

“You might be better off not mentioning her,” suggested Tiny. “She seemed important. If she ran off with you and you’re back without her, it might be better to just take the whip for being a deserter.”

They gave him some more water, but eventually they had to leave. Dave waved as they left. “Good luck, Will. I’ll toast you with my first drink every holiday.”

Will wanted to swear, but he didn’t bother. Instead he did what he did best. Stand by his post. He chuckled ruefully. Apparently, I’m here because I didn’t stay at my post. Now I don’t have a choice.

A short while later, another familiar voice called his name. “Will?”

It was Eric. “Evening,” said Will with forced cheer. “How’d you know I was here?”

“Some of the guys from Company B passed me the message. Did you really desert?”

“I vehemently deny that accusation.”

“Then tell me what happened.”

So he did, giving Eric an abbreviated version that left out most of the interesting details regarding Selene and his dealings with the fae. He made sure to include everything about Annabelle Withy, though he left out what had happened to Tracy Tanner. When he finished, Eric looked at him in disbelief.

“It sounds like they should be giving you a medal, not chaining you up. Is that all the truth?” asked Eric.

“I’d swear it on my life.”

“Have you told them?” He nodded in the direction of the command tent.

“I haven’t had a chance. They staked me here as soon as I got back.”

There was a noise from behind, and Eric started to back away. “I think they’re coming for you. Good luck. Try to think of a more believable story. They’re never going to buy the one you told me.” Then he was gone.

“It was the truth!” Will shouted after his cousin. Why won’t anyone believe me? Twisting his head, he saw four more guards approaching.



Chapter 64

Will was on his knees in the same place he had once met his father, Lord Nerrow. The atmosphere was considerably chillier this time. A guard stood on either side of him, presumably in case he decided to act up. Lieutenant Stanton sat at a small wooden desk on the right side of the room, along with a clerk that Will didn’t recognize.

The figure that dominated the room was the Royal Marshal, Duke Vincent Arenata. Stanton had taken him aside before the interrogation began in order to make sure Will knew that the man who would be asking the questions was in charge of the entire army of Terabinia. Duke Arenata stood second only to King Lognion himself. Two elementals hovered over the duke’s shoulders, one of fire and the other of air.

How lucky am I? thought Will.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” said Lord Arenata. Apparently, the man thought that was a good way to start a long conversation, though Will felt there were dozens of better questions to start with.

“Yes, Your Lordship—” One of the guards kicked him before he could finish, knocking him onto his side.

Lieutenant Stanton spoke firmly, “You do not address the marshal as ‘Your Lordship.’ He is to be referred to as either ‘Your Grace’ or simply as ‘Marshal Arenata.’”

Will started again, still lying on his side. “First, let me say that I’m incredibly honored to be interviewed personally by such an important personage as yourself, Your Grace.”

Marshal Arenata glared, then nodded at one of the guards, who promptly kicked him again. “Please get to the facts Mister Cartwright. It’s been a busy day and I don’t have time for this. If it weren’t for the fact that you claimed to have received orders from a certain woman, you would already be strung up for the whip. Talking to deserters is not a normal part of my day.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” said Will immediately. “She gave me orders to slip behind enemy lines and destroy their supplies in Barrowden. Lady Isabel told me that she had given orders to that effect. That I wouldn’t be a deserter.”

The marshal leapt out of his chair, his eyes giving Lieutenant Stanton an accusing stare. “Am I supposed to believe this tripe? I’ve never heard such utter nonsense in my life!”

Stanton held out his hands placatingly. “If it please you, Marshal Arenata, there have been numerous exceptional circumstances around Mister Cartwright. I have good reason to believe that at least this part of his story is true.”

You haven’t even heard my story, asshole, thought Will. Then a second thought came to him. Wait, is he trying to help me?

The marshal wagged a finger at Lieutenant Stanton. “Come with me.” The two men left the room.

While they were gone Will looked up at the guards. “Is it all right if I get back to my knees? The floor is very nice, and I am tired, but it seems like it would be more appropriate.”

The guard that had kicked him twice merely growled, but the second one grabbed his shoulder and helped him back upright.

The marshal returned a few minutes later, and he and Stanton reclaimed their seats. “The lieutenant gave me some details regarding your previous service to Terabinia,” said the marshal. “It seems he even believes you killed several sorcerers and the enemy commander at the Darrowan camp in the pass.”

Will nodded. “Yes, sir.” That earned him another kick, but the second guard braced him this time, so he didn’t fall. “Yes, Your Grace,” he amended.

The marshal continued, “So, given your remarkable abilities as a scout, you would have me believe that Lady Isabel ordered you to take on this highly improbable mission.”

“Yes, Your Grace.” Will hesitated a moment, then added, “And she came with me.”

Marshal Arenata’s face colored for a moment, but he held his tongue. “Very well. Explain what occurred during this most secret and highly dangerous mission you undertook almost singlehandedly.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Will did his best, leaving out everything about his method of reaching Barrowden, as well as excluding any mention of his family. In the tale he told, they managed to sneak past the Darrowan army at night and went directly to their main camp in Barrowden. His story from that point stayed close to the truth, although he gave Selene credit for most of the feats of derring-do. No one would have believed his own contributions. He ended by telling them that they had escaped together during the confusion, and that Selene had disappeared shortly thereafter. After that he had camped a while, recovering his strength before making the difficult trek back.

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