Home > Long Live The King Anthology(211)

Long Live The King Anthology(211)
Author: Vivian Wood

“You will.” I’m doing a bit of delving on my own. Normally, I pride myself on my seduction techniques. I can have a person on the verge of orgasm just by undressing them when I’m feeling inspired. I love to hold off and tease until pleasure becomes pain becomes pleasure again.

I have none of that finesse tonight.

I need him inside me and I need it now. My hands actually shake as I yank open his pants and reach inside for his cock. And, oh god, he’s even bigger than I anticipated. “I need you.”

He catches my wrist, a frown marring his perfect blond brows. “You don’t have to.”

“Hercules.” I fight his hold to give him a rough stroke that makes a muscle tick in his jaw. “I want to ride your cock. I want you deep and hard inside me, and I want us both to come like that.” When he doesn’t release me, I go in for the kill. “Let me fuck you, Hercules. Now.”

Just like that, he’s mine.

He manages to get his pants off without totally dislodging me, but it’s fine because I’m too busy yanking off my dress to care about the awkwardness of this. Ten years of playing with Carver City’s sexual elite, and I’m fumbling over myself like a teenager.

I dig through the decorative cabinet next to the couch and find a condom. He raises his brows at that but doesn’t comment as I rip the packet open and roll it onto his cock. “Hurry, hurry, hurry.”

“We don’t have to rush.”

“Speak for yourself.”

His low laugh has my whole body clenching. Hercules catches me around the waist and pulls me closer with one arm while he uses the other hand to position himself at my entrance. “I’ll go slow.”

“I don’t want you to.” I slam down on him and, holy shit, maybe I should have given myself a little bit to adjust to his size. I rock and writhe, but he bands an arm around my waist and seals us together completely.

“Meg.” He sounds just as desperate as I feel.

I run my hands up his chest and meet his gaze. His blue eyes have darkened to near-black, as if his iris swallowed all the color up. Gone is the sweetness that attracted and repelled me in equal measures. This creature is all man, and he’s more than a little smug as he takes in my expression. I can only begin to guess what he sees written across my face, but it pleases him.

“I want you to fuck me.” My command comes out a little breathy, but I can’t help it. Not with him filling me so perfectly.

“I am fucking you.”

I roll my hips, managing a tiny bit of delicious friction. Not enough. Not for what I need, not for what I suspect we both need. I take his chin and hold his gaze. “Fuck me, Hercules. Hard. I promise I won’t break.”

The words are barely out of my mouth when he pulls me off his cock and all but tosses me down onto the couch on my stomach. Then he’s between my thighs again, urging my ass up and guiding his cock back into me. I start to rise up, but his hand on the flat of my back stops me.

Dirty boy.

He grips my hips and gives a few experimental thrusts, testing me. If only he knew. I shove back against each one, until he’s so deep, I’m half sure I can feel his cock in the back of my throat. “Yes.”

That’s when I realize he’s been holding back. Because when he starts to move, there’s no mercy for me. It’s fine. I don’t want it. If I wanted something soft and sweet… but then, I never do. This is neither, and it’s perfect in every way. Just down and dirty fucking, each stroke hitting me exactly where I need it. It’s been so long since I had anything resembling vanilla, I had almost forgotten I can get this need met without kink involved.

Except kink is involved.

Hercules might not know it, but he’s Hades’s proxy in this. Fucking me because my Sir commanded it.

And just like that, I’m coming. My orgasm draws a cry from my lips, and Hercules shoves deep, fucking me in short pumps that draw it out for long seconds. When I think I can’t bear any more, when I’m about to beg for mercy, he follows me over the edge, my name on his lips.

He flops down next to me on the couch. “Damn.”

“Damn is right,” I murmur. I can’t think past the racing of my heart. I didn’t expect this. I never could have anticipated it.

“Did I hurt you?” I can actually feel his hesitance trying to take hold again.

I press back against him with a grin. “Not even a little bit.”


I turn and drape one leg over his hip. He dwarfs me, and his big hand settling on my hip makes me feel almost dainty. It would be the easiest thing in the world for him to dominate me physically, but he has this unsure look on his pretty face, as if he expects to be kicked. And not in a fun way. I run my hands up his chest and cup his face. “Hercules, you followed orders beautifully.”

Something in him relaxes at that and he pulls me closer, though it almost feels like I’m a teddy bear that he’s using for comfort, rather than the woman he just fucked hard and dirty. I don’t mind. Aftercare is part of the process, even if it was an almost-vanilla scene. I let him cuddle me and allow myself to enjoy this moment for what it is.

A beautiful man just made me come and now is looking to me for comfort. No games on his part. No walls. The sheer simplicity of it soothes me in a way I couldn’t anticipate. I stroke my hand down his arm. “No regrets?”

“No regrets,” he breathes. “I just kind of can’t believe this happened.”

I laugh and arch against him, feeling more relaxed than I have been in ages. “Oh, it happened. And it was good.”

“Meg,” he says slowly.


He reaches between us and drags his hand down the center of my body. “I could call you a car.” He traces me with a blunt finger, pushing inside and dragging my wetness up around my clit.

“You could.” I’m practically quivering as he does that move again. It’s nowhere near enough to get me anywhere close to orgasm, but it feels good. So freaking good.

“Or…” He licks my ear in almost the exact same spot Hades did earlier tonight. “Or I could eat your pussy again. You stopped me before I was finished with you.”

I shouldn’t… Then again, I shouldn’t do a lot of things I really enjoy doing. “That’s quite the decision to make.” I roll onto my back, taking him with me. “I suppose it’s a reasonable request considering how much I enjoyed you fucking me like I asked.”

“Totally reasonable.” He urges me high on the couch so I’m sitting and he’s stretched out between my spread thighs. He gives me a wicked grin that has butterflies with razor sharp wings erupting in my stomach. “I like you, Meg.”

“I like you too, Hercules.” I can’t resist sifting my fingers through his light hair as he dips down and gives my pussy an open-mouthed kiss. I can’t get enough of the sight of the sheer bliss on his face as he explores me with his tongue. Now that we’ve both taken the edge off, he’s got a little better control, but it couldn’t be clearer that he’s thoroughly enjoying himself. Pleasure winds through me, and I tug on his hair to guide him back to my clit. “Make me come again.”

This time, he doesn’t tease. He follows my order fucking beautifully, working my clit skillfully as he brings me closer and closer to the edge. He doesn’t slow down, he doesn’t stop, simply goes after me with a single-minded determination I might find frightening if my pleasure wasn’t his aim.

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