Home > Full Court Press(10)

Full Court Press(10)
Author: J. Akridge

“I know, buddy. That was pretty cool. I think it’d be super neat if you did. Do you want anything to eat before the game starts?”

“A corn dog and a soda.” I lift a brow at his request for a soda. “It’s my birthday trip.” He shrugs; I stand and ruffle his hair with a laugh.

“Stay with Jen, I’ll be right back.”

The line for the corn dog was extremely long. I managed to miss tip off and I’m pissed I didn’t get to witness the excitement on Carson’s face.

“Kelsi?” I turn to the voice of my name. Layla is passing by with a small group of people.

“Hi. How’re you?” I ask as I move to the small table near the stand where ketchup and mustard are laid out.

“I’m good, how’re you?”

“Good. I brought my son to his first game tonight.” I squeeze enough ketchup to feed a small village, but Carson loves his ketchup so I’d rather not make two trips.

“I think I saw him on the court. With Cal and Landon?” she asks. “I didn’t realize you had a son; I don’t think Landon mentioned it.”

“Yep, that was him. And Landon doesn’t know.” I smile at her as I press the lid shut on the ketchup bottle. “Well, he didn’t know until tonight. I better get back to him. He’s been waiting for this corn dog for a bit.”

“Enjoy the game. If y’all need anything let me know.” She winks then steps away to rejoin her group and I find my way back down to my little boy.

The game is in full force by the time I arrive. I glance at the scoreboard and see that the Hawks are up by eight points. They’re playing Golden State tonight and it looks to be an interesting game from just the minute I’ve seen so far.

Carson reaches for the corn dog and in one quick move he has it dipped in ketchup and has taken a rather large bite. Ketchup drips down his chin and I reach out with an extra napkin I grabbed and catch it before it lands on his jersey.

“So, while you were gone, Landon watched your seat like a hawk,” Jennifer says. I look over to see her leaned back and smirking at me. “He tried to play it off, but he was really curious. Each time he ran by and they scored, or the other team got the ball back, he’d glance over then look up at the entrance then run back down the court.”

“This makes no sense, why would he care where I am?” I take a drink of the soda I got to share with Carson.

“Don’t look now, but he’s watching.” She winks and of course I look. It’s impossible not to look when someone says don’t look. And she was right, Landon Prince is staring right at me.

I’m the one to turn away first. I’m confused by him and, to be honest, I really don’t need this kind of drama or stress in my life. I’m finally happy, I have a cute, little house, very supportive parents, and a perfect little boy. I’m content and it’s taken a long time to feel this way and I’ll be damned if I feel the need to depend on another man, ever again.

I watch the rest of the game, somehow managing not to make eye contact with Landon. I know he still glances our direction because Jennifer looks over at me and grins each time.

They end up winning by three, and the game was extremely intense and exciting, just like the last time.

“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your Atlannnttaaa Hawkkkks!” the announcer shouts as the players shake hands and high five players of the other team. “Now, as always, our favorite portion of the night. The Little Dribblers!”

Several of the Hawks players begin walking around the court, looking into the stands. The Little Dribblers has been a tradition after every home game where the players interact with the kids, allowing them to come onto the court and play a quick game against the pros.

Cal steps toward us, no doubt heading directly for Carson, when Landon puts a hand to his chest and whispers something in his ear. Cal slaps his back then turns another direction, choosing a little brown-haired girl with a sweatband on each wrist and her Hawks jersey hanging to her knees.

Landon continues walking toward our seats and squats to meet Carson’s eyes.

“Hey, man. You wanna play?” Carson looks to me so I nod, then smile at Landon, who gives a slight nod of the head in my direction. Ass.

Carson is in charge of guarding Landon and it is honestly one of the most comical games I’ve ever seen. The players pretend to trip, fall, and roll around just so the kids get the feel of stealing a ball from a few NBA stars. A few of the players even lift the kids up, allowing them to dunk the ball during the game.

Once their game ends, they take a group photo for the Hawks website and social media pages. The arena has nearly emptied by now and only parents remain to collect their kids from the court. Carson runs to me, wrapping his tiny arms around my waist.

“Thank you so much, Momma. This was the best day of my life.” He squeezes me hard before releasing me and tackling Jennifer to thank her for the tickets.

Landon steps beside me, his hands braced on his hips.

“Kelsi.” I lift my head since he is a good foot taller than me and I’m met with those gorgeous gray eyes. Damn those eyes.

“Landon,” I mimic back.

“How’re ya?”

“Good, you?” I’m purposely being short with him and I’m sure he knows it by my answers being vague.

“I’m good.” He runs a hand through his hair awkwardly before releasing a deep breath. He takes a step closer to me and drops his voice so he isn’t overheard. “Listen, can we talk about that morning?”

I glance to where my son is occupied by Jen and Cal, making sure he won’t be able to overhear this conversation.

“I don’t think there is really much to talk about.” I shift so my body blocks his. Well, blocks what it can of him, anyways.

“I didn’t mean to come off so rude that morning, I was just frustrated because I heard you on the phone with your boyfriend, or whatever, and I thought you were just using me to have a quick fuck with an NBA player.”

“Wait, what?” My jaw falls open and my brows shoot clear up to my hairline. “My boyfriend?”

He nods, as if I’m supposed to know who this mysterious boyfriend is he’s talking about. I think back to that night, unsure of where he got the idea that I had a boyfriend. I came to the game with my sister and two friends, went to the after-party with the same ones, ran into Kyle, but surely that isn’t who he thinks is the boyfriend since I left him standing on the dance floor and walked to the VIP section with Landon.

I think about how we fell asleep late that night and I woke up to my phone ringing.

Wait. My phone. That’s it. Carson called that morning asking when I’d be home.

“Are you talking about the phone call I got that morning? The one from Carson?” I turn, tossing my hand out toward my son, who is still oblivious to the conversation we’re having. Thankfully.

“Carson? You were on the phone with Carson? Why didn’t you just tell me that?” He holds his arms out between us.

“I barely knew you. I still barely know you, why would I bring up the topic of my five-year-old son with someone I had just had a one-night stand with? Besides, you were quick to the point throwing me out that morning.”

He thinks about what I’ve said for a second and I can see when realization sets in.

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