Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(32)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(32)
Author: Jennifer Probst

Her smile got more zealous. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret,” she practically whispered. “I’m just so happy! I won’t tell a soul. This town is so gossipy, it’s ridiculous. Why would anyone want to stick their nose into someone else’s business?”

Aidan smothered a groan. “I appreciate that. Maybe you can throw some of those lemon tarts in for dessert, too?”

“Yes, let me get you all settled. Be back in a few.”

The moment she disappeared, a deep, commanding voice rang out in the small market. “Aidan O’Connor? The one training Phoenix for the Triple Crown?”

He turned and faced an older gentleman with distinguished white hair and thick, black-framed glasses, dressed in a crisp suit, a tie, and a red carnation in his lapel. Even in the scorching summer heat, he looked fresh and pressed, as if going into the office, but he looked easily in his late seventies. “Yes. Sorry, have we met?”

The gentleman reached out his hand. “Judge Bennett. Seems you’re working with my grandson, Owen.”

Aidan shook the man’s hand, admiring his firm grip. “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”

“Pleasure’s all mine. How is Owen doing, paying for his crimes?”

Aidan caught the glint of amusement in the man’s gaze and realized, though he was being firm with his grandson, the judge also understood a young male’s tendency to get into trouble. “He’s doing well. Learning the workings of the farm.”

“Has he managed to put down that accessory that’s tattooed to his body?”

His lips quirked. “The phone? Well, we’re working on that.”

“Good. He’s a bit of a whiner, and a pinch of lazy, but his heart is kind. I figured the Bishop farm has helped a lot of kids in the past, and my grandson could use some character. I heard about the monstrous chicken, though.” A gray brow arched. “That creature won’t really hurt him, right?”

Aidan laughed. “Nope, but he’s good for a little intimidation now and then. I promise we’re all looking out for Owen. Teaching him how to ride. Honestly, he’s doing better.”

Judge Bennett’s face relaxed. “Thank you. So when I heard you’re training a local horse for the Derby, I looked you up. Have a few solid wins behind you. Surprised you left Ireland.” The narrowed gaze told him he’d switched to a bit of suspicion.

Aidan knew it was best to deal with the retired judge by keeping it simple and honest. “Won a few. Lost some others. Been wanting to find a horse in the States, so I took some time to explore various tracks. The moment I laid eyes on Phoenix, I knew I wanted to train him. He has something special.”

“I’m glad. Harper has always been the one rescuing damaged souls. It will be nice to see one of hers be successful at the racetrack. Together, you must make quite a team.”

And then, it happened.

Fran popped her permed head in the middle of them and hijacked the conversation. “Isn’t it wonderful that they both fell for each other while training a horse?” She sighed deeply and offered Aidan the large bag of carryout. “So romantic.”

Ah, shit.

Suddenly, the judge cut him a sharp glance. “You’re with Harper?”

“No, we’re just—”

“They’re living together!” Fran announced. “Finally, Harper found someone who has the same interests. I’m so happy! I put some extra lemon tarts in there. Enjoy! Good to see you, Judge Bennett.”

She floated away on a cloud of romance and left Aidan holding the bag.


“Dinner for both of you?” Judge Bennett asked dryly, motioning to the bag.

“Yep, well, to eat in the barn. By Phoenix. With other people.” Was he sweating? “I better get going. It was nice to meet you.”

He left the Market, feeling various stares digging into him, and knew he’d be hearing about this later.


Harper glanced down at the text her sister had just sent and caught her breath.

No. Way.

After a fabulous dinner, Aidan insisted on doing the dishes, so she’d gone to her room to change into sweats. Her body was sore from a long day, and she looked forward to kicking back on the sofa.

The message came at her in screaming caps: TOWN THINKS YOU’RE HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH AIDAN AND SHACKING UP.

Harper fumbled with her phone to shoot back a response. R u kidding me? Where did you hear this?

Bea from the diner heard it from Tony at the tattoo place who heard it from Fran.

. . .

R u?

Ugh, thank God she only had to face her phone screen. She tapped the two letters harder than necessary to make her point: NO.

K. :)

She dropped the phone on her bed and groaned. This was so humiliating. She hated the thought of the town gossiping about her and Aidan, but she probably should’ve known better.

Tugging her hair back into a ponytail, she changed into her extra-baggy gray sweats and a black tank. Best to try and ignore the buzz. Aidan would move back to the inn soon, and she’d squash the rumors when she went into town. Her plan firmly in mind, she headed back into the living room.

A prickle of pleasure shot through her. The small amount of dirty dishes was clean and dried. The table was clear. He’d gotten her a glass of ice water with lemon and placed it on the coffee table next to the shot of whiskey he liked to drink at night. He sat on the sofa with Baloo and Bagheera flanking him and Figaro curled around his head like a cobra. The ease and comfort he had with her animals warmed her blood. His large body dwarfed the room and ate up all the air and space, causing a shot of sensual awareness to shiver down her spine.

Aidan flicked on the television. “Hey. The Curse of Oak Island is on tonight. Wanna watch?”

Harper hated the slight resentment that ignited. Where were all the heated stares? The crackling sexual tension? The hungry flare in his amber eyes?

Right now, he looked at her like a beer buddy watching a football game.

She cleared her throat, mentally scolded herself, and sat down on the opposite side of Baloo. “Thought you said that series was stupid. Tried to convince me there was no curse.”

He shot her a sheepish grin. “I think I was wrong. These guys are starting to convince me it’s real. Plus, I love that you don’t watch those high-drama reality shows or Animal Planet.”

She wrinkled her nose and settled against Baloo’s furry warmth. “I don’t have the stamina for Animal Planet or any sad stories. Once, I caught one and almost jumped on a plane to save a beagle named Bagel in Arizona. Ophelia and Ethan had to stage an intervention, and now I’m on a restricted television diet.”

He laughed. “Smart. Now, if I can only get you to upgrade to a bigger screen.”

She arched a brow. “It’s a thirty-two inch.”

“Which is a crime. You need a fifty-two for this room.”

“Bigger isn’t always better, Irish.”

“Oh yes, it is, love.” A spark of mischief and the edge of something raw flickered from his gaze. “Whoever told you that didn’t know what he was talking about.”

“Actually, it was Ophelia.” Her lips twitched. “Kyle was complaining about the small size of the meat she’d bought. She reminded him it was quality, not quantity.”

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