Home > Long Live The King Anthology(464)

Long Live The King Anthology(464)
Author: Vivian Wood

“I do.”

“So how exactly do you plan to get us away from all the media? I think the minute they know we are engaged, there will be no escaping them. They’ll be camped outside in the front yard.”

“We’ll be going away for a period of time,” I said as if it were a fact and not asking if she wanted to or not.


“I’ll explain over dinner,” I said, ushering her toward the door.





Roman had always been a bossy son of a bitch—part of his makeup as being born into royalty—but age seemed to morph his bossiness to dominance. Sexy as fuck dominance.

The drive to St. Charles Street didn’t take long, and we had sat in silence the entire way. Roman was in the middle of texting, and from the look on his face, it seemed important enough for me to not bother him or give him a hard time for using his phone in my presence. Prince Roman was no longer the child I remembered. He was now a businessman, and obviously a powerful man. I was going to have to get used to that fact, and that his work would have to play a part in our new daily lives. I also didn’t mind the silence. It gave me time to really process everything that was about to happen in my life. I had just agreed to marry a man I had loved my entire life. But he was no ordinary man, and did not lead the life of a normal man. My entire world was about to become organized chaos.

A deep groan erupted from the depths of my chest as we pulled up in front of the restaurant. There were at least twenty or so photographers standing ready with cameras in hand. The flashing had already begun as if they could sense the black town car belonged to us—though I was pretty sure Silas had already tipped them off that we would be arriving and at what time.

“The driver is going to open our door, and security will be waiting to guide us in. I will step out first and reach for your hand. Reach for me with your left hand. We want the first thing they take a photo of to be the diamond ring. As soon as they see it, which will be immediately, they will start asking questions. Don’t answer them. It will be hard to see with all the flashes, so just smile and stare ahead. I will guide you inside and security will be on both sides of us so no one can get too close. Remember, don’t answer any questions or say anything at all. Just walk as if you can’t hear them or see them. Don’t look at them. Just straight ahead or at me,” Roman instructed when the car came to a stop.

I was grateful for the tinted windows to allow me a minute to gather my courage. I had had my picture taken in the past whenever I was in the presence of the royal family, but it had been a long time ago. Plus, this time would be different. All eyes would be on me.

“I don’t know that I can do this,” I confessed. I was about to ask for the driver to keep going when Roman took my face into the palms of his hands.

Staring into my eyes, he said softly, “You can. I will be with you every step of the way. No one is going to hurt you or even come near you. I won’t allow anything to happen. I give you my word on that.”

I nodded, but my heart beat so hard in my chest, I worried that Roman would practically have to carry me inside due to me fainting.

“Once we’re inside the restaurant, the media won’t be allowed to follow. But be aware that there will be several people using their phones to capture our every move. Some will be media professionals acting as patrons, and others will be diners who will upload the video or sell it the minute they can. Don’t let your guard down. Just look at me. Tune everyone else out,” he continued with his firm guidance.

I nodded and swallowed hard. Roman reached out for my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I took a deep breath and said, “I’m ready.”

The car door opened.

My left hand extended.

I clung to Roman as if my life depended on it.

I smiled.

But nothing could have prepared me for the colossal tidal wave that crashed down upon me. The deafening sound of clicking cameras had my head spinning. The shouts from the photographers were so plentiful that I wouldn’t have been able to answer one question even if I hadn’t been instructed to remain silent. If I hadn’t been guided by Roman’s hand wrapped securely around me, I don’t think I would have made it to the entrance of the restaurant. The flashing lights were blinding, and I struggled to keep my eyes open against the brightness.

“Is that an engagement ring?”

“Are you two engaged?”

“Who is the mystery woman?”

“Prince Roman, are you finally settling down?”

“Will there be a royal wedding sometime soon?”

“What does King Cassian say about the future princess?”

Roman tightened his hold around my lower ribcage and leaned his lips down to my ear. I thought I heard him whisper, “Almost there. You’re doing great. You’re a natural.”

Natural? Never. Never could I ever get used to this madness. But as I glanced up to look upon Roman’s flawless face, and his fake but perfect smile, I knew this was a madness I was willing to live for him. He was my Prince Charming in this dark lunacy, and I would wear my tiara proudly.

We were ushered to a table toward the rear of the room. I could feel the eyes of the diners searing into my exposed flesh. I knew every single inch of me was being judged. Why was I the lucky one chosen to marry a prince? Why did he choose me out of all the women he could choose in the world? What did I have that they didn’t?

Hell if I knew the answer to those questions.

Roman pulled my chair out for me and kissed me lightly on the cheek before I sat. He then took his seat and for the first time since exiting the car, I took a deep breath and smiled. A real smile.

“That was pure insanity,” I said. “Is this really your life?” I tried to keep my voice down, but luckily the diners had gone back to their own conversations, so there was a nice safe hum to the room and my voice wouldn’t be heard by anyone other than Roman.

He returned the smile. “I know this is hard to believe, but you get used to it.”

“I can’t see that happening.”

“You will. It sucks, and it definitely changes how I have to live my life, but there are perks as well.”

“You get to live like a king,” I said as I reached for the glass of water in front of me to help soothe the lump that had remained there since the media circus.

“Yes, I get to live like a king.”

“All of this makes me miss Costa Rica. It was quiet there. Relaxing.”

The waiter came to our table and Roman quickly ordered us a bottle of wine, some appetizers and even our dinner. He rambled everything off so quickly that I wasn’t even aware of what I was going to eat. For a split second, the feminist in me got fired up, but the romantic part of me soothed the flames. Roman could be an arrogant prick at times, but the man was a gentleman through and through. Etiquette and manners ran through his veins and had been inbred in his core. The man knew how to treat a lady.

Once the waiter left with our order, he said, “I promise we will vacation in Costa Rica so you won’t miss it for long. It may be shocking to believe this since I’ve traveled most of the world, but I have actually never been there before.” He paused for a moment as his gaze bore into mine. “Why did you go?”

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