Home > The Secrets We Keep(25)

The Secrets We Keep(25)
Author: Ella Jade

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Just business.” He turned and smiled at me. “Are you sure I can’t get you lunch? I could have Alec pick something up for us?”

“Maybe.” I patted the bed. “Tell me what’s bothering you and then I’ll consider eating.”

“Oh, are you trying to negotiate with me?” He joined me on the bed, this time he slipped off his shoes and settled in next to me. “Let me hold you for a second. I could use that right now.”

“Was that about the waterfront deal? The one you’ve been working so hard on?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t the right time for me.”

“I know how much you wanted that property.” He didn’t talk much about his business dealings but this one seemed to be front and center. I had wondered if it was more about beating Stan as it was about getting the property.

“I did.” He shrugged. “It’s an excellent deal. It could be profitable for many years.”

“Then why are you backing out?”

“Do you remember that day in the library when I introduced you to Stan?”

“Yes, he was there with his daughter.”

“Grace.” He nodded as a frown formed on his perfect lips. “She’s a freshman in high school. His only child. I don’t know much about his personal life. We’re business rivals not friends.”

“Then why does it sound like you’re backing off to let him win?”

“I found out Grace has leukemia.”

“Oh.” I gasped because no parent wants to hear that news. “That’s terrible.”

“I can only imagine.” His body tensed when he spoke. “Stan isn’t as savvy when it comes to business as I am. He makes a lot of poor choices and continues to put himself in debt. He tries but it doesn’t always work out for him. He makes my job that much easier.”

“If he gets this property, it could turn things around for him?” Xavier, the media is so wrong about you. You’re not a shrew bastard.

“Financially.” He stared at the ceiling. “I’m not sure about Grace’s condition, only that he’s been preoccupied the last few weeks. Maybe if I ease the financial burden for Stan that will help in some small way.”

“You’d walk away from the deal in order to help him?” I love this man.

“It’s only money and I have plenty of it. If my daughter was sick, I don’t know what I would do. How I would react but my mind would not be on my work. I would do everything in my power to make sure she was going to get better. You know, if I had a daughter.”

“I know you would.” I rested my head on his chest. “What you’re doing for Stan and his family is beautiful.”

“I walked away from a deal. Stan will never know why I did that.”

“You will.” I kissed his neck. “I will.”

“I want to help.”

“You know how you judge a person’s character?” I asked.


“By the things they do when no one is watching.”

“Don’t do that.”

“What?” I pressed him because he did so much for Zoey and I. He needed to know the man I saw in front of me. “Praise you?”

“I don’t deserve praise. I’m ruthless and determined to get what I want. It’s not always a good thing. People don’t usually understand my motives or methods. It’s how I win. They don’t see me coming.”

“Today you did a good thing for Stan.” I closed my eyes, feeling a bit groggy from the cold meds. “You do good things for me and Zoey all the time.” I cuddled deeper into his chest, slipping into a relaxed state, feeling safe and secure in his arms. “You’re a good man. The only man I would ever trust with Zoey.”

“Kara? I…”

I drifted off, too tired to talk anymore.









Adrian stood from the conference table in my office, tablet in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She was settling into her role here with dignity and confidence. It was a pleasure to witness. Dare I say it, but she was the best assistant I’d ever had. Maybe things changed when I met Kara. There was no maybe about it. Kara had changed me. I was a better man than I was six months ago. Luckily for me, Adrian decided to stick it out.

“Is there anything else?” she asked.



“No, one for Zoey and one for Kara.”

“Are you taking a trip?” My assistant appeared shocked.

“A bit of business and pleasure,” I said. “I need to go to London in the spring and Kara and Zoey will be joining me. They don’t have passports. I told Kara you would get the ball rolling for her.”

“Of course.” She smiled. “That’s an amazing trip. Zoey is going to learn so much.”

“Have you ever been to London?”

“It’s on my bucket list.”

“Would you like to cross it off?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll be setting up several meetings while we’re there. I think it would be appropriate for you to join us. You could assist me and make it a vacation when we’re done. Bring a friend if you’d like. I’ll take care of your expenses.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Have you known me to kid much?”

“Ah, no, I’m sorry.”

“I’m kidding.”

“Oh.” She let out an uneasy laugh.

I still frightened her. I’d have to work on that. “We’ll discuss it later but if you don’t have a current passport, look into it for you as well.”

“Yes, thank you.” When she opened my office door, she whispered. “Wonderful.”

“What is it?” I glanced over her shoulder.

“Kate’s in the lobby.”

“Wonderful is right.” I took my glasses off and put them on my desk. “Show her in. She’ll only cause a scene if you don’t.”

“Are you sure? I could try to get rid of her.”

“I appreciate it but no. Whatever she wants, it’s best to hear it now.”

“Ms. Hightower,” Adrian greeted her. “Mr. Trapp has a few minutes and can see you now.”

“How lovely.” She looked my assistant over. “I can’t believe you’re still working here. The benefits must be pretty appealing.”

“It’s the best job I’ve ever had.” Adrian smiled at me before closing the door.

“Are you sleeping with your assistant?” Kate sat down. “How cliché of you?”

“Did you come here to discuss my sex life?” I sat in my chair, wanting to cut the small talk. “Somehow, I doubt that.”

“Did I hit a sore subject?”

“I’m extremely busy, so if you’ll get to the point, I’d appreciate it.”

“You’re abrupt but I can forgive that today.”

“Why is that?”

“You found her.”

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