Home > Regrets(44)

Author: Nicole Dykes

“Colt’s gone,” P sniffles and looks over at me. “And I want to be with Linc, but I want him to be alive too.”

Mom nods as if she understands that. Maybe it’s a chick thing. “I know you do. You didn’t wish he was gone, Penelope. And he would want happiness for you.”

They hug, and my mother kisses my cheek before she leaves.

“I love you, Linc.” P wraps her arms around my neck, her face still wet with tears.

“I love you.”

“I love your family too. All of them.”

“That’s good. Most of them would trade you for me in a heartbeat.”

She laughs at that and kisses my lips briefly. “Let’s go meet your nephew.”

“He’ll be your nephew someday too, you know?”

P drops her arms and takes my hand. “Oh yeah? Is that a proposal?”

“Not yet, but soon.”

She smiles happily, giving her silent approval as we go outside. Vivienne is chasing Sebastian around the yard. The little boy is running away, stumbling and red-faced from his laughter.

P’s eyes meet mine at the sound, and we both smile.

The perfect, goofy little laugh coming from him tells us both that Colt will live on.



One Year Later



“I love this house.” We moved in as soon as we got back from Kansas. Linc has done amazing things in real estate, and I still work with Lola. Our house is only a few down from hers, right on the beach, overlooking the water.

We keep in touch with Sebastian and Vivienne as much as we can with weekly video calls, and they even came out to visit last month. I’ve grown to love that little boy. I don’t see Colt’s indiscretions when I look at him. I see Colt.

And although he turned out to be human and flawed, I don’t hate him. I’m not angry. I miss him and wish he could be here with all of us. Asher still isn’t a huge fan of Linc and me being together, but I know he’ll come around in time. He needs to find his own way in the world to understand.

“I love the shower.” Linc’s body presses against mine as the spray of our shower rains down on us, washing away all the pain, all the punishment and guilt and leaving just us. “And you naked in it.”

We’ve spent too long with all of it. No more.

“We’re going to be late.” We have to get to the airport to head to Kansas for Nora’s wedding, which I know sounds a little crazy, but she’s happier than I’ve ever seen her be. If there’s anyone who deserves to be happy, it’s Nora. She met a man around her age when she decided to take an art class, but we all tease her because he’s a year younger. Linc loves to call her a cougar. But I know he’s as happy as I am that Nora found someone who deserves her.

His hand sweeps down my side and then back up, cupping my breast and pinching my nipple, his mouth on my neck. “We can hurry. I know how to make you come.”

His other hand guides his cock between my legs as he thrusts inside me, and I use my hands to brace myself in front of me on the shower wall.

“We’ll see.”

“Always a challenge.”

“Would you have it any other way?”

His arm wraps around my waist, pulling our bodies together. “Fuck. No.”

He was right. I was always his. I loved Colt, but it was a young, unexperienced love. I was trying to be someone else, to be perfect.

But with Linc, I only had to be myself.

And I’ll love him for the rest of my life.

No regrets.





Note from the Author



Thank you so much for reading Regrets! I had so much fun writing this story. I was so obsessed with them and just had to write their story the way I wanted to. I know they broke a lot of the traditional rules, but honestly that’s my favorite. Life is messy, and people are flawed. We all make mistakes, especially when we’re young.

I hope you will consider leaving me a review. They truly help!

Thank you so much to Ari, Elle, and Emma for always being there for me. When I tell them I have an idea, they support me fully. I know they will always have my back and have my best interest in mind, and I can promise you and them, I feel the same way. They are my people, and I’m so incredibly grateful for them. They never tell me what I want to hear just to please me. They’re tougher on me than anyone else and I need that. Their brutal honesty is what I thrive on. A special shout out to Ari for making me a real, professional author by getting a newsletter going and running my street team. Thank you so much, Elle, for sending me nightly inspiration that brightens my day and really inspires me. Thank you, Emma, for keeping me so organized. Can’t wait to see beta baby girl.

To Jeanna, I miss you so much and can’t wait until this weird time is over so we can get together. Thank you so much for always being so good to me and making me smile. Alyssa I love you! Thank you for getting excited with me when I send you the covers and teasers.

Special mention to my friend, Amber, you and your family are always in my prayers. I know that Dalton will make it through this, and you are one strong mama! Thank you for your kindness and support!

To my own mama and her friend Darla, love you both! Thank you so much for your kindness. Thank you to my Street team and my ARC team. Thanks also to my editor, Dena; my formatter, Elizabeth; and my cover designer, Veronique for making my books look so pretty.

To my husband (and Ari’s co-manager), thank you for always being my rock. Even if you drive me completely insane, your faith in me is astounding. I love you with all my heart and soul. Forever and always.

To my girls, you are now and will always be my everything.

Finally, to the Novelties, I have no idea why you like me. But I’m so grateful that you do! Thank you for your love and support! I truly care about each and everyone one of you!


Now to the really good stuff! Did you enjoy Ash and Lola Sterling? If you did, I have good news for you! They’ll both be getting their own stories, starting with Ash (and you might have already met his leading lady)!

Go to the next page for a little sneak peek of what’s to come!

Love ya always!




Sneak Peek






I look out the large picture window of the family lake house as the turbulent water of the lake blows around with the wind from an incoming storm.

My mom’s getting married today. Fucking weird.

I actually don’t mind the guy she’s marrying. Anyone is better than my father, and my mom seems happy. After the shit she’s been through over the years, she deserves to be happy.

“Baz! Wait!”

I turn around just in time for my three-year-old nephew, Sebastian, to bear-hug me around my legs. “Uncle Ash!”

I laugh happily as I pat the kid on his tiny shoulder and lean down to look him in the eyes. “Hey, little man. You get away from your mom?”

My nephew is, without a doubt, hands-down, the fucking cutest kid you’ll ever see. And I don’t give a shit if you agree or not. If you don’t, you’re wrong.

His dark brown hair is slicked back, but the unruly cowlick in the middle of his bangs gives us all the defiant finger and remains sticking straight up. This, of course, doesn’t hinder his cuteness in the slightest. He’s wearing navy dress slacks with a crisp, white button-down and suspenders.

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