Home > Unexpected Turn(34)

Unexpected Turn(34)
Author: CY Jones

“Hey, sleepyhead,” he whispers when he sees I’m awake.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so tired,” I say, sitting up. The book I was reading lays open on my chest and Tyson picks it up, reading the title.

“Litigation Law, well that would put anyone to sleep,” he teases. Rolling my eyes, I snatch the book from him and cross my arms, holding it to my chest like it’s a prized treasure.

“It’s not boring,” I reply defensively, which makes him smile.

“You are so cute when you get all serious about law.”

“How was your day, dear?” I ask, wanting to change the subject. Joking with him about law just brings up memories of me learning in his father’s office. A place I’ll never see again.

“Dear, I think I like that. It makes me feel like I’m owned,” he answers instead.

“And you’re not?” I ask, raising my brow.

“Oh, I am,” he says moving closer. “I just didn’t think you did.” He’s so close to me and all I want to do is close the distance, but something is holding me back. No, not something, but someone. Stupid McHottie is always there. A plague that hangs out in the back of my mind waiting for the right moment to consume me, making himself another obstacle from moving onto the next step of my life like with Maxamillian and Mary. Yes, I know my history too.

He sees my indecision, but doesn’t push me, which I’m thankful for. “You know, jewel. I’m in very unfamiliar territory by denying myself what I want.” His voice is very seductive and I squirm beside him, hating myself for not being able to take the next step, but it still doesn’t stop me from playing along.

“And what is it that you want?" I ask him, looking directly in his blue gaze of fire.

“For starters, you naked, spread out on this chaise with my head between your legs, making you writhe and moan, shouting out my name for all of New York to hear.” Well, fuck. Damn, it’s hot in here. Knowing he’s affecting me, he grabs my hip, pulling me closer. At the same time, he feathers his thumb across my hip as he keeps his prize in sight, but not quite reaching for it.

Gulping hard, I ask, “And afterwards,” because I’m a glutton for punishment.

“Afterwards, when you’ve come down from your high, I’ll pick you up, naked, in my arms and carry you to my room where I’ll do naughty things to your body all night long and the next morning when you go back to work, you’ll be completely hoarse and will only be able to communicate to our clients using sign language. I have to say answering the phones will be quite a bitch, but,” he stops all dramatically and shit before leaning mere centimeters from my lips. “I won’t touch you until you are sure you’ll give me all of you, because once you do, there’s no going back.”

“Well, I already see a flaw in your little scenario as in I have no job to go back to,” I tell him, ignoring the giving in part. A lot needs to happen before I do that, like burn McHottie and his dick from my brain.

“Didn’t I tell you in the car? Grayson covered for you so you still have a job.”

“What?” I shout, jumping back, and I almost fall off the leather chaise. If it weren’t for Tyson grabbing my arm in time, I probably would have. “I slapped him, in front of witnesses. There’s no way your father is letting that slide.”

“Apparently he is as you still have a job.”

“This doesn’t make any sense,” I mutter.

“I was in Grayson’s office when the HR rep came to see him. He told him you fell and accidentally slapped him when he tried to steady you.”

“And they believed that?” I asked incredulously. That had to be like the lamest excuse ever.

“Probably not, but it’s Grayson’s word against everyone else. When the HR rep left, Grayson told my father you two had a disagreement and it was his fault you hit him in the first place. Since my father values Grayson’s judgement, he let it slide, but you’re on thin ice. There will be no more warnings, something I’m sure my father will tell you himself tomorrow morning in his office.”

“Wow, that’s just, wow. I never thought Grayson would speak up for me.”

“I admit I was surprised myself, but I can see he cares for you, so why wouldn’t he?”

“No, he doesn’t. I’m just a business transaction to him...,” I reply a bit sourly before I’m interrupted.

“Jewel, love, I’ve seen your contract. I know you fucked him to make the kid that’s currently living inside you. I don’t know when or maybe you don’t realize it yourself, but somewhere between lust and love, you two fell for each other.” What the hell? Did Grayson spill the beans? No, yapping his gums isn’t his style. If Tyson saw my contract, he had to have snooped on his own. He knows the truth yet he’s not running away in the other direction, screaming how screwed up I am; no, instead he’s standing steady right in my path, ready to catch me when Grayson tosses me aside. Why? I just don’t get Tyson.

“And yet you still want to be with me,” I tell him instead of denying his words are untrue. I know he’s telling me the truth. The jealousy, the not being able to stop thinking of McHottie, even now when I should be cursing the day Grayson was born, I want to hold him in my arms and tell him how fucking sorry I am.

“Yes, because Grayson isn’t who you need, I am. He loves his wife and no matter how hard you try, how much he comes to care for you, love you even, he’ll never leave Nichole for you. It’s better to stop this crazy ride before you find yourself in so deep you won’t be able to climb out. Let me be the ladder in your life. Let me help you.”

I don’t say anything, and I guess he wasn’t expecting an answer because he stands, pulling me with him as he walks me across the hall and into his bedroom. “Lay down, you have an early day tomorrow and today was an exhausting one,” he says softly and I follow his orders with no complaints. Once I’m comfy in his bed, I watch him undress and commit his perfect body to memory. Tyson is perfection and not at all shy about revealing himself to me, or the impressive hard on he is sporting. When he turns towards the bathroom, I can’t take my eyes off his perfect glutes until they disappear behind the door when he shuts it.

I’m already here. Would giving myself to Tyson be so bad?









The next day, Tyson drives me to work since my car is still out of commission while his mechanic takes care of the tracker. Even though I was walking in with Tyson, and it was fairly early, I still felt like everyone's eyes were on me. I know they had to have heard what happened yesterday. This place was worse than gossiping teenagers, nothing is kept secret for long. I even saw my new enemy Nancy at my desk, readying it for the day.

“Jade, I didn’t think you’d be here today,” she says shocked when she sees me glaring over at her. She probably didn’t expect to see me at all, period. Does she have any shame? She didn’t wait long to pounce.

Reading my mind, Tyson tells her, “No need for you to make yourself at home. Jade isn’t going anywhere.” She gives him a tight smile before giving me a not so nice look as she gathers her shit. When she turns to go to her floor, she bumps my arm hard before giving me a halfass apology she doesn’t really mean.

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