Home > Full Court Press(5)

Full Court Press(5)
Author: J. Akridge

The streets are full of people walking, talking, some are dancing. There are street artists set up selling the goofy facial drawings, others are selling handmade jewelry. Every couple of bar fronts you’ll see someone set up with a guitar case playing music to make an extra buck. I always drop a few dollars in when I pass them; their passion shouldn’t go unnoticed.

“Guys, I’m really not sure if this is a good idea,” I mention, hesitant on the events of the night.

“Oh yes, it is, peanut.” My sister giggles at my childhood nickname while I roll my eyes. “We were invited to an NBA after-party, not many can say that has happened to them before, and besides I’m not one to allow the opportunity to go to waste, so we go,” she states in a matter-of-fact way, implying I don’t have a choice. And usually with her, I don’t, so I just go along with whatever scheme she has come up with and deal with the ramifications later.

I groan. I’m really unsure about this but she’s right. I never get any time to myself, not because I don’t have sitters available to keep Carson, but I just feel like he needs me 24/7. It’s only ever just been the two of us, so I make sure he has a constant in his life, aside from my parents and sister.

As we enter the bar, I’m shocked with how clean it actually is. The floors are a black concrete and the walls are composed of exposed brick, giving it an urban feel. Tall metal tables are scattered throughout, and the dance floor is packed. My gaze travels to the left of the room and I notice a staircase with a bouncer positioned at the base.

“That must be where the team meets,” Gabby says beside me. She’s starting to let loose a little. She’s more than likely plotting her next book idea, by the way she is looking around the room. It usually takes her time to come out of her shell but she normally always gets there.

“Let’s head to the bar.” Chrissy grabs my arm and tugs, so I grab onto Gabby, who in turn grabs Jennifer. The crowd is thick, and it takes us nearly five minutes to get through everyone to an opening where the bar is. The bar is full so we attempt to all squeeze into one corner to order our drinks.

The bartender approaches us, the look on his face giving off a vibe that makes me far too uncomfortable. Then again, I haven’t been in a bar in a long time so I could just be overthinking everything.

“What can I get you, baby?” he asks Chrissy, before allowing his gaze to travel to each of us, lingering on me a second too long, causing me to feel even more uncomfortable.

“Beer for me!” Chrissy shouts over the music.

“Make that two,” Jennifer adds.

“And for you?” He turns his attention on Gabby.

“Just a beer is fine,” she says quietly.

His eyes meet mine. “Actually, give us four shots. Your best stuff.” I’m determined to have a fun weekend. I have been away from Carson for two days his entire life, but I know he’s having a blast with my parents and I want to enjoy myself for once.

“Whoa. Okay, sis!” Chrissy’s eyes go wide before she tosses her head back and laughs while Jen stands beside her, eyes wide and mouth hanging wide open.

The bartender slides back down our way, sitting four shots of brown liquid in front of each of us.

“To us, ladies,” Jennifer toasts before clinking her glass with the rest of ours.

“To us,” we each reply. The liquid touches my lips and I immediately know it’s going to burn like hell going down, but I squeeze my eyes shut and swallow the entire glass.

I slam my glass upside down on the counter as I squeeze my eyes shut tight again and wave to the bartender. “Another.”

He makes quick work pouring us four more shots. “To Kelsi getting laid tonight.” I roll my eyes at my sister but clink their glasses anyways as my friends all shout, “To Kels!”

“Let’s dance, bitches.” Jennifer snakes her arm through mine and Gabby’s and we head to the dance floor.

After five songs, the alcohol has set in and I’m feeling the music now. I haven’t danced in a long, long time.

My hands move above my head as my hips move back and forth. Chrissy is in front of me doing a similar dance, I glance to Gabby, who is simply swaying back and forth, staring at people around us. She isn’t one to do big crowds, something about an incident from her past but she has never opened up to any of us about it and we don’t pry, it’s her business and she will tell us when she’s ready. But she wanted to come this weekend since we all rarely get trips like these anymore.

Jennifer has made herself a friend, not that I doubted she would. This is Jen, after all. He’s tall, has blonde hair that’s spiked in the front. His face is buried in her neck, so I don’t get a good look at his features, but they are moving to the music like everyone around them. His hands have hooked around her back and they move down lower, that’s when I turn my attention to the others on the dance floor around me.

I glance up, remembering why we came to this party in the first place, only to be caught by Landon Prince leaning against the railing in the VIP section, staring at me. He’s dressed to impress in a black button-down shirt with the top three buttons left undone. He winks and then pushes back from the railing, tipping his beer bottle as he does. His eyes never leave mine until he’s out of view.

I turn my attention back to my friends. Chrissy is smirking at me, making sure I know she just saw the little exchange.

“Kelsi.” My body stills. My stomach drops. I’d know that voice anywhere.

I risk a glance at my sister, who has stopped dancing and has anger etched in her face. I slowly turn, coming face to face with the one man I couldn’t care less to ever see again.

“Kyle.” I cross my arms, trying to appear unbothered by the fact that my son’s father is now standing in front of me. I haven’t spoken to him in five years. Not since he told me to drive myself to the hospital. He didn’t call, never came by once we left the hospital. I left him one voicemail letting him know we were being released, he didn’t even bother to return that call. Fucking prick.

“How’s our boy?” He smirks, knowing he’s crawling under my skin at the mention of my son.

“Not our boy, Kyle. He’s my boy. You lost that right a long time ago.” I cross my arms over my chest and try to stand tall against him.

“Oh, cut the shit, Kels. You know I didn’t want a fucking kid, but you just had to get knocked up. I saw my out and I took it.”

I falter at his admission. I knew he didn’t want children, but accidents happen, and we got far too drunk one night and forgot a condom, but to hear him flat out say he doesn’t want my son, one of the sweetest boys I’ve ever met, well it hurts. It breaks my heart. Not for me, but for Carson’s sake. I didn’t care to have this man in my life again, but it sucks that Carson has to grow up without a father. I never listed Kyle on the birth certificate and didn’t push the issue with child support because I didn’t want Kyle to have any ties to him, not if he truly didn’t want him. Never showing up for him, proves he didn’t want him.

“Then why the fuck are you here, Kyle?” Chrissy says, stepping up beside me, her hand on the small of my back, giving me assurance to keep going and to not back down.

“It’s a bar, Chrissy. Why the fuck are you here?” He stares my sister down.

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