Home > Pleasing The Professor (The Billionaire's Consort #3)(29)

Pleasing The Professor (The Billionaire's Consort #3)(29)
Author: Peter Styles

“No, nothing like that. In fact, the dean himself informed me that the university had decided to drop the investigation into my personal life, after being advised to reconsider the proper application of the morality clause. So that’s all over with in either case, thank goodness.”

“You mean, thank Monsieur,” I said. David arched an eyebrow at me, making my cheeks flame in memory of the last time he’d said that. I cleared my suddenly dry throat. “But won’t you miss teaching?”

David gave a loose little shrug of his shoulders. “Yes, and no. I’ll miss my students—especially the ones who really wanted to be there and learn. Call me egotistical if you will, but I’ve always derived immense satisfaction from the notion that I’m helping shape young minds. But all of the extras that go along with teaching? The politics, the paperwork, the lesson planning…the close-minded higher-ups.” He shook his head definitively. “No, I won’t miss that at all. If I’m honest, I have to admit that working at the university likely stunted my personal life. You were right all along—it’s not good to work in an environment where you can’t fully be yourself. And for the first time since I can remember, I’m excited about my career prospects. I think I’ve been needing a change for a while but was just too bogged down in the routine of it all to notice—so thank you, Seb.”

He turned and took my hands in his and just like that, my doubts disintegrated. Banished by the happy crinkles around his eyes and the warm press of his palms against mine. People brushed past us in both directions, but we stood still, just gazing at each other.

Wow. David meant everything he said. Maybe all he’d needed was a little time and space to sort things out in his own head.

So what if he’d taken a little longer to get here? He was here now, and that’s what mattered. A hard lump dislodged from my chest, and I practically floated the rest of the way through the farmer’s market. We stopped to try samples of a yellow chicken curry, but I paused after one taste. “Wait, I almost forgot to tell you! Monsieur told me he could get my TA application approved, but he also found this great paid editor internship for me at Archer & Stowe. The job is entry-level obviously, but still. I think I’m going to take it.” I’d been tossing the idea around in my head but hadn’t realized until that precise moment, standing there with David, that I wanted to take the job. The second the words left my lips, a wave of relief cascaded through me, washing away tension I hadn’t even realized I’d been carrying. No more worrying about the university and their backwards thinking. This felt like a step forward in my life.

“You are? But that’s amazing news, congratulations! I know firsthand that you’ll make Archer & Stowe an excellent editor. We must celebrate!”

Right there, on the edge of the farmer’s market with tons of people swarming around, where anyone and their dog could see us, David pulled me close and kissed me. Just a quick kiss, which, fine by me. I wasn’t really into those endless, barf-worthy PDAs you saw some couples do at the drop of a hat. But the kiss was just enough to let me know that David didn’t care who saw us together.

Then he clasped my hand in his and we strolled our way through the various stalls.



By Monday morning, I was the proud owner of a new desk in the Archer & Stowe office building. I’d already been introduced around and shown the facilities, attended an acquisitions meeting as a shadow to a senior editor, and given a manuscript to work on.

I’d noticed a few familiar faces from the club, two men who smiled at me but kept our previous meeting quiet. So I kept my mouth shut and followed their cues. The atmosphere around the office was a lot more energetic and playful than on campus—lots of animated debating of recent bestsellers and TV shows performed against a riot of color from all the various cover art that hung on the walls.

When I heard someone mention the Iron Throne and House Stark, I barely suppressed a grin. I think I’d finally found my people.

An hour or so later, a light rap on the wall next to my desk made me look up from my manuscript. “Seb? Sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to welcome you personally. I’m Shelly Macintosh, a senior editor here at Archer & Stowe. It’s so nice to have you on board.”

A tall, thin woman with wavy blonde hair that had one blue streak near the front stood before me. I rose from my chair and shook her outstretched hand. “Thank you, it’s great to be here.”

“Did I hear correctly that you’re tight with David Wright?”

At the mention of David’s name, my back stiffened. I scanned her expression for any signs of disapproval, but if anything, the upward curve of her mouth and sparkling eyes looked pleased.

I relaxed my shoulders and considered her question. Was I tight with David? I guessed that was one way to put it. I bit back a snicker that would have made David roll his eyes. “Um, yeah, we’re pretty close.”

She clasped her hands together. “Excellent! In that case, I’d love to buy you lunch one day soon and pick your brain to see how we can get David on board with this new niche contract.”

I laughed. “Yeah, well, that might be money down the drain, just warning you. David only does what David wants to do.”

“You know, I’m getting that sense about him. But maybe there’s an angle I can find that will help him realize this is his best career move. And at any rate, it’ll be nice to chat and get to know you better.”

With her blue hair, sassy wink and cheeky grin, Shelly emitted this funky, upbeat vibe that made me instantly like her. “Sure, why not? I like a free meal as much as the next starving grad student.”

She laughed. “Okay then, I’ll come find you later.”

She left, and I returned to my manuscript with a smile lingering on my face.

I think I was going to like it here.

Now if only I could be this confident about my relationship with David.









My fingers flew over the keys as I typed the last few words of the chapter. Once I finished, I collapsed over my laptop with a groan. Success! I swore this chapter had been trying to kill me, but I’d finally tamed the wild beast. I stretched the kinks out of my neck and groaned again.

“Does all that Papa Bear noise mean you finished your chapter and can take a break?”

I jumped when a voice intruded on my reverie and hit a wrong key.

Seb laughed. “Did you get so wrapped up in car chases and bad guys that you forgot I was here again?”

Seb! Right. I actually had been so absorbed in my fantasy world that the real world had ceased to exist. I met his gleaming eyes and smiled. “Guilty as charged.”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I should be impressed by your ability to hyperfocus or insulted that I’m so forgettable,” he said, but his playful tone told me he wasn’t offended in the least.

“Neither. You should be proud that you’re so respectful of my writing process that you’re the only person I’d ever allow near me when I’m drafting. Oh, and to answer your first question—yes, those noises mean I finished the chapter. Thank Christ.”

I sniffed and inhaled a delicious aroma wafting from the direction of the kitchen. My stomach growled in response. “Is that rosemary I smell?” I asked hopefully. If it weren’t for Seb, I could see myself subsisting for days on takeout. That was, when I remembered to order. Lucky for me, Seb had taken it upon himself to stop by when I was on deadline to cook for me. Even if it was something as simple as a BLT, I appreciated the gesture. Plus, it gave us a chance to catch up while sharing a meal.

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