Home > Meet Cute(32)

Meet Cute(32)
Author: Helena Hunting

I lean back in my chair, trying to figure out her angle, and whether she has information that’s valuable in this instance. “Do you mean beyond the incident in the cafeteria?”

“She doesn’t have a female role model anymore, and to be honest, I’m concerned that the money that’s supposed to be for Emme’s care isn’t being used appropriately. Surely there must be enough funds to afford a few new hoodies. If I was her guardian, I would certainly be taking her out to get her new things.”

“I’ll be sure to look into it.” I have yet to see receipts, but Dax just bought a hundred dollars worth of feminine hygiene products and treats for Emme, so I’m not too worried about how the funds are being spent. I try to be objective, though, because I’m aware my connection to Dax and Emme skews my perception. I suspect this is a fishing expedition on Linda’s part.

“Of course, of course. I just thought it was something you might want to know, especially since she’s not coming with a packed lunch like she used to, and I’m afraid she doesn’t have adequate funds for lunch. I’m always more than willing to help her out. I’d suggest to Daxton that he leaves money at the office, but we both know how unhappy he is with me at the moment.”

“I’ll be sure to discuss it with Daxton. Is there anything else?”

“No, no. That’s it. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.”

“Thank you, Linda. I appreciate your concern. Have a wonderful day.”

“You, too, Kailyn.”

I end the call and rub my temples. I can’t decide if her avoiding Dax is a strategic move or logical. Going through me makes a lot of sense since I’m the conservator, but based on the way she’s approached this custody lawsuit, I’m not convinced she’s completely aboveboard. And I’m also highly aware my relationship with Dax makes me more susceptible to bias.

The call from Linda weighs heavy on my mind for the rest of the day, distracting me and making it difficult to focus.

It’s after five when my cell pings with a message. And then another. Emme’s name appears on the screen. She uses typical teen texts with shortened words forms and lots of emojis. The gist seems to be that she’s stuck at school and she can’t get a hold of Dax. I haven’t heard from him all day, either, but he’s supposed to be in court, which should be finished for the day by now.

I don’t mess around with texting.

Her phone rings once before she answers. “Hello?”

I put on my soft, carefree voice, even though I’m worried. “Hey, Emme, what’s going on?”

“J-just a sec.” She pulls in an unsteady breath, which makes it sound as if she’s crying. There’s some muffled noise in the background before she speaks again, and it’s a whisper. “D-Dax was supposed to pick me up twenty m-minutes ago after m-music club but he’s not here y-yet and all the other parents have already picked everyone up. I s-said I could t-take the bus, but my a-aunt said I need p-p-parental permi-s-sion first and D-Dax isn’t answering his ph-phone.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get it figured out. Have you tried his office?”

“Y-yes. A-and his cell. N-no one is a-answering at his office and h-his ph-phone keeps g-going to voicemail.” She hiccups three times in succession.

“Okay. It’s okay, sweetie. I can come get you.”

“Wh-what if h-he was o-on his way? Wh-what if s-something ha-ha-happened? Wh-what if he was in an ac-ac-accident, too?”

My heart squeezes. “Oh, honey, take a few deep breaths for me. I’m sure he’s fine. I bet he got stuck in a meeting and just can’t get out. Sometimes that happens with lawyers. He’s in court today, right? I’ll come get you.” He mentioned this week was busy with a hearing when he called me yesterday to ask a question that I was sure he already had the answer to. The conversation was stilted and awkward.

“My a-aunt w-wants to take me to her place. But I don’t want to go with her.”

“You can tell her your ride is on the way. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” The school is less than fifteen minutes from my office, thank God.


“Deep breaths, Emme. Dax is fine. I’ll be there soon.” I’m already in the process of shutting down my computer as I end the call.

Beverly is standing in my doorway, eyebrows raised. “I was hoping you had a minute to chat, but it looks like you’re in a bit of a rush. Everything okay?”

“There’s a situation with Emme. I’m going to pick her up from school.”

“What kind of situation?”

“Dax must be stuck in court and she can’t get a hold of him. She’s panicking because she’s worried something happened, and the aunt wants to take her home with her.”

“Oh, this is perfect.”

I pause as I shove my laptop in my messenger bag. “I’m sorry?” I don’t see at all how this is perfect in any way. It’s a clusterfuck, is what it is.

Beverly waves her hand around. “Not for that little girl or Daxton, obviously, but for us. He’s stuck in court because his firm isn’t giving him the flexible hours he needs and it’s putting him in a precarious situation by making him look incompetent. This problem would be solved if his employer was more understanding of his circumstances.”

“I’m working on it,” I grit as I brush past her, heading for the elevators.

She falls into step beside me. “I have no doubt you’ll make it happen, especially when you make strategic moves such as this. Very smart, Kailyn.”

I give her a tight grin as I hammer the elevator button with my thumb, thankful when it’s followed immediately by the ping. “That’s me, Miss Strategy.”

“I look forward to an update in the morning,” she says as I step inside the steel box.

“Of course.” I push the button for the parking garage and the doors slide closed, cutting off my view of Beverly’s approving smile. I sag against the wall and blow out a breath. At no point did I consider making partner when I offered to pick up Emme. I just wanted to erase the panic in her voice and make sure this aunt of hers, who seems to be good at stirring up shit, isn’t causing Emme more stress.

I pull up Dax’s contact. He hasn’t messaged since yesterday, which should be a good thing, but with Emme in a state of panic, it’s the opposite. When I call his phone, it goes directly to voicemail. “I need you to call me as soon as you get this message, please. It’s urgent.” I hang up as the door opens to the parking garage and rush to my car. Anxiety makes my hands shake as I pull up the GPS navigation and buckle myself in.

It seems like I hit every single red light on the way to the school. By the time I get there it’s almost six, and the lot is nearly vacant. I pull up to the front doors and park in a bus zone. I still haven’t heard from Dax, which concerns me. The last thing I want is to tell Emme everything is okay when it’s not, but good God, if Dax isn’t okay, I think I might have a mental breakdown.

As soon as I get out of my car, Emme pops up from her spot on the front steps and jogs toward me. “Did you get a hold of Dax?”

Reflexively, I open my arms and she steps right in for the offered hug. “Not yet, sweetie, but I’m sure he’s fine.”

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