Home > Sinner : A Bad Boy's Baby Roman(39)

Sinner : A Bad Boy's Baby Roman(39)
Author: Layla Valentine

The hospital room became still, the only sounds the traffic outside and the gentle murmuring of voices down the hall.

Viv closed her eyes, focusing on the feel of Markus’ hand on her bump. No matter what came next, she would never forget this moment. The man had brought passion and a love she’d only dreamed about into her life, and most of all, he’d given her the greatest gift: a child who would be a representation of that love.

A slight movement, like that of a butterfly, skirted across Viv’s belly. She gasped. The baby was moving!

Opening her eyes, she looked down. It hadn’t been the baby moving. It was Markus’ fingers.

Viv’s jaw dropped as his fingers twitched again.

“Tracey…” She wanted to shout, but her voice couldn’t make it past a whisper.

“I see it.” Tracey lifted her hand to her mouth. “Oh, my. I see it.”

Viv leaned closer to his face. “Markus?”

Just like with his fingers, his eyelids began to twitch. Slowly, they cracked open. “Viv.”

His voice was hoarse, like he’d suffered the worst cold in all of human history. But it was him.

“Yes.” She locked his hand between her palms. “It’s me. Your mom is here, too.”

Markus squinted, his gaze sliding over to Tracey, then back to Viv.

“Happy birthday, Markus,” Tracey said through an onslaught of tears. “Did you know it’s your birthday?”

“Yeah.” His lips inched into a smile. “I heard you talking. I thought it was a… a dream.”

“Here. Water.” Tracey poured a cup from the pitcher on the table and held it to his lips so he could take a few sips. “Don’t try to talk too much. I’ll get the nurse. Be right back.” She stood, ferociously swiping at tears. “Goodness. It’s a birthday miracle.”

The door swung shut behind Tracey. Realizing she’d been clutching Markus’ hand, Viv relaxed her hold before she hurt him.

“Markus, you were in a coma. Dagger’s been arrested. He’s in prison. The email worked. They found all these drugs at that location.”

Now that happiness had overtaken her heart, she cried even more than she had when she’d been miserable.

“And Ryder is safe. Veronica and her family are safe. Everyone is good.”


“Shh. Don’t talk too much. Wait for the doctor to check you out.”


“Really. Don’t exert yourself.”

He pinned her with a stare.

“Will you marry me?”

Her mouth fell open in surprise. She’d expected him to ask about Dagger or the diamonds or their families and friends or how long he’d been unconscious for when he woke up… but she’d never expected this.


“Viv.” Now he was the one gripping her hand. “You’re the love of my life. I promise, the second I get out of this bed, I’ll buy you a ring. Whichever one you want. Right now, this will have to do. Will you marry me?”

“Markus.” She laughed. “Of course I will. You don’t even have to ask.”

His face lit up. “I kind of do need to ask. That’s how it works.”

Still laughing, she leaned down and hugged him.

“The baby?” he asked into her hair.

She sat back up. “Growing perfectly. Everything has been great there.”

“I thought I was dreaming. Until you put my hand on your belly.” His eyes were red and shiny. “And then, I don’t know why, but I knew what I heard was real. It woke me up. I love you, Viv. I’ll be the best husband and father. I promise.”

“I know you will.”

She cupped his face.

The door opened, and Tracey bustled in, a nurse and Doctor Hanson on her heels.

“Welcome back, Markus,” the doctor said, grinning just as big as everyone else. “I’m Doctor Hanson. How are you feeling?”

Markus looked at her, looked at his mom, and looked at Viv—where his gaze lingered. “Doc, I’m feeling pretty damn good.”



Chapter 24






Markus leaned against the wall in Florida State Prison’s visiting room, watching Viv sit across the table from her father. All around them, similar meetings took place. A few were joyful, but he got the sense they were forced. Others were tearful or angry.

At Viv’s table, her dad, a stocky, gray-haired man, spoke solemnly, his hands folded in front of him. Viv’s back was straight. She hadn’t moved once since her father, who she hadn’t seen in years, entered the room.

Markus looked down at his lap. So much sadness and regret in one place.

One wrong move and he could have been even more a part of it. This could have been him, wearing an orange suit, begging for forgiveness or making excuses for the life he chose.

But he’d escaped that by the skin of his teeth. He’d cut ties from that life, and the love of an angel had saved him.

Viv knew he loved her, but he often doubted she would ever fully know the extent of what she’d done for him. Before her, he’d been a man who only wanted to change.

A bell rang, signaling that visiting hour was over. A few security guards moved into the middle of the room, ushering the prisoners forward. Viv’s dad stood, but before he walked away, he looked straight at Markus and waved.

Markus waved back.

Soon as Viv got to him, he wrapped his arm around her waist. Her face was white, and she stared at the ground as they walked from the prison.

At the car, he opened up her door and waited for her to get buckled up before taking his place behind the wheel.

“How’d it go?” He reached for her hand.

She sighed, but it sounded more like an exhale of relief than exasperation.

“Good. Better than I thought it would.”

“That’s great.”

The prison gate lifted for them, and they sped out of the parking lot.

“I told him about you.”

“I figured. He waved.”

“Hm.” She stared at her lap, wearing a little smile. “He said that he’s proud of me. Veronica told him all about my pharma career, so I figured that’s what he meant, but then he said that he’s prouder of me for following my dreams. For taking a job I want, even if it’s not the most high-paying or glamorous.”

She laughed slightly. “He also said that you look like a nice guy, and he wants me to send him a picture of the baby.”

“What’s funny about that?”

She turned her smile on Markus. “He said you look very straight-laced and honest.”

“Straight-laced?” He guffawed. “I’ll take it. So. Do you think you’ll visit him again?”

Her lips twisted. “Yeah,” she said slowly. “But I… I don’t think I can make it a regular thing.”

“I understand.”

“He apologized for all the stuff he did, for not being there for me and Veronica. It was good to hear that, but…” She absentmindedly twisted a lock of hair. “I don’t know that we’ll ever be close. I don’t want to push anything. I think I forgive him.” Her forehead wrinkled. “Does that make sense? Thinking I forgive him but not knowing for sure?”

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