Home > Unexpected Turn(35)

Unexpected Turn(35)
Author: CY Jones

“Bitch,” I mumble under my breath, but Tyson still hears me and gives me a tender kiss before he walks off. I’m standing there dazed when Mr. Garfield walks in, muttering morning pleasantries.

“Jade, can I see you in my office?” he asks and my heart races. I knew he would want to see me so I don’t know why I am so scared. Maybe it’s because I hate that I disappointed him. I swear this place is making me soft. I need to dig up that tough Jersey girl McHottie tried to bury alive.

“Sure thing, boss man,” I answer with a forced smile that doesn’t reach my eyes.

I don’t know why I feel like I’m walking towards my execution as I take the same steps to Mr. Garfield’s office I take almost everyday. When I reach his door, I knock and wait for him to call me in. When he does, I notice that Tyson is nowhere to be seen and that his father wanted to talk to me alone. Well fuck, that’s not good. What if he fires me anyways despite Tyson’s reassurances?

“Take a seat, Jade,” he says in a no nonsense tone. When I’m seated, he looks at me for quite a while before speaking, making me squirm in the expensive leather, wingback chair.

“I’m sure you know why I asked you in here,” he starts.

“I do,” I answer.

“Do you know what makes this firm so successful?” he asks, confusing me.

“Umm, no, not really,” I answer.

“You wouldn’t know it from first meeting us, but each of my partners are ruthless and well educated. It’s my company that coined the saying ‘sharks in the water’. We are those sharks, and to be so, we had to do many things. In our business, it’s instrumental we know our craft. We have to be able to anticipate any situation and case that comes our way so we can come up with the perfect solution to move forward. It’s not enough to be book smart, we also need to be able to read people, know who we are going against. That’s a trait that cannot be taught. You have to have been born with it. My top workers are handpicked from a pool I pay close attention to, and I do not waste my time on just anybody. I noticed from the first second you started working here that you, my dear, have what it takes, and if you only apply yourself, you can be something remarkable. When Nancy was messing with you, you did not complain or look for someone to solve the problem for you. You took the matter in your own hands and worked with the cards you were dealt and succeeded. I can teach you law all day, but it’s up to you to mold yourself to be successful. Distractions are costly. Do you get what I’m telling you?”

Nodding, I reply, “I think I do.” McHottie is a distraction. A distraction I can’t afford to keep.

“Good, good. So my son tells me you’re living with him now. I did not think your relationship progressed that far.”

I’m sure if I had a cup of coffee I’d be spitting it out all over his expensive desk. Did Tyson have to be that forthcoming to his father?

“Don’t look so shocked,” he chuckles. “I know everything going on in my son’s life. Do you think a beautiful woman moving in with him would escape my notice? If he didn’t tell me, I would have found out anyways.”

“Well..um, sir...you see I haven’t actually moved in yet. I mean he asked, and I stayed over last night.” Oh my God, Jade, shut the fuck up, I chastise myself. I’m completely embarrassing myself. Here Garfield is lecturing me about distractions and I’m being affected by one as well as being just that, a distraction to his son at the same time. Garfield suddenly laughs at how uncomfortable I am and reaches over, placing his hand over mine and gives it a slight squeeze.

“I’m glad he’s finally settling down. I’m sure you two will be good for one another. What do they call it nowadays? A power couple.” I smile at that, finally at ease from this first morning back.

For the next hour, Garfield goes over where we left off. Turns out, reading about litigation law came in handy and I was able to follow along and share what I read. Learning with Garfield is always interesting, and when I leave his office, I am beaming until I see nasty Nancy waiting on me at my desk.

“Are you fucking Mr. Garfield too? You’re such a slut. Keeping it in the family, huh?” Her nasally voice makes me want to punch her, but I rein in my anger. A step up from yesterday.

“How do you figure that? According to you, I’m also fucking Grayson and the last time I checked, he’s not related,” I snark and she narrows her eyes on me.

“Just so you know, I’m watching you. This little innocent act you got going on won’t last long, and soon everybody will know just how much of a whore you really are, then they’ll be kicking you out of here and onto the streets where you belong.”

Thinking about what Garfield told me, I turn to her. “You know what, Nancy? Watch, snap a picture, I really don’t give a shit. You’re jealous over a desk job, which shows just how pitiful you are to settle on something so insignificant. I see bigger things in my future, but don’t worry, once I leave to achieve those things, you’ll be the first person I recommend to run the front desk.” With that, I dismiss her, going on with my work like she isn't there. Garfield is right. Nancy is merely a distraction, one of the many in my life trying to prevent me from becoming great.

The rest of the day passes by quickly. Grayson never came into the office. He and Lewis have been in court all day. Apparently, their case was right at the thick of things. I also wasn’t asked to bring anything to them, which was good. Tyson treated me to a nice lunch, leaving me with a sweet, teasing kiss before he had to go to the courthouse himself. Unlike his father, who deals with criminal cases, Tyson is actually a kickass family attorney, which doesn’t surprise me with how passionate he is. I would love to see one of his opening or closing arguments in court one day, or just watch him period. After I have the baby, I was thinking of going the prosecutor route. I think I’m better at proving that people are guilty. I could never do family law filled with petty divorces ripping people’s families apart. No, I’d like to go after criminals and put them where they belong.

“I have a present for you,” Tyson says once he’s back.

“Another. Haven’t I had enough with this?” I ask, showing him my arm.

“That was yesterday’s present. Today is a new day. Now, smartass, close your eyes and hold your hand out.”

“Tyson,” I gasp. “I thought I was your jewel.”

“Jade,” he groans all serious like and I laugh before doing as he asks. When I feel something cold in my hands, I open my eyes to see a familiar keyfob resting in my palm.

“Is it really a gift if it’s already mine?” I question, raising my brow.

“Technically, it’s new since the tracker has been removed and your every move is no longer being monitored.”

“I’m doubtful the Hastings have been monitoring my every move. They probably haven’t paid the tracker any attention until Grayson mentioned it to you yesterday so you could find me.”

“Well, now they can’t at all. Anyways, I wanted you to have your own car here. I have to work late getting things ready for a case I have in the morning and don’t have time to drive you home.”

“Oh,” I say, disappointed. When the hell did I turn into that girl? You know the type? The ones who act like they can’t do anything without a man. “It’s fine. I have to go by my place and pack some clothes anyways. I don’t think your father would look kindly on me wearing the same dress to work for the third day in a row, and then I need to go by the gym and meet my new trainer. I bailed on him yesterday by not showing up.”

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