Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(18)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(18)
Author: Jennifer Probst

Ethan had spent most of the day trying to convince her to accept Aidan’s offer. Seems he and Kyle agreed after their dinner last night he was a man worth trusting. The contract he’d put together was fair. After researching the trainer’s reputation and statistics, it seemed she was looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Pretty damn clever.

But she knew her decision to retain him for training Phoenix was more complicated than Ethan believed. A connection simmered between her and Aidan—full of danger and temptation. They would both need a sharp focus for the upcoming months, and being distracted by physical chemistry was a liability. Also, the expense would be a strain. The fees were large, but Mia was quick to remind them her PR business was thriving and amassed a large profit, so they’d have a decent cushion if things went to shit. Kyle’s book was being turned into a movie, and he quickly offered up the advance. The inn was booked solid for the summer season, and no large repairs were needed anywhere on the property. It was doable.

It was possible.

But she didn’t want to completely rely on her family’s money. This was her dream and her responsibility to finance. She’d contacted the local bank to inquire about a loan on her house to help offset the fees.

There was one other loose string that bothered her. She’d dug deep to examine Aidan’s career, searching for signs he was a man worth entrusting Phoenix with, and one question kept popping up over and over.

Why, exactly, had he left a successful business in Ireland behind to start over?

His background check simply said he’d parted ways with his partner after winning the Irish Derby with Kincaid’s Crown. No details could be found. In their past dialogue, Aidan had hinted at a betrayal. Was it strictly personal? Or was his need to be free ingrained so deep, he couldn’t physically stay in one location for too long? What would happen if he decided to cut them loose without warning—his wanderlust spirit calling him to a better opportunity?

Harper unlatched the gate and stepped into the stall. She slowly reached out and scratched under Phoenix’s chin, studying those dark, expressive eyes that had seen way too much in his short two years.

He snorted, pressed against her, and achieved almost full-body contact. It was amazing how affectionate the horse could be once his barriers were removed.

She leaned her head close and muttered the words aloud. “Is this what you want, baby? Because if it is, you’re going to have to be brave. We both will.”

“I think you were both born for this.”

Phoenix startled, rearing back at the sudden entry, but Aidan began murmuring nonsense in a soothing voice, and the horse quickly settled.

Harper’s arms dropped to her side. “This is the second time you’ve snuck up on me. What are you doing up? It’s late.”

His brow lifted, but he didn’t seem bothered by her prickly tone. “Couldn’t sleep. I saw the lights during my walk. Why are you still up?”

He stepped inside the stall, and suddenly the space shrank between them. Harper tried to breathe steadily and act nonchalant, even though the energy in the barn pulsed with awareness. Her skin pulled tight and her tummy clenched into a silken knot. His straw-colored hair was mussed, and a crease line pressed into his cheek, confirming he had at least tried to get some rest. She wanted to reach out and touch his cheek, run a finger down his chiseled jawline to see if his stubble felt scratchy on her skin.

She cleared her throat. “I’m a night owl. I checked on the dogs and came back to clear my head.”

Cognac eyes narrowed with interest. “Did you clear your head?”

“Not yet.”

He nodded. “Why don’t you tell me about the issues that are blocking you from agreeing?”

She blew out a hard breath. “Everyone else is on board,” she admitted. “But some things don’t add up for me. You owned an extremely successful training business in Ireland. Why did you leave after winning the Irish Derby with Kincaid’s Crown? Are you really here on a vacation, or is there something more going on? Wouldn’t you rather go back than take a chance on a green horse in a different country?”

Shadows flickered over his face. “Does it matter why I’m here?”

She waited a few moments, recognizing the sudden distance that abruptly surrounded him. Normally, she respected privacy and secrets. God knew she was an expert at hiding if she became uncomfortable. But there needed to be an openness between them if they were to go forward. “Yeah, it does. Because if we do this, I need to know my family will be safe. That Phoenix will be safe. I need to be able to trust you.”

“You need me to do my job. Won’t that be enough?”

She held her position with a stubbornness that was part of her genes. “No.”

He let out a litany of Irish, and she bet most were swear words. He looked at the horse in front of him as if Phoenix held all the answers. “My business partner and I had a difference in opinion regarding a personal matter and decided it was best to part ways. We made an agreement he’d keep the business, and I’d be free to make a name for myself on my own.”

She pondered his answer. A prickle of suspicion flared. “Did you want to walk?” she asked bluntly. “Or did you get pushed out?”

Demons danced in his eyes. Still, he answered. “A mixture of both. I didn’t want to stay after some shit went down. I decided it was time to try American racing for a change of scenery. Spent a few months traveling, but no horses called to my gut. Not until Phoenix.”

She refused to back down, knowing every one of his answers was critical to her decision. “And the money? I’m assuming there was a lot of money on the line after the Derby win. Did you prefer to just take your cut and hit the road? Is money the most important goal for all of this?”

“I earned a decent cut but not as big as you think. There was a lot of people to pay. Not gonna lie and say money isn’t nice. So is winning. But is money the ultimate goal?” His gaze seized hers. “No. What mattered to me the most was Kincaid’s Crown. I found him the same way I found Phoenix. It was simply meant to be.”

A man who believed in gut instinct and fate was a man she could respect. Still, questions burned. “You’ve termed yourself a wanderer, so how do I know you won’t drop us if a bigger and better opportunity comes along?”

His jaw clenched, but he answered the question. “The contract clearly states I can’t just walk away for greener pastures. Besides, I won’t want to if I’m training Phoenix. Because he’s going to win.”

Again, that touch of arrogance in his voice caused a shiver to race down her spine. Her last inquiry was the most important. “But will you put him first? Or is this an attempt for revenge on your partner, using my family to make your mark?”

His golden eyes burned. She caught a flicker of regret, but it was gone so fast she wondered if it was a trick of the light. “I swear to you, I’ll make sure Phoenix comes first.”

The vow was spoken with a naked truth that seared her soul. He couldn’t fake that type of passion for the well-being of an animal he hadn’t become involved with yet. Could he?

She had to believe Aidan would do the right thing if forced, and that was her priority. She couldn’t hire a trainer obsessed with only money and glory, or everything later would become tainted.

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