Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(34)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(34)
Author: Jennifer Probst

“Yeah, Sara has no room. She knew we were full, so she called some other rescue shelters but no one can help. She asked if I’d head over to take a look, but I have a prospective buyer coming to check out Bruce.”

He locked up the stall, ignoring Phoenix’s glare when he handed him a carrot instead of a cookie. “I can go for you.”

“Oh, that’d be great. Can you assess the amount of care needed and let me know? I’d like to help if I can, but don’t want to miss this appointment.”

“Sure. While I’m out, I’ll swing by and get the new delivery of hay, also.”

Her face relaxed, and Aidan felt a rush of satisfaction. He liked helping her on the farm, even if it had nothing to do with Phoenix. He’d become slowly invested in all the animals here, watching them thrive under Harper’s care.

“Thanks, Irish.” She looked like she was going to say more, but then her mouth snapped shut and she headed off, her loose-legged stride graceful and determined.

He watched her go and wondered what words she’d smothered.

Not that it made any difference.

Cursing under his breath, he got into the truck and drove into town. Each night he spent in her house made the hunger in his gut claw a bit deeper. Watching The Quiet Man in her company had been better than any date in a fancy pub, and those worn sweats had looked hotter than any expensive dress. Who would’ve thought he’d enjoy her company so much, camped in front of the TV with her animals surrounding them? Or that the scent of cocoa butter made him sweat? Or the glimpse of a hot-pink bra strap had the power to make him practically weep with the need to peek under her shirt?

Keeping it strictly business between them was getting harder.

His mind chewed on the problem as he parked in the vet’s lot and went inside. He told the young brunette at the front desk he was here to talk with Dr. Beadle on behalf of Harper. She quickly settled him into a room painted sunny yellow and promised the doctor would be there shortly.

Aidan studied the cheery art posters of various animals with messages like DON’T FORGET TO BRUSH!, YOGA FOR YOUR DOG!, and GET YOUR FURRY FRIEND TICK-FREE! The aura was comforting, and the room held a large exam table, chair, and matching kids’ seats with jars marked KIDS’ TREATS and DOG TREATS. He smiled, liking the inclusion of the entire family in a vet appointment. He’d always believed kids should know all the steps required to take care of an animal.

The back door swung open, and Dr. Beadle emerged with her crisp white coat, pinned-up bun, and serious brown eyes peeking from behind black-rimmed glasses.

“Hello,” said Aidan. “Harper sent me to check on the goat. She had a horse appointment she couldn’t break.”

“Good for her. It’s getting harder these days to place the amount of animals coming in,” she said with a sigh, sliding onto the chair by the large counter. She flipped open a pad and glanced at her notes. “This is a long shot even asking her to consider, but I know she’d want me to reach out. We received a drop-off of a baby goat. He suffers from severe malnutrition, dehydration, and several lacerations. One ear was halfway ripped off. He was unconscious but just recently woke up. We think he was dumped off a main road and had been wandering for several days. It’s a miracle he’s still alive.”

Aidan gritted his teeth and pushed past the flare of anger toward the assholes who believed animals were garbage.

“He needs twenty-four-hour care. I can’t find anyone in the area to take him in, and we’re full. Even the staff is overbooked. Oftentimes if we have no space, we’ll take them home, but everyone is at full capacity. I don’t have much choice with this one unless I can place him today.”

Nausea twisted his belly. He hated the idea of putting an animal down. “Can you tell me about the care involved?”

“He’s in shock, so besides feeding him water with a dropper and slowly increasing his food, he’ll need to be watched round the clock. He hasn’t spoken, so he may be mute. He’s half-blind. He needs rest for the next few days and then to slowly be introduced back into farm life. It’s a lot to take on, and I know Harper has her hands full with training Phoenix.”

He rubbed his head and groaned. There was no way they had the time to give around-the-clock care for a baby goat. Their schedule was already packed, and this was an abused animal that they couldn’t just drop in a stall. If the goat didn’t heal, they’d be faced with a difficult decision and endless guilt. Still, he didn’t want to make a decision without talking to Harper first. “Let me call Harper and give her the details.”

“Of course.”

He called her and let it ring, but she didn’t answer. After a few more tries, he shot her a text message and waited. “I’m sure she’ll get back to me soon,” he said. “What do you think about the situation? Does he have a chance?”

He caught a flicker of anguish in the vet’s dark eyes, but it was quickly extinguished. God knew how many times she’d been forced to make decisions she dreaded. He knew most rescues were overburdened, underfinanced, and depended on people who also struggled to fund all their favorite charities. “They all have a chance,” she said firmly. “But this one’s a definite long shot. Do you want to meet him first before making a decision?”

Ah, crap. Meeting a broken animal took something from his soul, but the goat deserved to be seen. “Yes.”

“Be right back.”

While he waited, he tried Harper a few more times, then texted Ethan in case he was close. He still had no response by the time the vet walked back, carefully cuddling the small animal.

The goat was a muddled black and white, with tiny horns, wide-set closed eyes, and one ragged, bloody ear. Aidan stared down at the still animal while his gut churned.

Could they really take on a half-blind goat who needed constant supervision? What if the goat was suffering? Was it fair for him to try and save his life only for the goat to be alone and terrified of strangers? From the looks of him, he’d had a tough past. Aidan knew how difficult that was to overcome in the best circumstances.

Suddenly, the goat’s eyes flew open.

Aidan stilled, holding his breath so he wouldn’t freak the goat out even more. One amazing powder-blue eye with a long black slit stared back at him; the left eye socket was closed over and useless. The goat remained perfectly quiet, as if sensing his fate was about to be played out in this small examination room, under Aidan’s assessing stare.

Slowly, Aidan neared. He spoke in soothing tones, stroking the small animal, feeling its sharp ribs and rough coat. The goat never flinched, an air of despair and surrender in its very aura that told Aidan he’d already given up.

Maybe this one wasn’t a fighter like Phoenix.

Maybe this one was just too far gone to be brought back.

Then again, didn’t he deserve a damn shot? Disabled did not mean disposable. Every single person had been roughed up at one time or another and got the opportunity to try again. Why should this goat not get his second chance?

“I understand it’s a tough decision. I can wait till after you talk to Harper.” A small smile played on the vet’s lips. “I heard you’re living together now. I’m so happy for you both.”

Aidan opened his mouth to explain, then shut it. Stared at the goat. And made the only decision he could. “I’ll take him. Just let me know everything I need to do.”

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