Home > Sinner : A Bad Boy's Baby Roman(11)

Sinner : A Bad Boy's Baby Roman(11)
Author: Layla Valentine

“No,” Veronica said. “I only told her you hooked up with some guy from a bar a couple weeks ago.”

Viv felt her eyes nearly bug out of her head.

“Relax.” Veronica laughed. “Of course I didn’t do that.”

“I don’t know. You’ve surprised me before.”

With their nails finished, they jumped back into Veronica’s car and headed out.

“Want me to walk you to your door?” Veronica asked as they entered Viv’s parking lot.

“You’re such a gentleman, but no thank you.” Unbuckling, she kissed her sister on the cheek. “Have a good night.”

“You, too. Don’t get too crazy, but if you do, make sure to tell me all about it.”

“Will do.” Viv laughed.

When she reached her floor, the sight of something in front of her apartment door made her halt. Slowing her walk, she squinted her eyes. Was that…


“What?” she whispered out loud.

Sure enough, it was a bouquet of red roses, their fragrance wafting up to kiss her nose. Squatting down, she seized the white card tucked into the side of the vase.

Viv, it read. I can’t wait for our date tonight. See you soon, Markus.

Putting the card back in its place, she stood up and took a picture of the bouquet, which she promptly texted to Veronica.

What do you think of him now? she added with a follow-up text.

Flowers in hand, she went into the apartment wearing a grin. It was still an hour until Markus picked her up, and the night was already off to a good start.

After showering, she slipped into a trendy dress and heels. Since Markus hadn’t told her where they were headed, she had to make assumptions and wear whatever seemed like the best bet.

Right on time, there was a knock on the door. She stopped to do one last makeup check then grabbed the doorknob.

“Good evening,” he said as the door opened up.

“Hi,” Viv said, almost breathless.

Maybe she should have said more, but she was too distracted by the perfectly fitted suit he wore.

“You look amazing.” She stepped forward and fingered his shirt’s collar. He hadn’t worn a tie, so she didn’t feel underdressed.


“Is what I’m wearing okay?” She did a spin to give him the three-sixty view.

“It’s perfect. Are you ready to go?”

“Yep.” She grabbed her purse and keys and locked up. “Where are we going?”


She managed to close her gaping jaw right before he looked over at her.

“Have you ever been?” he asked.

“No. I’ve heard it’s great.”

She’d more than heard. People raved about Nirvana. Not only was it the nicest restaurant in Jacksonville, but it was also five stars. Pricey, too.

“Good. I made a reservation for us.” He offered her his arm, which she looped hers through.

They were quiet until they got to his car, where he opened up the door for her.

“Thank you.” Viv took care getting into the passenger’s seat. The heels she’d chosen were her highest ones, and the last time she’d worn six inches, she’d broken one of them.

But, you know, looking good was still important.

“So.” She set her laced hands on her knees. “Since you’re in between jobs, what did you spend your week doing?”

His hands tightened on the steering wheel.

Wait. No, they were relaxed.

Had she imagined that?

“I helped a friend with some projects around his place,” he said. “That was mostly it. How about you? Long workweek?”

“They’re always long.” She laughed.

“What is each day like, exactly?”

“It’s a lot of travel. A lot of talking to doctors, answering their questions, talking stats, convincing them HW’s drugs are the best.”

She shook her head. Just talking about the job made her feel sick. Her last day couldn’t come soon enough.

“And what about after the job’s over?” he asked. “Have you thought any more about that?”

“No. Honestly, I think I only want a break from working all the time. I’d like something simpler… more pleasing. I’ve always wanted to work in a flower shop. Oh! That reminds me. Thank you for the roses.”

“You’re welcome.” He glanced over at her.

Butterflies flitted through her tummy.

“No one’s ever sent me flowers before.”

“What?” His features twisted. “That can’t be right.”

“It’s true.”

“Hm. Well, I’m glad to be your first.”

His words sent heat through her, and when he reached over and set his hand on her knee, she became so hot it made her squirm in her seat. A part of her wanted to ask him to turn the car around. Wouldn’t spending the whole night in her bed be better?

Then again, she really wanted to try out Jacksonville’s top restaurant.

Nirvana didn’t have a valet like she’d half expected it to, but it was extremely nice in every other way. The tables, set a spacious distance apart, each had a different flower in their vases.

It seemed a good sign that the hostess seated the two of them at the table with a red rose.

“Okay.” Markus picked up the wine menu and inspected it seriously. “Is chardonnay your favorite?”

She shrugged. “I like it all.”

“Cabernet, then.” He put the menu down. “Unless you object.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

The waiter arrived, and Markus ordered a bottle of the cabernet. As the waiter picked up the wine menu, she caught a peek at the wine’s price.

Nearly three hundred dollars!

Having been raised frugally, every time Viv had money left over after paying her bills, she put the cash into savings. Dinners out during the workweek were covered by HW, and getting her nails done was a special once-a-month thing.

She couldn’t imagine spending several hundred on a bottle of wine. Even if she had a million dollars, that would feel too wasteful.

But Markus hadn’t so much as blinked at the price.

“So,” she ventured, spreading her cloth napkin across her lap. “What do you see yourself doing next?”

“I really don’t know.” He sighed lightly. “Unfortunately.”

“And you said your last job was…”


“Oh?” That made her eyebrows rise. “Like mine.”

“Kind of. I’ve never worked in the pharmaceutical world. It was cars.”

“Where at? A dealership?”

He studied the dinner menu. “Exactly. Do you like steak? They’re supposed to have the best in the city.”

“I love it.”

“I thought so.” He put the menu down. “I remember the way you attacked those ribs the night we met.”

“Oh my God.” She rolled her eyes. “You were watching me?”

“Only for a moment.”

The waiter arrived with their wine and poured them each a glass. After ordering steaks for dinner, Markus raised his wineglass for a toast.

“To our first official date.”

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