Home > Book Boyfriend

Book Boyfriend
Author: Brooklyn Knight

~Chapter One~



The minute I laid eyes on her, there was no doubt that she was the woman I’d been waiting for my entire life. Even in my mind, that seemed a little bit rash. I’d seen tons of females and probably fucked half of them. Never once had I dared to consider any of them as being The One; but the thought filtered through my mind as I looked at this girl. It wrapped around my emotions and my intellect until it was the only thing I could think of, and the more I gawked, I realized that there was no other way to explain my feelings.

Everything about this girl demanded my attention; the way her lips curved up into a smile, the way her brown eyes were shining. Her hair was long and flowing, cascading down her back like dark, brown rain… And when she started to walk off, my eyes were drawn to the sensual sway of her hips and the way her ass rocked and rolled from side to side.

Who is she?

She had to be a freshman. I’d never seen her on campus before. If she’d been a sophomore like me, or even a senior, I would have noticed her a long time ago. In fact, I probably would have smashed her and made her another notch on my heavy belt.

Nah, she’d have to be more than a notch. Her chin was lifted too high and her shoulders were pushed back too far. She was classy and proud. A girl like this would never allow herself to fall into such a demeaning category. Hell, the more I observed her, the more I considered that I had no real desire to put her in a category like that either.

She was drawing closer to me, and I braced myself for the powerful impact. When she sashayed past, oblivious to my domineering presence, I combed my fingers through my hair and followed. Then, I called after her, desperate to gain her attention, to behold her beauty.

“Excuse me, miss. I don’t mean to disturb you. I can tell you’ve got somewhere to go.”

“I beg your pardon?” She startled to a pause and our eyes locked. Instantly, I free-fell into the glittering brown orbs that were her eyes. My mouth dried up and I opened it to say something, but for the life of me, I couldn’t string a proper sentence together.

This never happens!

Mystery Girl smiled and swiped a strand of hair behind her ear. “I actually do have somewhere to go,” she finally answered, eyes fluttering, like she was forcing herself to keep them on me. “I was… on my way to class.” She pointed over her shoulder. “It starts in a couple of minutes and I don’t want to be late for it.”

“Yeah me too,” I said. “I mean, I was on my way to class too and I don’t want to be late either.”

So fucking smooth…

I moistened my lips, trying to put together a script that was more effective than the one I was currently sputtering. “My name is Evan,” I said, gazing into her face, “but all my friends call me Ev.”

“We’re not friends.”

“But we can be,” I threw back at her. “That’s why I’m introducing myself. I’m hoping we can be friends. At the very least, we can link on social media.”

“I don’t do social media,” she proclaimed. “I’m too busy studying and as far as I can tell, it’s pointless. Friending people who you don’t see, or who don’t speak to you in real life? It’s ridiculous.”

I grinned at her logic.

Mystery Girl wet her lips and my eyes shot to the motion. Damn, I wished I could be on the tip of her tongue.

She paused, still unsure. “It’s… nice to meet you, Ev.”

“Likewise,” I said, noticing that she had yet to share her details. I advanced the conversation. “I noticed you walking by and figured you were new to the school. If you ever need help finding your way around, I’m your guy.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“What’s your name?”

Mystery Girl observed me carefully, and when her gaze slipped over my shoulder, I turned to see what she was looking at. Of course, a group of females, headed by the last person I was trying to bump into, had congregated behind me.

Kelly fucking Jakes.

I clenched my teeth, determined to ignore her and them, but when I turned back to look at Mystery Girl, her jaw was set tighter than mine.

“My name isn’t important,” she presumed, pressing the books closer to her chest, but her titties were so plush, the books were still inches off her body. “But it was certainly nice to meet you, Ev,” she finalized; and then she waved and walked away.

My body tensed as she strode into the distance, hips rolling like waves the entire time.

A female had never dismissed me like this. I’d never not gotten a girl’s name, number or panties. I wanted all three from this one, but she was different, she didn’t play games. She’d probably gotten one look at Kelly and her crew and labeled me as the kind of guy she wanted to stay away from.

I couldn’t blame her. I could blame Kelly.

I turned around to shoot an icy glare in Kelly’s direction, but she’d disappeared. Hopefully she stayed gone, because I was intent on finding Mystery Girl again, and I didn’t need Kelly cock-blocking.



Chapter One






The line was finally dwindling and the realization that my first-ever book signing was coming to an end delivered a bittersweet emotion. It was sweet because I’d experienced an entire day of enthusiastic readers screaming my name, swooning into my face, declaring their undying adoration for both me and my characters. The number of booklovers who’d told me they’d read each of my novels was too many to count. Most of my readers were women, which meant that, even though I’d developed a full complement of characters over the past two years, none resonated so clearly with my fanbase as my dashing hero, Evan Hanson.

Evan was an echelon beyond a deity. I’d created him to be that way: chiseled and toned, with the perfect eyes and the perfect hair. He was as tall as his ego and more charming than the Prince himself. A sprinkle of fairy dust and a wave of my magical Montblanc wand was all it had taken to draft up the sultry god-man. Evan was my prized possession and he was every woman’s dream, both in real life as well as in between the pages.

And that was the one and only problem with him: no matter how much I wrote or how hard I plotted, I couldn’t get his fine ass to settle the hell down. How many heroines had I outlined? Eleven of them! I’d even tried to put him in a ménage situation, thinking if I couldn’t lock him down with one, I’d give him two. Hell, that’s the world we live in, and ménage is hot and sexy; but the bastard hadn’t been interested in any of the women. In fact, in that scene, Evan had awakened the next day and left them in the hotel room to do whatever the hell they wanted – he hadn’t cared and he hadn’t looked back. No woman I could create was sufficient, and now, with another deadline looming, I was dealing with writer’s block like never before.

Damn, Ev.

This was the challenge of being character driven. I could only write what my characters told me to, and if they didn’t speak, I didn’t write. It was literally as plain and as simple as that. The last few months had seen me preoccupied with the book signing and whatever else my manager, Dinah, had slipped into my agenda, but every now and then, I’d try to summon Evan in my mind.

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