Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(14)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(14)
Author: Jennifer Probst

“Isn’t this the horse you wouldn’t let me ride when I visited the stables?”

“Yes. And you didn’t visit. You were sneaking around.”

“Phoenix, right?” He said the name with a touch of reverence. Goose bumps broke out on her skin from the sheer intensity of his gaze. “Another Disney character?”

“No, not this one. Ethan named him. The phoenix rises from the ashes and—”

“Becomes whole. Yes, I know.” A strange look flickered over his face. As if he knew something important she didn’t. “How old?”

“Two and a half.”

“He ever race before?”

She hesitated for a moment, then answered, “I think so. He’d been abused when I rescued him. My gut says they forced him too fast, probably hoping to get him trained early, and when he didn’t perform, they beat him.”

Aidan nodded, seeming to analyze her words. Why did he look like he wanted to pounce? His eyes glinted with a touch of greed as he flicked his glance back and forth between her and the horse. His hair was slightly damp from a shower, and he smelled like freshly laundered sheets. Soap. Spice. Mint.


He closed the distance between them, and her heart pounded in an uneven staccato. She tensed, gearing up for his nearness, but he moved past her and stood in front of Phoenix. Lifting his hands up, he let the horse catch his scent. Harper waited for Phoenix to rear back like he did with most strangers, but the horse stood oddly still, as if waiting to see what Aidan would do next.

“You’re quite the beauty, capalleen,” he said in his lilting voice. “They tried to break you, didn’t they? Maybe with a whip. Maybe a hand. Maybe old-fashioned human cruelty. But you’re too stubborn to let them win.”

That magical voice gave her shivers. “What’s that word mean?”

“Horse. Just sounds prettier in Irish.” He kept his focus on Phoenix. “Does he have a sweet spot?” Aidan asked in the same tone.

She stared at him with surprise. “Yes, under the chin.”

He curled his hand under and reached out.

Phoenix stepped back.

Aidan waited. His entire aura breathed calm and patience, as if he could stand there all day long until the horse was ready. Harper watched in fascination. Aidan tried to touch him two more times before the horse finally gave in and let him scratch under his chin.

Phoenix practically sighed in pleasure.

Keeping his gaze locked on Phoenix, Aidan spoke to him, telling him how strong and beautiful he was, and that he needed to be brave and keep pushing.

The sacredness of human and horse offering each other comfort and a level of trust broke through her, tearing down some of the carefully built walls she’d never even realized she’d erected. Emotion washed through her, tinged with pain, and she shook her head, trying desperately to process.

It took her a while to realize he was saying her name. “Yes?”

“What are your plans with Phoenix? Do you intend to race him?”

She shifted her weight, unsure of how much to tell him. She liked the way he spoke and handled her horse, though, and was beginning to wonder if she could use some of his advice as a trainer. “I want to. He loves to run like no horse I’ve ever seen, but he has issues to work through. I’ve been studying training methods. I’d have to enter him in regular races to see how he does and see if he can even qualify for the bigger stakes.”

“With his speed, he’d qualify,” Aidan murmured. “Does he spook easy? Have you tried breaking him from a gate? Has he raced on a dirt track or strictly turf? Have you run him alone or with a partner?”

The questions peppered her like a machine gun. Uneasiness gathered within. “No. It’s still early, and I need to make sure he’s comfortable before I push.”

“Agreed. I think racing a horse too soon competitively isn’t a good idea, but if you’re shooting for the Breeders’ Cup this fall, you need to push a bit. If you don’t, he’ll never be ready in time.” The authority and knowledge in his voice made her pause. “He needs a strict regimen of training, from his behavior to everything he’ll face on the course. He’s green, and his past already has him at a disadvantage. He may not even be able to manage an official race.”

She threw her head back and glared. “If he can’t, I’ll accept it. But we’re going to try. Thanks for the pep talk—you should charge for them.”

She went to yank the rein away, but he got in front of her, pushing his face close. A tiny muscle worked in his jaw. She spotted the creases bracketing his mouth and eyes, the sexy scruff hugging his mouth, the burning heat of his golden eyes as he stared at her, into her, holding her pinned. “I’m trying to get you to see you need a professional trainer for Phoenix. There’s only so much you can learn and do in your spare time. Let me help you.”

She blinked. “No offense, but I don’t think two days of your training is going to make a big difference.”

“You’re right, it won’t.” He cocked his head. “So I’ll stay. I’ll train Phoenix. Get him ready for some stakes races and see if he gets enough points to qualify for the Derby next year.”

His words hummed in her brain like an annoying pop song, repeating over and over. “You want to stay?” she repeated in disbelief.

“Yes. I’ve raced horses in the States, so I’m familiar with the rules. We’ll need a jockey, but I know a guy who would be perfect. I’m not sure if you need to line up some investors at this point or if you have the money to cover salaries and the entry fees, but—”

“Wait a minute.” She shook her head, trying to catch up. “This is ridiculous. I’m not going to allow you to take on my horse.”

“Why not?”

His demand slammed through her. Why not? Well, because. Because . . . “Because I don’t know you!”

He shrugged. “I can give you referrals. My contacts. You can search the web for proof I know what I’m doing. Harper, listen to me.” He leaned in, and she was hypnotized by the sheer force of will practically seething from his figure. “This will sound crazy, but I get these gut instincts. These feelings that warn me of something big coming, and I’ve had this tickle nonstop since I got here. The moment I saw Phoenix run, I knew I was meant to train him. I’m asking for you to give me a try. Check out my references. Give me the next two days to get to know him. Talk to your brother and family. Because I can promise you one thing.” His voice dropped to a sexy growl. “If that horse has half the heart I believe he has, he’s going to win. And I can help you get him there.”

Her breath stopped. She gazed at him and saw the sincerity and passion in every one of his gestures. She, too, believed in fate. Believed in the voices.

Something was coming.

The world tilted, and the roads diverged before her. Her first instinct was to reject his offer and go it alone. She was comfortable doing things herself. It was easier, allowing her to avoid trust issues, discomfort, and messy emotions. For years, she’d depended only on her family.

But this was bigger than all of them. Harper didn’t know how to go about training a horse for the Triple Crown, especially one damaged by a past history of abuse. If Aidan was a professional, maybe this was an offer she needed to seriously consider.

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