Home > All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(61)

All Roads Lead to You (Stay #3)(61)
Author: Jennifer Probst

She deserved the truth.

It would all work out fine.


“Congratulations on your win.”

Harper turned, her gaze narrowing at the stylish Irishman who’d claimed to be Aidan’s friend. It was obvious he had sought her out and had something to say. Her instinct told her to walk away and ask Aidan about their relationship, but her curiosity took hold and kept her feet locked to the floor.

Curiosity, it seemed, did kill the cat.

“Thanks.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited. She refused to ask questions or tempt him to confess his truths. If he wanted to say something specific to her, it’d be on him to make the effort.

A smile rested on his lips. “You’re involved with Aidan, aren’t you?”

She quirked a brow. “Why do you want to know?”

His smile grew. “I bet you’ve been good for him. He seems to lose himself in the thrill of the chase.”

She nodded. “I’m not the jealous type, Mr. Flynn.”

He chuckled. “Sorry, I meant for horses. Always on the hunt for the next possibility. He thrives on the unknown.” When she remained quiet, he continued. “Of course, his last lover, Rachael, was also a horse owner, but she didn’t involve herself in the mechanics like you do. She just liked to show up at the races in a pretty dress and hat and take her place in the winner’s circle. At least you love the industry as much as he does. I’m sure it’s a special bond between you.”

“I don’t love the industry,” she said. “I love the horses.”

“Hmm, a quality to be respected. Especially in today’s times. Too many people are focused on the win, no matter what the consequences.”

“You building up to something of interest, or can I politely take my leave now?” Her clipped words came from a deep sense of foreboding. She didn’t trust this man, but so far, she couldn’t seem to pinpoint exactly why.

His face changed. Assumed a trace of grief and disappointment that threw her off guard. Colin took a step closer, creating an intimacy that made her uncomfortable. Not from a physical threat. No, this was worse. This was an emotional attack she’d never be able to forget.

But she was too late.

He began talking.

“I thought about keeping my silence. But if I did, I’d regret not giving you the option of deciding for yourself. Phoenix is an amazing horse. Aidan’s trained many talented horses in his career, but I can tell this one is special. Reminds me of Kincaid’s Crown.”

Harper kept her voice cool. “Aidan got that horse to win the Irish Derby. He’ll do the same for Phoenix.”

“Let’s hope he doesn’t use the same tactics.” Colin rubbed his head. Regret carved out his features. “I’m sorry, but you need to know. Aidan and I were business partners for many years. Not only partners, but close friends. Almost brothers. We trained horses together, built our business from the bricks up, and grew our reputation over time to be one of trust. Reputation in the horse business, you see, is everything, and ours was stellar.” He paused, as if caught up in the memories. “When we got the opportunity to train Kincaid’s Crown, we both decided he could be our turning point. I sensed something was off, but I never wanted to dig deeper. I was afraid of what I’d discover, but after he won the Derby, I couldn’t pretend any longer.” His blue eyes filled with sympathy. “Aidan was caught doping the horse in order to improve his performance. I found out he’d been doing it regularly.”

She shook her head, not even allowing the unease to hit. “Aidan would never hurt a horse.”

“Of course not! I’m not saying he did—he loves every horse he trains. But the need for a win became too strong for him. Kincaid’s Crown began slipping. Losing power. Lost a big stakes race. Aidan believed he was helping everyone by giving him the drug. When I confronted him, he defended his actions. Looked me dead in the eye and explained he’d kept the dose low. Low enough not to get detected. Low enough to enhance the horse’s natural talent, he said.”

“This is impossible,” she said. “I don’t believe you.”

Colin nodded. “I understand. I wouldn’t believe me, either. Aidan’s not only passionate, but charming, and focuses completely on the horse he picks. Did he tell you he had a gut instinct that shows him his next horse? That Phoenix picked him, and they were meant to train together?”

He must’ve caught the surprise in her expression, because he nodded again.

“He’s quite careful who he chooses. The horse has to own natural speed but also be adaptable to a drug that’s not easily detected. When I found out, I threatened to expose him and our business unless he stopped. We had a blowout—things were said that couldn’t be taken back—and I forced him to leave. I didn’t want Kincaid’s Crown to suffer for his actions. The owner agreed with me, and Aidan decided to head to the States.”

“He’s not a cheater,” Harper clipped out. “Why are you telling me these lies? What do you get out of it?”

“I’m very sorry I upset you.” He ducked his head. “I just don’t want the same thing to happen to you. Watch him, Ms. Bishop. In his mind, it’s not cheating or hurting the horse. It’s helping the horse be the best possible—a racing machine who will win at all costs. He will choose the win every time. Please don’t forget it.”

He tipped his hat and disappeared into the swallow of the crowds.

Harper tried to calm her wildly beating heart. Of course, she believed nothing the man said. Knew it was lies, because she knew Aidan O’Connor and the man he was. He’d never dope a horse or rely on drugs to win. That was obvious.

The real problem Colin had hit on?

Aidan’s voracious need to win.

She’d spotted the gleam of hunger in his eyes when he watched Phoenix run. The almost-drunken sheen of greed as he stared at the winner’s circle. The thirst for the spotlight and flashing cameras and reporters screaming his name. The stinging failure and anger directed at himself in Saratoga after their first loss.

Aidan craved the win. It was as if his entire sense of worth was built around the horse’s success. How could a woman hope to compete?

The man she’d fallen in love with had a need to win at all costs.

Just like his ex-partner had stated.

The flare of hurt bothered her the most. Just because they were sleeping together didn’t mean they were required to share their secrets. Yes, she’d told him about the bullying and her attempted suicide, but it’d been her choice. Aidan must not have wanted her to find out about the doping scandal, or the details of the breakup of their partnership. She remembered one conversation at the barn, when she’d asked what had sent him running from Ireland. His answer danced in her memory, and all the pieces clicked together.

“Something did happen back home. I got my heart broken, so I came here to put myself back together again.”

Rachael? Or his old partner? Why hadn’t he told her the truth? He’d looked her family in the eye when asked about the business he’d left behind and lied. Oh, not technically. He’d been clever to blur the line so he could claim he hadn’t lied. But it came out all the same, didn’t it?

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